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The UKFF Comics n Graphic Novels thread

Famous Mortimer

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A question about The Question. Have any of you read the 80's TPB's? Basically I'm gagging for them but Volume 1 Zen and Violence seems to be extortionately priced used let alone new. Do the volumes narratively follow each other? Volume 2 is far more reasonably priced and available. Of course I'd also welcome a direction to a place I could buy vol 1 for less than 30 quid.

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  • 2 months later...

Reading the latest Walking Dead... Jesus, the dialogue is so bad. Just horrendously stilted, terrible stuff. It reads like first draft "get the point of the scene across and then I'll come back later and make it not shit" stuff. As bad as the TV show is, the comic is worse.

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Yeah I really don't get the massive popularity. The dialogue is fucking dreadful. It's very much "New character turns up and in two speech bubbles explains there entire life story and character" and lots of pointing out the obvious. And for a series about the apocalypse the only storyline they seem to do is "group finds new camp, it all goes wrong, group goes and finds the next new camp, it all goes wrong" on repeat forever.


I read the first volume of Saga yesterday and it's bloody fantastic. Really strong characters and dialogue and it looks lovely.

Edited by LaGoosh
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I think I read about half the first issue of Saga and didn't get into it at all. I used to really like Brian K Vaughan, but Y: The Last Man was awful by the time it finished and I just gave up on Ex Machina at some point.


I've been reading The Wake, which is pretty good.


The Walking Dead's popularity must just be down to zombies and tenure. There has to be a gap for a good comic about zombies, though.

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The Walking Dead's popularity must just be down to zombies and tenure. There has to be a gap for a good comic about zombies, though.


When it first came out yeah, plus it was still well written back then. I stopped reading walking dead at around issue 100. It became like how some of you said. The comic pretty much peaked at the The Governor arc. I have a feeling the TV show will be the same, when people see that same old pattern LaGoosh mentioned of meeting new groups etc, repeat, repeat. Just got boring to me, and I knew long time characters would just be killed off.


I think any zombie comic is better off being a really good mini series that you can read over again, rather than the on going mess TWD has turned into.

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I gave up with the Walking Dead, because the comic just wasn't going anywhere, there must've been 5 issues in a row where nothing happened and I sacked it off. I can't remember what issue I was up to, since I was downloading them. The same thing happened with the TV series for me where there was a couple of episodes in the third season where nothing happened and I didn't care enough to carry on with it.

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