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Yeah, Sartre.



We don't like existentialists around here. And we certainly don't like French philosophers poncing around in their black polo-necks filling everyone's heads with their theories about the bleakness of existence and the absurdity of the cosmos!


seriously though, if some one could it would be grand. I've had a look round but I assume some one on here will put it across or know a site that puts it across at a level that is more me, if you will.

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Existentialists essentially believe that the individual is responsible for creating a life of meaning and substance for themselves. The emotions such as despair, angst etc. are hindrances to the ultimate state of understanding oneself and one's purpose in life.


Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis is a good book to read to understand the concept of an existential crisis of personality.

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Existentialists essentially believe that the individual is responsible for creating a life of meaning and substance for themselves. The emotions such as despair, angst etc. are hindrances to the ultimate state of understanding oneself and one's purpose in life.


Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis is a good book to read to understand the concept of an existential crisis of personality.


Many thanks, you're a top chap.

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Yeah, Sartre.



We don't like existentialists around here. And we certainly don't like French philosophers poncing around in their black polo-necks filling everyone's heads with their theories about the bleakness of existence and the absurdity of the cosmos!


seriously though, if some one could it would be grand. I've had a look round but I assume some one on here will put it across or know a site that puts it across at a level that is more me, if you will.


Courtesy of Squashed Philosophers here is a link to a condensed 2300-word version of 'Existentialism is a Humanism' by Sartre, which was recommended to me as the ideal starting point when trying to get to grips with the topic. For a Sartre piece it is uncharacteristically readable.

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All images, especially thumbnails, have all of a sudden gone a very poor quality in my web browser and emails. They're blurry as hell. If I hover over the images I get the 'hold shift and R to improve image quality' message.


Anyone know why this is all of a sudden happening and how to fix it? I'm getting the same problem in IE and Chrome.



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Does anybody know of any good Twitter software? All I want it to do is to send my tweets, when I type them, to Twitter. The new Twitter site takes forever and a day to load here.


Thanks a lot!

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