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Anyone know why George Lucas banned David Prowse from all official Star Wars conventions & stuff?


I went on his Wikipedia and it only says the following:


In July 2010, Prowse was banned from attending official Star Wars fan conventions by George Lucas. Lucas has given Prowse no reason, other than stating that Prowse "burnt too many bridges" between Lucasfilm and himself.


Have either of them made other comments about what led to it?


I'd have thought the most likely answer was that Prowse was still pissed off at Lucas for replacing his voice with James Earl Jones', and has probably been taking potshots at him for years.

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Anyone know why George Lucas banned David Prowse from all official Star Wars conventions & stuff?


I went on his Wikipedia and it only says the following:


In July 2010, Prowse was banned from attending official Star Wars fan conventions by George Lucas. Lucas has given Prowse no reason, other than stating that Prowse "burnt too many bridges" between Lucasfilm and himself.


Have either of them made other comments about what led to it?


"Prowse was also replaced by Sebastian Shaw when Darth Vader's mask was lifted in Return of the Jedi.


On James Earl Jones's casting, he told Yahoo Movies: "The thing that hurt was it was all done without telling me. It was all done in a very underhand way. I didn't like it one little bit."


Prowse was banned from all official Star Wars conventions in 2010, reportedly due to his leaking of movie plots at the time of filming.


The actor explained that he worsened his relationship with the director by accidentally appearing in anti-Lucas film The People Versus George Lucas.


"I travel all the way round the world, and people always ask, 'Can I do an interview with you?'. You have no idea where these interviews are going to go and this one found its way into this documentary."


From an interview he did with Digital Spy a few years ago. I think the movie plots bit relates to Episode III

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He's been vocally bitter about the money he earned from Star Wars for years too. He opted for a higher fee instead of a share of the profits, so ended up making significantly less than the other cast members.

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He turned up in a lot of things in the sixties and seventies. Absolutely built like a brick shit house then.


ADDED: I went through a spell, years ago, of collecting every *different* "Star Wars" VHS release from car-boot sales etc. I'm sure I've saw a version using Prowse's voice. Am I imagining it? Cheers!

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I invested in an online backup service a couple of years ago, and it was shit. The upload speed was so slow that it was pointless. Maybe in a few more years, but at the moment I wouldn't recommend it if you've got any seriously big stuff to backup.

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I don't want to sound like a nonce or something, but what are the legal requirements (if any) of photographing kids and bunging them up on a website? To be more specific, my wife is now making children's clothes and accessories and she is wanting to take photo of children wearing them to advertise on her website.


A friend of ours said her daughter would do it and she has no problem with her being on our website. Can we just go ahead and do it? Do we need to get her (the Mum) to sign something? Do we need to go through a proper modeling agency?


Any advice or knowledge appreciated.

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All you need is parental permission, I would recommend having this in writing just in case there is an issue in the future. I work in a high school and that's all that is needed. We have a parental photo permission form saying they are happy for photos to be taken of their child and used for promotion purposes of the school. We have the same thing at the martial arts club I train at, just to cover or backs but outside of that you can just take the photos and put them up on the net.

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