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The UKFF Comics n Graphic Novels thread

Famous Mortimer

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With regards to The Walking Dead, the All Out War storyline went on and on and fucking on, but once it was finally over, they've finally done something new. It may be a jumping on point for those that got disillusioned.


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The story just jumped ahead two years. They've settled and they've made it work.


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Yeah, that was the issue I read that made me post above. The writing in that issue is painfully bad (and I say that a lot about Walking Dead, so it takes an especially bad issue to make me take particular notice), but it is a decent jumping-on point for lapsed readers and the formula does seem to finally be changing up a bit.

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Yeah, that was the issue I read that made me post above. The writing in that issue is painfully bad (and I say that a lot about Walking Dead, so it takes an especially bad issue to make me take particular notice), but it is a decent jumping-on point for lapsed readers and the formula does seem to finally be changing up a bit.


Ah, I thought you were on the trades. Because the dialogue may be poor, but it's not as bad as it got in All Out War. Christ, the dialogue was painful at times there.

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Does anybody know what TPB(s) would follow Batman: Black Mirror? Absoluteley loved it and i am very curious to see how the story goes from here.


I've only just started reading The Walking Dead and Y: The Last Man; seeing them getting negative feedback is disheartening so i hope i am dumb enough to be easily entertained by them as i continue to buy the volumes.

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Y: The Last Man is fantastic, although a fair few people don't like the ending. Well worth sticking with though. The last issue from The Black Mirror story was the last Detective Comics issue before the New 52 restart, so it doesn't really follow on as such.


I still read Walking Dead, more out of habit at the moment, All Out War wasn't much to shout about. Negan's hilariously bad dialogue is part of the appeal of him to me though.

Edited by Harvey Dent
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Does anybody know what TPB(s) would follow Batman: Black Mirror? Absoluteley loved it and i am very curious to see how the story goes from here.


I go by this myself. Ultimate Batman chronological list.

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I read my first graphic novel today (not really true since I read Tintin and don't really see why that wouldn't count) and its been a good experience. I plumped for Sandman since a nearby library had it and I like Gaiman. It's been good, I've only started the second volume but I can see me finishing it. I might try Dread or All-star Superman. I know the library has them.

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Sandman's a great choice. I'm more of a Preacher man myself, but I'd comfortably put Sandman as my second favourite comic series I reckon. And Tintin definitely counts. I noticed in Bruges that the shops are all full of comics, they must be much more mainstream on the mainland.


Y: The Last Man is a bit like Lost. It's brilliant at first, but as soon as it starts moving towards its inevitably-shitty conclusion, it just gets terrible. Lost's ending was worse, but it's descent to that ending wasn't quite as unpleasant as the one in Y.


Yeah, that was the issue I read that made me post above. The writing in that issue is painfully bad (and I say that a lot about Walking Dead, so it takes an especially bad issue to make me take particular notice), but it is a decent jumping-on point for lapsed readers and the formula does seem to finally be changing up a bit.


Ah, I thought you were on the trades. Because the dialogue may be poor, but it's not as bad as it got in All Out War. Christ, the dialogue was painful at times there.

OK. I understand.



^^That's my impression of the kind of wonderful dialogue Kirkman writes. Often from multiple characters within a few pages of each other. There have been about 300 characters in it so far, and a good 298 of them have all had the same, bland voice. And the odd time you get one that does have their own voice, it's often worse. He writes dialogue like a translated 1990s JRPG! I've just realised this.

Edited by King Pitcos
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I read my first graphic novel today (not really true since I read Tintin and don't really see why that wouldn't count) and its been a good experience. I plumped for Sandman since a nearby library had it and I like Gaiman. It's been good, I've only started the second volume but I can see me finishing it. I might try Dread or All-star Superman. I know the library has them.


Good one to start off on. Sandman Vol.1 is ace. If you like that can I recommend Preacher and Watchman. Those are my top 3 currently.

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The one comic I always say for people to read if they're looking to read a comic is Batman: The Killing Joke. It's a short simple comic and everyone knows Batman, so it's very easy for anyone to get into. Other good comic to add to the list of Sandman, Preacher, Watchmen etc, I would add Transmetropolitan.

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Ah, cheers for the quick feedback fellas! I've not delved into the Batman New 52 yet so i might dive head first and order the first four TPBs. Really looking forward to catching up.


Check the New 52 Batgirl too. That's where the James Gordon storyline picks up, as Barbara is Batgirl again.



With regards to all the suggestions above, I'd throw in Fell by Warren Ellis. Just one slim trade paperback, sadly, but it's incredibly dense and nasty. On a strangely similar note, Chew is fantastic too - much sillier than Fell, but has some dark stuff too.


If anyone is interested in Transmetropolitan, it's currently on sale on Comixology for 69p per issue. You can pick up the entire run pretty cheap that way.

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Ah all great suggestions (probably, I don't know yet, I'll assume they are for now), thanks. I'll probably check out Preacher next since it's come up so many times and the library seems to have hidden it in the database somewhat. That can only mean good things.

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The Big Damn Sin City complete collection book arrived yesterday and DAMN that's a big book. Looking forward to cracking it open. Good thing I'm off work for 6 weeks after tonight then :laugh:

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Currently (finally!) working my way through Promethea. I got a new Surface for all the work travel I'm doing at the moment and it's perfect for reading comics on.


Really enjoying it as a series so far... I read the first book from the library years and years ago and then never went any further with it as it wasn't easily available.

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