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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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I'm with you Pat on both the reckon part and the care part. I didn't know who the Marchioness of Chomondeley was nor did I care but having looked her up on Wikipedia and found that they don't say she has children, they say she has "Issue" which I assume is a toffs way of children, that the oldest issue is called Alexander Hugh George Cholmondeley, Earl of Rocksavage which is a marvellous title. We British don't half make up some mad shit to call the toffs. 

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22 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

, I wouldn't be surprised if William, Kate, or any of the younger Royals have burner accounts and sock puppets on social media

Or on forums? King Pitcos suddenly makes sense. Bit on the nose though.

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I might be misremembering, happens a lot when you get to my age, but I’m sure that when they announced she was having surgery or a procedure, they said she would step away from royal duties until Easter at the earliest. But there’s no fun in that. 

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Bad week for the conspiracy nuts as it turns out the Princess of Wales has cancer and has been receiving chemotherapy.  And they didn't want it made public until their kids' term time was over.

I'm not particularly a monarchist or anything but by Christ I wish we'd got Leveson 2 as the tabloid press are, if anything, worse than before when it comes to hounding public figures mercilessly.

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10 minutes ago, Loki said:

Bad week for the conspiracy nuts as it turns out the Princess of Wales has cancer and has been receiving chemotherapy.  

Au contraire, isn’t it a coinkydink that two senior royals have both recently developed cancer? And they’ve both had Covid vaccinations? Makes U Think

(I’ve actually seen this being said and not for comedic purposes)

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I feel it's a bit remiss of people to almost be delighting in this news (no one here of course) or saying things like "Don't give a shit if she's got cancer, when there's x amount of the public waiting for their treatment!!!" OK, but there is zero correlation there?

To me, both things can be bad and as always, shutting the fuck up and saying nothing is always an option if that's how you feel.

I don't particularly care for the royals, but someone having cancer is genuinely quite a bad thing and requires sympathy surely. Not everything needs an edgy take.

I did find it strange that she was alone on that bench making the announcement but assume they thought the people who would've analysed every twitch of Williams body language wasn't worth it.

Anyway, thats quite enough brain space taken up by the royals for one day.

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On the Royals, it's more complex because they're more than just public figures. Charles is our Head of State, so it could be convincingly argued that there is a genuine public interest need to have a clearer picture of his health and treatment - particularly given his fondness for quackery, I would like to know if any of my taxes are going to pay for him to be treated by homeopathic "medicine". With Kate it's less cut and dry as her position isn't as significant as Charles', but I could still understand the argument for more transparency about what was going on, though if I understand the timeline of events correctly she had already said that she would be in hospital until after Easter, so the "Where's Kate?" stuff was all cooked up by the media when they knew full well what she'd said. It was a disaster of PR and reporting, rather than any genuine conspiracy.

I know the Marina Hyde/Richard Osman podcast gets a bad rap on here sometimes, but Hyde did a pretty good job of summing the whole thing up on their episode about it, basically talking about how the media behaves when there's a vacuum of information coming from the Royals, and they have to fill the gap with either fluff or speculation. That, and banging the drum of the story themselves, but then reporting it as, "people on social media are saying..." rather than accepting their own culpability. 


@Merzbow - I've seen that clip of "Pandora" many, many times, and it's good to see it in fuller context! There's something I really love about this era of paranormal content, that I think started to die off by maybe the mid/late-90s, where it's the preserve of "eccentrics" and people with their pet obsessions, and it all kind of exists in its own little bubble. You could buy books about UFOs, books about Bigfoot, books about ESP, and books about secret government conspiracies, but it was still a few years off all becoming intermingled and being able to buy books about how Bigfoot is a psychic alien and there's a government conspiracy to keep him hidden. And they're all probably written by Neo-Nazis. I blame the X-Files. 

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I have a fantastic book from the early 90s about the Nazi UFO projects.  It's a great read, and in the pre-internet days you just accept it all as fact.  Like Fingerprints of the Gods, which was one of the great works of speculative fiction.

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1 hour ago, TheBurningRed said:

Le Tissiers face says it all at 22 seconds. He knows he shouldn’t have got involved with the nutters. I want to know why Cruyff has gone into witness protection. 

He was probably getting too close to the truth.

Every prospective crank should be made to sit through an exchange like that. It would really separate the attention seeking grifters from the true believers. It really brings into focus everything that's went wrong with the whole conspiracy theory scene over the past few years. I miss the good old days when guys that looked like me shared Bigfoot sightings over ham radio. Now anything can be a gateway drug into all kinds of horseshit. I know of individuals, who have families and who earn a wage, who've tried to set fire to snow to prove it's plastic, or have arranged search parties for people who've already been found dead because they think the police are at it.  I hope it's a small constituency, but it's definitely a growing one. 

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