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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Pardon me if this has been asked before:


How many Wrestling Managers does a show need? I watched a CMLL show which was a 6 match card, 4 of which the teams were accompanied by managers, I felt this was a bit overkill, ruined the novelty a bit. based on a 6-7 match card, how many managers are a 'sensible level' for a show?

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Four does seem like a lot. Hooligan's trio tend to have a woman with them, some of the upper card matches have the mascots (but they shouldn't count because you can never have enough of the mascots) and title and apuesta matches tend to have wrestlers or family members at ringside accompanying the competitors which adds to the importance of them. I dunno, CMLL's a unique case. The mascots are there for the kids (and me), the ringside people for big matches taps into lucha libre's obsession with families and things, and given that CMLL tends to do the same matches again and again having mascots and things helps break the monotony. But most of them don't really operate like actual managers.

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I'm makinga concerted effort to get back into wrestling and I'm taking the Indy route in. I've decided on PWG as my promotion of choice namely because I'm familiar with most of the wrestlers through seeing them over here at the shows. So, my question is where do I begin with ordering DVD's? I've never ordered them from the states before. What do I need to be aware of and where do you recommend I get them from? Straight from PWG?

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Watching Hell In A Cell 2009. I've noticed the crowd chanting 'Cena Sucks' and 'Let's Go Cena'. Now I didn't watch WWE around 2009 and this is the earliest I've seen these chants.


Now my question is, when did the chants first begin? I'm surprised to see they've happened for the past 4 YEARS, at least.

I can delve back into my pseudo-fapper days for this. At the Raw taping in Birmingham in April 2005, Christian (who was pretty much the most popular wrestler on the show) did an anti-Cena promo to great response. He'd done one the week before as well, I think. I can't remember when exactly I started hating Cena. I remember that during his feud with Undertaker in 2003, I was of the "can't believe Cena got buried by selfish twat Undertaker at Vengeance, WWE really should have put Cena over -- and push some cruisers while you're at it, Vince" persuasion. A year later when he was making gay jokes about Kenzo Suzuki, I hated him. Part of this was down to Internet nonsense, but as well as that, I liked him more when he was meant to be a lame white rapper. When he was meant to be a cool white rapper but was still lame as fuck, I couldn't stand him.


Back to Christian. His "Ali G rip-off" stuff really struck a chord with me because I hated JC anyway, but I feel like that was the turning point for a lot of people who had been on board with Thuganomics. Christian made people question what they were playing at cheering Marky Mark. It wasn't overnight, but that definitely set the ball rolling. The next night on the Smackdown taping, I was doing anti-Cena chants and I was definitely in the minority. I don't remember anyone else around me doing them at the time. That wasn't all fappery either, because I loved JBL and Dem Wans hated him. There was me and a bloke in another section doing JBL chants all night and going nuts when he won a four-way for a title shot. It's a source of amusement to me now, the way I'd have been first in line at a "put the belt on Shelton Benjamin" march at the time, yet actually got more enjoyment out of JBL than anyone on the roster. There was a disconnect between what I actually liked watching and the opinions I thought I had to have to avoid disappointing Wade Keller. But I digress.


The move to Raw must have played a part as well. Batista was the Raw guy that fans had turned and got behind only a few months earlier, and he got shunted off to Smackdown to do a Boring Man gimmick for the next four years. In exchange, Raw got Vanilla Ice. And apart from one triple threat, Christian didn't even get a shot at him. According to noted gobshite Chris Jericho in an interview a few months later, the reason for that was that WWE didn't want Cena in a singles match with Christian because the live crowd would be all for Christian. So that was on at least Jericho's mind, if not WWE's, as early as a couple of months into Cena's first reign.


