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I am after a smartphone, but not one of those ones thats so big you could use it as a helipad. Any advice? the smaller the phone the better.

Probably older than what you're looking for Ralphy(~) but I'm using a Samsung Galaxy Y which is fitting my needs perfectly.

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Does anybody have any experience with websites for buying football tickets 'second hand', as it were?


Obviously I'm after cup final tickets for Sunderland, but as I'm not a season ticket holder I stand next to fuck all chance of getting one through the official channels. I just want to know which sites of this nature are definitely reliable, really - I don't mind paying over the odds for a ticket, but want to know what I've paid for is definitely genuine and will definitely arrive.

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Anyone have trouble with the youtube app on Xbox 360, it plays for about 5 minutes then says cant be watched or summit and offers a link. Iv'e tried workarounds suggested online including re-downloading but so far nothings solved it.

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So today I've got the FUCKING TEDIOUS task of updating the Outlook contact cards for all of the subtitlers here at work. The only way I can think of doing it to email each individual their current contact card and ask them to update it and return it to me. Is there a quicker way of doing this? Is there some sort of...button I can press that will send everybody their own contact card asking them to update it?! I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to just send an email to everybody with all the cards attached and ask them to update their own one, probably some sort of data protection breach there?

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I'm looking for this horror film about killer bees. Ive checked most of the trailers on YouTube but still no luck. I think it was made between 1990-1995. The only scene I can remember is the family were holding a garden party when out of the blue a whole swarm of bees came and attacked everyone. I can remember seeing the aftermath scene and all the food has bees crawl over it and I believe you see the familys dog who has been stung to death.


Any one know this film?

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That seems to happen quite a bit. Bit of trivia in a similar vein:


In Star Trek: The Next Generation, Worf has a Klingon "calisthenics programme" on the Holodeck, which basically consist of fighting monstrous-looking enemies with varying degrees of skill. This one:




was basically a recycle and modification of the mask they used for Frank Langella when he played Skeletor in the 80s Masters Of The Universe movie.




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PC Support question - every time I use Google it crashes my browser (Chrome). I've run virus checks and Spybot and it hasnt fixed it. Anyone got any ideas what the problem could be and (hopefully!) how I can fix it please? Normally I'd google it but....

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PC Support question - every time I use Google it crashes my browser (Chrome). I've run virus checks and Spybot and it hasnt fixed it. Anyone got any ideas what the problem could be and (hopefully!) how I can fix it please? Normally I'd google it but....


Probs a shitty google virus, replacing your homepage/search engines with a virus


Combo fix it. Solves most things

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