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The UKFF Comics n Graphic Novels thread

Famous Mortimer

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I'm pondering something. I've decided not to use long boxes any more for storing my TPB's and Graphic Novels. I want them out on book shelves in all there glory like my other collections. Which brings me to my issue. How do I order them? With Blu-rays I have them by genre/sub genre/actor/director either chronologically or alphabetically. (It's a tad complex but works)


The thing is my mate has his GN & TPB's by writer but that's not really my thing. I'm a Batman guy primarily. As such I want all my Bats in one section. Which in turn would be a sub section of DC. But do I put my Batman books in alphabetical, release date or reading order?


What do you guys do? And how in the blue hell do I find a list of first published dates. Or would it be more hassle than it's worth?

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I'm not one for bothering with alpabetising my shit, I sort of group stuff together by genre. Since your stuff is going to be primarily bats, then I would suggest grouping it by story archs. Anything with Dick as Robin would go before Jason and Tim etc. Within that you would want stuff pre and post Barbara Gordon getting crippled. Then the Knightfall arch then whatever else with the end being new 52 shit.

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I just go alphabetical but if I have load of one particular thing, Batman for instance, then that part goes in publication order.



Feel free to laugh at my ridiculously small collection. Had to put Oldboy over to the side because the books are shorter in size and it was driving me mad

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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Gah, I've hit a road block already. Having just moved, finding all the books has been trickier than expected.


I think I'm going with reading reading order where possible. Dividing characters into there own section within publisher. If that makes any sort of sense.


Thanks for the input. Now to track down my other books.

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  • 1 month later...
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A question about The Question. Have any of you read the 80's TPB's? Basically I'm gagging for them but Volume 1 Zen and Violence seems to be extortionately priced used let alone new. Do the volumes narratively follow each other? Volume 2 is far more reasonably priced and available. Of course I'd also welcome a direction to a place I could buy vol 1 for less than 30 quid.

Update/showing off - Got a bargain last week. Finally got my hands on the first 3 volumes of The Question. Won them on ebay, all 3 volumes for £21 delivered. Proper chuffed with that.

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Good find there mate.


I've just read the first volume of Snowpiercer after watching the film on Netflix.

Also looking to maybe start on Guardians of the Galaxy after I loved the film.


Has anyone else bought the recently launched 'Dredd: The Mega Collection'? The first one is still in newsagents at £1.99 until Wednesday and is 'America', which I thought is a very bizzare choice to start with as Dredd hardly features in it

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WH Smiths should still have it.

£1.99 first issue, £6.99 2nd issue, £9.99 each issue afterwards every two weeks (80 to collect). You can subscribe online were there are deluxe versions available for an extra £1 each issue. All hardbacks as well which look really nice. I think it's decent value and I did enjoy America, just like I say seemed an odd one to start at due to Dredd being a supporting player

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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  • 3 weeks later...
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Brett Ewins died. He spent the last few years under psychiatric treatment but he was responsible for some of the greatest comics of my teenage years. Deadline was genuinely formative for me in a way that so much music and TV and film was.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can any of you clued up guys give me a good current jumping on point Marvel wise? Preferably a trade paperback from recent few months? Cheers.

Not much of a Marvel guy myself, but are you looking to read anything in particular?


I've just started reading Guardians Of The Galaxy from the start of the 2008 run and really enjoying it so far as, like I say, I'm not much of a Marvel fan at all

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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WSM, I implore you, give Deadpool a peep.

I stumbled upon that character by accident about 15 years ago and I just adore the character. The Fabian Nicieza written gigs are the best, followed by Joe Kelly. Daniel Way is a cunt.

Garth Ennis’ Punisher Max series is also a wonderful Marvel run.

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