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~*UKFF's Children Thread*~


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Mini Matrix' behaviour is already proving to challenging...and he/she wont even be here for another 3 months!


60 notes blown on a private 4d scan because all it wanted to do was lay there with it's hands over it's face. Still the most fucking adorable forearms i've ever seen. :love:

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Haha, absolutely. I'm fully prepared for the chat with my father in law in the event we have a boy...


"It was important to me that we named the baby after a man i aspire to, who's been so influencial, who's been like a father to me over the years. Someone he can grown up to learn from, a positive role model. That's why we've decided to call him Arnold".

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  • 5 months later...
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Do any parents on the board have experience of Plagiocephaly aka Flat Head Syndrome?


We're a little worried about Junior, and although all the evidence states these things usually right themselves over time, it's no less distressing for us as first time parents, doing everything we've been told to avoid it and watching it happen none the less.

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Is that where the back of the baby's head looks flat? If so I think that's fairly common and it does correct itself. My daughter has it slightly. And my nephew's head was so flat you could've rested a mug on it. Obviously we didn't put that to the test. Over time the back of his head rounded off. I wouldn't worry yourself about it too much, John. Maybe just bring it up with your family doctor for peace of mind.

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Is that where the back of the baby's head looks flat? If so I think that's fairly common and it does correct itself. My daughter has it slightly. And my nephew's head was so flat you could've rested a mug on it. Obviously we didn't put that to the test. Over time the back of his head rounded off. I wouldn't worry yourself about it too much, John. Maybe just bring it up with your family doctor for peace of mind.


Cheers matey. Yeah, although as far as i can make out, there are two types, one is the back of the head becoming flat, the other, is where the flatness is all on one side which can cause the ears to misalign etc, and this is the one Matrix Jr looks to be suffering from despite our best efforts.


I'm fortunate a good friend of mine is a Pediatrician and spent a while on the phone with us last night, echoing what we already know, that in most cases it will right itself, but in the here and know it dosent make you feel much better, but hearing from people who've experienced it and have seen the improvement, does.


We've mentioned it on both health visitor visits and to the GP at the 6 week check, both of whom pretty much said "nothing to worry about just yet" but the only bit we hear is "just yet" and we'd rather prevent than cure it.


I never was any good at the waiting game.

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My mate's son had a flat head when he was a baby, to the side. He was concerned, like you, because every time he layer flat, his head automatically tipped to the flat side, which seemed like it would only make things worse. He's not far off 3 now, and you would never know there was ever an issue. Sorted itself out just fine. As they get older, they're laying flat less and less, so hopefully it will sort itself.


Midwives will tell you on their checkups if it's really an issue.

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  • 11 months later...
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Wasn't sure where to post this, and hate bumping ancient threads, but alas, the Swiss Family Matrix is set to welcome a new member in November.


A combination of delighted and anxious, scared that two kids under 2yrs old will run me into the ground, but I never thought i'd have one in me, much less two, so i'm absolutely chuffed to bits.


Can also report that the issue I raised in the posts above has rectified itself, so any other new or expectant parents who see the same thing happen, allow me to reassure you, despite how little it will help in the heat of the moment, that it will get better.


Far be it from me to use this situation to my advantage, but now that I've got another mouth to feed, it's going to be even more important that I make my business a success, so if any of you have any design needs....

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Mate, get out now. Run for them fucking hills. Two rugrats will run you into the ground, and the ground is the third layer of hell.


I jest, I jest. Congratulations man, that's a nice little family you're building. I have two younglings myself and I absolutely live for them, they're amazing.

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Congrats sir! We didn't want to waste anytime so me and Mrs Soapdish had our second child 17 months after our first. What is worse is originally we were looking at 20 -24 months between, but I was going to WM 30, so my wife said you can go if we move up the baby. The worst part is, she fell pregnant quickly and we had to sell our tickets as my friend got a new job and couldn't make it out to New Orleans!


I wont lie two under two is tough, but worth it. My little girl is 2 this month and my boy will turn 7 months on her birthday.

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Haha, many a true word said in jest mon frère. 


It's gonna be a fucking grind, there's no doubt about it...but at least this time I know if I can weather the storm in those first couple of months, things get much much easier from there on and there's no amount of exhaustion a smile, giggle or a baby trump can't conquer.

Edited by John Matrix
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