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Who or what is the largest fictional living organism? From film/TV/Comics etc. Orginally I thought it would be Kraken from the Clash of the Titans, then realised Galactus from that Fantastic Four film swallowed worlds. Looking a little deeper, I noticed Eternity, Infinity and the Living Tribunal from Marvel comics spanned Universes?


Any ideas?

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There's a living planet called Ego in Marvel comics and huge asteroid/planet Transformer (if that even counts as living) I think but they're not big enough to span universes. Kevin Smith is fat as fuck these days so maybe it's Silent Bob.


Thanks mate. Yeah, must be Unicron you're on about.

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I think Galactus the eater of Planets is still the biggest so far.


Classic Galactus isn't that big, he doesn't eat planets like an apple, he's only as big as a building. There have been other (shit) versions of him, maybe some of them are bigger, like the one that's a cloud or the one that's a fleet of ships.

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In Star Trek: The Next Generation, Worf has a Klingon "calisthenics programme" on the Holodeck, which basically consist of fighting monstrous-looking enemies with varying degrees of skill. This one: was basically a recycle and modification of the mask they used for Frank Langella when he played Skeletor in the 80s Masters Of The Universe movie.

I don't think they look all that alike, really. The brows are different shapes and the mouths and jaw lines have differences too. Skeletor also has horizontal "frown lines

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In Star Trek: The Next Generation, Worf has a Klingon "calisthenics programme" on the Holodeck, which basically consist of fighting monstrous-looking enemies with varying degrees of skill. This one: was basically a recycle and modification of the mask they used for Frank Langella when he played Skeletor in the 80s Masters Of The Universe movie.

I don't think they look all that alike, really. The brows are different shapes and the mouths and jaw lines have differences too. Skeletor also has horizontal "frown lines” which are absent from the character above.


Don't know what to tell you, man - it's generally held as common knowledge amongst Trekkers and Trekkies, and most of the official published literature, like the Star Trek encyclopaedia, state this to be the case as a point of trivia.


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I think Galactus the eater of Planets is still the biggest so far.


Classic Galactus isn't that big, he doesn't eat planets like an apple, he's only as big as a building. There have been other (shit) versions of him, maybe some of them are bigger, like the one that's a cloud or the one that's a fleet of ships.

He shrinks down so he could land on planets.


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Cool, that must be after my time, as far as I always knew he was a 28 foot tall pink pharaoh riding around in a spaceship. Most of the Fantastic Four comics I've red were illustrated by Jack Kirby so it shows how dated my points of reference on him are. I've always loved the character though.

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