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Chris Benoit dead


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This has skewed into the weirdest death thread there's ever been on here.

Is that not because it's the weirdest wrestling death there's been?
Well, the weirdest high-profile death there's ever been.I'm pretty sure there were some that were weirder than this.
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Guest TheOneAndOnly

This has skewed into the weirdest death thread there's ever been on here.

Is that not because it's the weirdest wrestling death there's been?
Well, the weirdest high-profile death there's ever been.I'm pretty sure there were some that were weirder than this.
Elizabeth, although not weirder was on a par. Edited by TheOneAndOnly
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Is it possible that wife and child were poisoned for whatever reason and Benoit commited suicide later?Seems a possible if unlikely scenario but does blow out all this 'clear cut, he did it' stuff.

Yeah, but the police aren't looking for outside parties.
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The fact that three people are dead, two adults and a 7 year old child, and the police are not actively looking for anyone else to help them with their enquiries limits the situation to suicide, murder or accidental death.Given that:

Lt. Tommy Pope told the Associated Press that it was being investigated as a homicide pending results of a preliminary autopsy report that will come out tomorrow. No gunshot or stab wounds were found, but they couldn't rule out poisoning, suffocation or strangulation. Pope said he was not confirming any of these potential causes, just not ruling them out.


Lt. Tommy Pope told ABC News "the instruments of death were located on the scene," but didn't specify what those were or where they were found. Pope said the department was not actively searching for any suspects outside the house.

it appears to rule out accidental death. So that leaves murder or suicide. A suicide pact is possible, but I can't for the life of me see a 7 year old willingly kill himself. Even if you have an open mind, the details so far are rather compelling.
It is unlikely but piecing together some of this. Benoit left for a family issue. It is alledged he heard that his wife and child were coughing up blood (however until now this is unsubstantiated). The police haven't ruled out poisoning. Is it possible that wife and child were poisoned for whatever reason and Benoit commited suicide later?Seems a possible if unlikely scenario but does blow out all this 'clear cut, he did it' stuff.
Poisioning I think is what everyone hopes for now. A tragic, tragic, accident. However, the fact the police are talking about 'instruments of death' makes me believe they are discussing weapons. Such as a rope. However the fact they state 'instruments' also points that more than one was used in the deaths.
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Unless you actually met the guy and knew him well, then I could see you losing respect for him, as you'd have thought you knew the guy and now you feel let down by his lack of control, perspective, character and morals.If you had respect for him as a person, because you respected him as a family man, then I could see your point about losing respect for him.

Edited by ClassicsGuy
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Is it possible that wife and child were poisoned for whatever reason and Benoit commited suicide later?Seems a possible if unlikely scenario but does blow out all this 'clear cut, he did it' stuff.

Yeah, but the police aren't looking for outside parties.
.... that we know of. You know they don't ALWAYS publicise this information.
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A 7 year old child, a wife, and then himself. Whatever the circumstances, I can understand WWE not wanting to mention him again, and i feel iof WWE had known these details yesterday, i sincerly doubt they would have aired a 3 hour celebration for him.

Question is, what would they have done? Could they really have gone on with the show as if nothing had happened?
Oh no of course not, i wouldnt expect them not to acknowledge it.I just dont think they would have dedicated a whole 3 hour show to him, if they knew what he has seemingly done, but i dunno. It's really fucked up.
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A 7 year old child, a wife, and then himself. Whatever the circumstances, I can understand WWE not wanting to mention him again, and i feel iof WWE had known these details yesterday, i sincerly doubt they would have aired a 3 hour celebration for him.

Question is, what would they have done? Could they really have gone on with the show as if nothing had happened?
I just dont think they would have dedicated a whole 3 hour show to him, if they knew what he has seemingly done, but i dunno. It's really fucked up.
Hardly a clear thinking situation though.
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Unless you actually met the guy and knew him well, then I could see you losing respect for him, as you'd have thought you knew the guy and now you feel let down by his lack of control, perspective, character and morals.If you had respect for him as a person, because you respected him as a family man, then I could see your point about losing respect for him.

how can one respect someone who is supposed to have killed his family?!?Benoit was a fantastic wrestler, but i dont respect him as a person!
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Just logged on for the first time since yesterday morning. Cannot believe this has happened, and quite honestly, dont know how to feel about it.

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