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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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Cool thanks.  How do these things even get started?  Wish I'd known this as the time so I could have challenged the guy, but it was the first I'd ever heard of it.  I suppose anybody casting doubt on a record Jewish persecution is unlikely to entirely trustworthy.

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How do these things even get started?


People make it up and pass it off as fact in the knowledge that most of the time, like in your situation, it will go unchallenged simply because most people will not instantly know when Biros were invented or what Frank used to write with.


It's rife in religious circles too. There are plenty of stories of Darwin renouncing evolution on his deathbed and Einstein is constantly 'quoted' as saying the universe is only explainable if there is a God involved. Most people weren't there when Darwin died and haven't read much from Einstein, so it can quite easily be passed off as fact despite being absolute fannybatter.

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Happens with everything. The atheism / Religion argument is filled with 'Hitler was an atheist'. People will find 'facts' that back up whatever they want. Sadly in the days of the internet people can find things to back up whatever they want and quote it as fact.



Anyway, back on topic. The google doodle yesterday was Nessie and on one of the links it mentions a video filmed in (I think) 2002 by a postman from Glasgow thats been shown on TV but not been made available anywhere. Has anyone ever seen it?

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That's like when religious lot use Newton's Law of conservation of Energy to state there MUST be a god.


'If energy can't be created then what started the Big Bang when nothing existed to create that energy? Huh? Huh? ... God that's who"


The fact that's been somewhat disproved now doesn't matter. That law they learnt in O-level/GCSE Physics that they latch onto far outweighs the scientific research carried out since Newton croaked it.

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I'm sure the 2nd law of thermodynamics is often used to try and disprove evolution as well:


'The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the state of entropy of the entire universe, as a closed isolated system, will always increase over time. The second law also states that the changes in the entropy in the universe can never be negative'


Entropy being the disorder of things they argue that evolution is a decrease to entropy and so doesn't hold up against the 2nd law.  Of course what they ignore is the 'in a closed system' part.  The external energy source of the sun would mean nature is not a closed system so entropy can indeed decrease, so again being very selective with facts to suit their argument.  


NB I haven't done any chemistry since 2nd year uni though and even then I was shit at it so feel free to correct me here.

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What they really, really ignore is the fact that finding something inexplicable doesn't mean god did it. It's the intellectual equivalent of 'I know you are, but what am I?'

If they came up with a theory of god that was as robust as Newton's laws, by all means integrate it and test it. Otherwise, I posit that my foreskin did it. Prove me wrong!

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'If energy can't be created then what started the Big Bang when nothing existed to create that energy? Huh? Huh? ... God that's who"

There's a lad on the Britwres scene that believes trees swaying in the wind are evidence of God, as all movement has to start somewhere.
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So I know a lot of you enjoyed my piece on James Hydrick, the Kung Fu cultist and man no prison could hold. Well, he's just started speaking publicly about his amazing story, for the first time in over 30 years. Where, you ask? Oh... just on my blog, as a total exclusive. Here's Part I.


And Part II is now up, containing lots of interesting stuff about his Chinaman persona and heat from prison gangs. His first answer is the greatest scene to an unmade movie I've ever heard.

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