The anti-Cena sentiment was going strong by the Angle feud at the end of 2005, and as others have mentioned, it was played up to at the time. By the spring of 2006, Triple H and Edge were openly mocking Cena's lack of coordination and failure to appeal to adults. A year after that, Cena had caught up to his push in every aspect, and had dropped the wigger gimmick, but there were a lot of stubborn folks who just refused to acknowledge any positives. In terms of his character, too, he spent a couple of years as a sort of half-arsed attitude era main eventer rip-off which rubbed people the wrong way. Then as he found his own character more, he was the sort of wholesome top babyface that seemed really outdated. Bret Hart had been the last one, and everyone got sick of him before the attitude era started.


Wrestling hit a general creative malaise around the time of Cena's ascension, too. The bloom had gone from the Monday Night Wars format so people were enjoying wrestling less, and for pretty much the entirety of the brand split era to that point, Triple H was the face of Raw. Goldberg or Benoit or Orton might have a couple of months as champion, but it'd always end up on Hunter quick enough. I think that created a bit of fan animosity, or fanimosity, towards the top dog. "Fuck the guy who starts every show with promos and wins all the time!"


I've rambled a lot there to say fuck all, but basically it snowballed from Christian taking the piss out of him, picked up steam by WrestleMania 22, and has been in full force from WrestleMania 23 up to now. Apart from that bit at Royal Rumble 2008 when everyone cheered before remembering they were supposed to boo him. And that time when he was Wade Barrett's slave and the crowd chanted "never give up."


If I can sum up the feeling I had about that result, it would mostly be relief that JBL's interminable reign was finally over.

You're regressing.

Edited by King Pitcos
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You're regressing.


I'm not going to lie now about how much I hated JBL and thought he was shit at the time, any more than you would about rating Shelton or thinking "Cena got buried by selfish twat Undertaker at Vengeance" at the time.

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People have had time to remember they're supposed to boo him, so probably not. Though, he's wrestling 'Alboreto Dull REALLY?' so they may give him a chance.


I can't imagine even wanting to boo Cena, he's cool as fuck. He's a machine, he doesn't stay injured, he's able to laugh at himself, he bangs divas all over the joint, he's bezzie mates with a bunch of sick kids and he's stronger than fucking scaffold. Team Cena all the way.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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It'll be the same reaction as usual. There's still a lot of fans who got into it during the Attitude era and want a wrestler that embodies that or want to feel the same way they did when they first got into it (which is probably impossible). His goody-two shoes persona obviously doesn't match their criteria. I have got excited about potential future stars through his involvement, have bothered to watch PPVs because of his match, and generally enjoy his matches and promos. But as for wanting to live vicariously through someone, Cena's not that person for me and others. Punk isn't for me either, but he is for a large percentage. I rooted for Foley big when I first watched, RVD was for me in '01, Benoit probably was for me back in '04 (perhaps not so much now) and I've not really had it since but then that's likely because I'm now an adult.

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You'd rather live vicariously through Foley, RVD and CHRIS BENOIT?


You bloody mental.


I'd sacrifice my missus to be live for a week in John Cena's shoes. He's amazing. And, hilariously, in recent times his matches are peppered with the usual jeers, the occasional 'YOU CAN'T WRESTLE' chants and then, without fail, a 'THIS IS AWESOME' chant.


Almost subconsciously, even in the mind of his haters Cena has come to represent a seal of quality. They'll still wheel out their old chants but, fuck me, he's good isnt he?

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Bigger stars than Cena have been booed during their babyface runs, it's nothing new. The difference is WWE decided to incorporate it into his babyface character, so now fans being against Cena is as much part of the gimmick as his gaudy merch and jorts. I'm not against it either, as it adds an interesting twist to his nice guy act.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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What shape do we think he'll be in? He's only been on the shelf for 3 months, surely he can't go full tilt for twenty minutes without running the risk of aggravating something, with the nature of his injury.


EDIT: I don't mean shape as in whether or not he'll have a beer gut or anything, because I know he'll have been rehabbing like a mofo.

Edited by Max Power
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