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Tell the bum to get a job then

Oh he has a job, he just thinks the 10 hours a week he does is more than enough -_-' and he comes home so tired he cant clean the place up, nor does he have the time to look for another job, and yet when i come home after a long day he has a go at me for being tired and going straight to bed.Oh and lets not forget the fact that all he does it sit behind a desk in a dead bookies watching TV and im a nurse.
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10 hours of the week spent working leave him too tired to look for more work or clean the house?So where's he going to fit in the task of BEING A FATHER?Your relationship is doomed, it won't last, and you are going to end up a single parent.

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Tell the bum to get a job then

Oh he has a job, he just thinks the 10 hours a week he does is more than enough -_-' and he comes home so tired he cant clean the place up, nor does he have the time to look for another job, and yet when i come home after a long day he has a go at me for being tired and going straight to bed.Oh and lets not forget the fact that all he does it sit behind a desk in a dead bookies watching TV and im a nurse.
Fucking hell he better fix up if he wants to be a dad. his like of drive, ambition and unwillingness to do what needs to be done is sickening.
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10 hours of the week spent working leave him too tired to look for more work or clean the house?So where's he going to fit in the task of BEING A FATHER?Your relationship is doomed, it won't last, and you are going to end up a single parent.

I've told him this, threatened to leave etc. and he gives me all the sorrys under the sun and makes all the promises of how he'll change, and then by the next morning its all back to the same old shit. Yes, this is a current argument, My friends are saying i'll be better off by myself than what hes providing me with now, which is nothing and that i'd be happier on my own too. I really am starting to beleive them but why do i keep giving him another chance? I dont know what to think anymore, all im concentrating on right now is eating and drinking, which is such a struggle, allthough i've had two biscuits and they seem to have stayed down :duh: yay for biscuits.
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Are you still planning on marrying the lay about then?To be honest he doesnt sound mature enough to be a husband nevermind a father

Thats exactly what i told him, and i took off my engagement ring, I told him when he changed i'll put it back on. He's been asking me all the time why i havent put it back on and getting really really miffed about it. maybe its because you havent changed!? *head against desk*I just had a bad bad bad case of over the top hormones. My labrador is allways under my feet and i turned into her, dropping the egg i had in my hand. I flipped and was shouting and screaming at her, before flopping on the sofa in tears.All because of a broken egg? silly me.I dont think my animals can take another 7 months of hormones lol!
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Think she mentioned bookies somewhere, best of luck with your pregnancy I hope it all goes well with you, even if the relationship doesn't work out theres plenty of single mums that do a great job, but yeh if hes about to be a father he really should catch himself on and get a proper job to support you and the baby.

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Rant time!ok so, mid January i was offered the job of my dreams, and of course i took it. It was only a 3 months contract but my boss, the ward Sister, said that it was highly likley they would keep me on, providing i dont go off sick etc. I started on the 28th of Jan, i found out i was pregnant on the 25th. I decided that i wasnt going to tell them until the 3rd month, so that i would have a chance to prove how hard i work and how good i am at my job so that even though i was pregnant they would keep me on.Everything was going fine until my hyperemesis started :( i've been off work since monday.I'm having to go back and forth to hospital and how i havent been spotted by a colleague remains a mystery.I still cant bring myself to tell work. There are people that know, but none of the higher ups. I'm so screwed. I know i've lost my job. On thursday i asked the doctors whilst i was in hospital when i would be able to go back to work. I know she didnt mean to be nasty, but it kinda hurt at the time. She laughed out loud and told me to not even think about work for some time. And i could tell that meant a 'long' time :(I know that half of the way im feeling is down to hormones, but that doesnt stop me from crying non stop about this.I just want to stop throwing up and be able to drink and eat something :( i want to go back to work and make other people feel better :(What the hell am i gonna do??

Sue them for unlawful dismissal?Last time I checked that wasn't a reason to fire someone.I also remember being told that they can't fire you/not give you the job for being preggers. (I remember cos I disagreed and said it weas bollox and that an unpreggers lady would be a better emplyee than a preggers lady, being that they would ge more work done. Apparently not)) But yeh, they can't fire you for that.
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