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~*UKFF's Children Thread*~


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Dad's of the UKFF, bit of advice please, my mate's mrs is due to give birth around september to a boy, what sorta thing (within a cheap budget) is good for me to buy him for the baby?



Baby football outfit for the team the dad supports. If he's not in to football or you want to get something practical then get a gift set that has all the essentials such as nappies and wipes etc.

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Here's a good and cheap one - you get these black and white shapes books that are specifically for early development as babies can't see colour when they're first born. So it's thoughtful, a bit obscure so likely no one else will have got it so less chance of duplicated gift, and it is something that is usable immediately that isn't clothes (because everyone else will get clothes probably).

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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i appologise for my thread above i haven't seen this thread before.


We have just had a little boy ollie james fogg :)

He weighed in at 7 pound 4 oz. 

He is fucking amazing but this is by far the most stressful period of my entire life......it feels like i haven't slept in a month and im loosing track of days but adrenaline kicks in day by day :)


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I don't have a child but probably will in the next couple of years, making the assumption that my little guys still work after all the abuse I've put myself through down the years. My question relates to being a stay at home dad. Having discussed it with my partner, she's quite happy to go out and be the breadwinner while I stay at home with the kid. Now, am I wrong in thinking that being the stay at home one is vastly superior to being the one who has to go to work every day for 10 hours? I feel like my job will be easier. Probably I'm wrong.

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Now, am I wrong in thinking that being the stay at home one is vastly superior to being the one who has to go to work every day for 10 hours? I feel like my job will be easier.


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My other half is a podiatrist in training, which I imagine pays more than PPI complaint handler so i'm supporting her through her degree now in the hopes when she pops one out she'll let me stay home for the rest of my days.

Dream big guys.

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Now, am I wrong in thinking that being the stay at home one is vastly superior to being the one who has to go to work every day for 10 hours? I feel like my job will be easier.


You're saying I can't just strap it to myself and play Xbox?

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It's true.

That's what parents say, for sure. But I've always felt they're exaggerating. "Just wait until you're a parent, then you'll understand." I can see it being difficult before they reach school age but then you are rid of them for a large portion of the day.

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