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General Movie (Film for snobs) News Thread


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I've got to say Gladders I'm disappointed. For someone who usually hits the nail on the head with their opinions on film I think you've got both Harmony Korine and Larry Clark all wrong. In my opinion Kids is a great film and Bully was even better. I think Clark taps in to youth culture in a much more realistic way with his films than just about any other film maker, even if his obsession with shirtless teenage boys can leave you feeling uncomfortable at times. Korine is someone who I have a lot of respect for as well. As a director he seems relentless in his quest to push the boundaries of his art, sometimes it works and often it doesn't but least he's not making formulaic tosh for the masses. He's not going to be everyone's cup of tea but I don't think he cares nor tries to be, he seems like someone who has a lot of respect for film as a medium and constantly tries new and different approaches to film making in order to make something entirely unique. Spring Breakers is going to be his most mainstream film to date and I have a feeling he's going to knock it out of the park.

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The thing is that I don't believe Harmony Korine one bit. All kinds of claims are made on his behalf and by him about the artistic merits of his work and the different ways in which he chooses to push the medium but I think, and it's totally a personal opinion, that he's an absolute fraud. When he makes a film about a bunch of tramps shagging rubbish, it's a film about tramps about shagging rubbish. I don't believe it's anything more than that and I reckon he's a troll.


As for Clark, he's a one trick pony and I didn't enjoy that trick the first time round. I'm all for the advancement of the medium for artistic reasons. For a film to be great to me it doesn't necessarily have to do that - as long as it has a really good story and is reasonably competently made, then it can be a great film to me. If a film also happens to be artistically, thematically and stylistically challenging as well, then that's fantastic. The Double Life Of Veronique is a perfect example of how this can be achieved - it's arguably the perfect film in that regard.


Again, this is totally a personal thing, but Korine's films have never appealed to me in terms of story or artistic merit. I just think he's an attention seeker. It's not as if I don't see why people enjoy or appreciate his work, and I'm probably just bitter about 50 reviews of Spring Breakers flooding my activity page on Letterboxd every day at the moment.

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Legendary film critic Roger Ebert has passed away at the age of 70 after a battle with cancer. Pretty sad news, he was one of the main critics I learnt quite a lot about and who's reviews I always sought after while doing A Level film and now in my degree.

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He was a cracking reviewer who I enjoyed reading even though we disagreed on a lot of fils, and very funny too. He only put a statement up a few days ago saying that he was going to be doing less reviews in future. Very sad.

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That's cool and all, but apart from Mike Myers and Tia Carrerra I wouldn't have been able to tell you who any of those fuckers were without looking at the caption.


I never knew Lorne Michaels produced the film though, so that's kinda interesting I guess. Where the fuck's Ed O'Neil and Alice Cooper? Ha.

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Not sure if this is the right thread for this so point me in the right direction if its not.


Went to see the Evil Dead reboot on Tuesday, enjoyed the film and it is really gruesome, especially towards. It was also the first time I have ever seen someone actually run out of the screening of a film due to the gore. Poor lass must have been quite traumatised.

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