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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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I can never quite get past the fact these people who are deeply self conscious about their genital mushrooms etc are willing to have their leaky disfigured bits broadcast on national television. Like an embarrassing vagina, it all seems a bit fishy.


Often, these people can't afford the special treatments they get in this show and so they have to throw themselves into the telly machine. Take the guy who didn't have half his face. He was at the end of his tether and had exhausted all options in the NHS so this show allowed him to get an experimental nylon facial prosthetic which has transformed his life.

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Often, these people can't afford the special treatments they get in this show and so they have to throw themselves into the telly machine. Take the guy who didn't have half his face. He was at the end of his tether and had exhausted all options in the NHS so this show allowed him to get an experimental nylon facial prosthetic which has transformed his life.

I feel guilty for commenting on that lady's Odlum's excretions. :(

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I turned over once to watch Black Mirror, which would be starting in a few minutes, only to be confronted with a 3 foot wide HD close-up of a tiny glistening micropenis.


Did you finish off in time to catch the start of Black Mirror though?

Edited by Loki
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I noticed there's some sort of Zombie thing on tv right now called Death Valley. Has anyone seen it? Is it any good?

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Luther. I'm finding it very hit and miss. I've watched all episodes in the space of a week (not hard really, there's like 14 episodes total), and watched the latest episode last night. This current series is the most frustrating by far, they've seemed to have adopted Hollywood Horror storytelling as well as some baffling and shit writing in other areas. A couple of examples.


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

I think it was the first episode of this series where there's a couple in bed and they hear cat noises coming from the loft. The guy pulls down the ladders and climbs up, stares at what is clearly a bloke sitting down on a chair with a plastic sheet over him (it's you're loft mate. If you didn't put the bald bloke up there clearly someone has broken in) for about 15 seconds. The bloke gets attacked and has his head rammed through the ceiling and into the bedroom where the wife is waiting terrified. She runs out the room, heads towards the front door but it's blocked by the loft ladders. Instead of pulling them up out of the way, or even squeezing past them, she turns and hides in a cupboard with no other means of escape. Fuck off you idiot.


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Same part of the story but I think the second episode, two girls have just returned from work. One of the girls thinks she hears a noise in a bedroom, she thinks nothing of it and leaves it. Fair enough. A little later she's in the bathroom and can seems a shadow moving past the door window and up the hallway. She calls out to her friend but she is down stairs. Again she shrugs it off. I would probably be a little bit more cautious at this point. A couple of minutes later they both hear banging from upstairs. This is the point that, having already heard a noise and seen a shadow of someone, you realise someone else is in the house and you should leave. She decides to find out what it is saying the noises are the just the house settling. Fuck off you idiot.


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Same episode, same scene, Luther brings a third girl to harm by having her go up to her room whilst he hides and waits for the intruder. hy the fuck would you do that? You've already got the girl to call out to entice the intruder, now you tell her to leave and wait for the police whilst you wait for the guy. Why would you put the girl in a situation that has high potential of getting out of hand and putting her life at risk? Fuck off you idiot.


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Last nights episode, vigilante killer turns cop killer because he couldn't get through a metal fence. After he kills the cop, he escapes through the metal fence. Shit writing.


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It's a shame because I have been enjoying it, but as I've said, this series has been really frustrating at times.

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I know it's hardly new out and far from cutting edge telly, but fuck me is Storage Hunters watchable. It's right up there now with the likes of Friends in terms of 30 minute programmes you've seen 100 times but can easily watch over and over again when there's nothing else on.


Sean Kelly the auctioneer makes the whole thing tick over, seems to be a really nice guy, and funny too. I had no idea he was a stand up, any of the comedy connoisseurs on here seen any of his stuff? The simple gag of calling bidders by the names of celebrities they bear a passing resemblence too is always amusing and the regulars are a good bunch of characters, although my favourite without doubt would have to be T-Money who comes out with some brilliant stuff.


It's one of those brilliant examples of terrible editing and non existent continuity with people starting and finishing sentences in a completely different tone of voice, and i reckon it takes some fucking skill to film in a confined space and not reveal any of a giant antique tractor as the tarpauline gets pulled off.

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Luther. I'm finding it very hit and miss. I've watched all episodes in the space of a week (not hard really, there's like 14 episodes total), and watched the latest episode last night. This current series is the most frustrating by far, they've seemed to have adopted Hollywood Horror storytelling as well as some baffling and shit writing in other areas. A couple of examples.


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

I think it was the first episode of this series where there's a couple in bed and they hear cat noises coming from the loft. The guy pulls down the ladders and climbs up, stares at what is clearly a bloke sitting down on a chair with a plastic sheet over him (it's you're loft mate. If you didn't put the bald bloke up there clearly someone has broken in) for about 15 seconds. The bloke gets attacked and has his head rammed through the ceiling and into the bedroom where the wife is waiting terrified. She runs out the room, heads towards the front door but it's blocked by the loft ladders. Instead of pulling them up out of the way, or even squeezing past them, she turns and hides in a cupboard with no other means of escape. Fuck off you idiot.


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Same part of the story but I think the second episode, two girls have just returned from work. One of the girls thinks she hears a noise in a bedroom, she thinks nothing of it and leaves it. Fair enough. A little later she's in the bathroom and can seems a shadow moving past the door window and up the hallway. She calls out to her friend but she is down stairs. Again she shrugs it off. I would probably be a little bit more cautious at this point. A couple of minutes later they both hear banging from upstairs. This is the point that, having already heard a noise and seen a shadow of someone, you realise someone else is in the house and you should leave. She decides to find out what it is saying the noises are the just the house settling. Fuck off you idiot.


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<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Same episode, same scene, Luther brings a third girl to harm by having her go up to her room whilst he hides and waits for the intruder. hy the fuck would you do that? You've already got the girl to call out to entice the intruder, now you tell her to leave and wait for the police whilst you wait for the guy. Why would you put the girl in a situation that has high potential of getting out of hand and putting her life at risk? Fuck off you idiot.


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Last nights episode, vigilante killer turns cop killer because he couldn't get through a metal fence. After he kills the cop, he escapes through the metal fence. Shit writing.


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It's a shame because I have been enjoying it, but as I've said, this series has been really frustrating at times.


Stop over thinking Luther, the plots have always been ropey as shit, it's not Morse. The plots are almost Macguffin like in that they just serve a purpose to allow the audience to stare in wonderment at the magnificent specimen that is Idris Elba.



Storage Wars/Hunters is almost completely worked to the point where the producers plant the good stuff in the units. Well according to Dave Hester they do. My personal favourite is Barry Weiss that kooky old fuck.

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I noticed there's some sort of Zombie thing on tv right now called Death Valley. Has anyone seen it? Is it any good?


I've seen a few. It's watchable, but the concept (COPS, but with a unit that handles zombies and vampires) could've been pulled off a lot better. Kind of thing I'd have loved pre-internet, when you were limited to TV schedules, but not one I've been Arsed to download/stream/buy all of.

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I've watched The Following. It's really not very good and thinks itself to be smarter and more intricate than it actually is.

Some of the twists are nonsensical, but it's something the lady likes and I'd take it over that 'Revenge' bastard any day.


Kevin Bacon has a hulking bulge too. Up there with Jon Hamm's. Striking stuff...

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I noticed th cere's some sort of Zombie thing on tv right now called Death Valley. Has anyone seen it? Is it any good?



I really quite enjoyed it. Worth a watch, and I was sad that it got axed. Caveats to my opinion here are that it has a chick I fancy in it, and that I watched whilst unemployed.

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