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I quite like it, but I suppose it depends what your sense of humour is like. I can see why it would offend some, but I don't think one blogger kicking up a fuss should have made them back down.

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I don't mind black humour but this shit was really crass, because it's Hyundai using it to sell cars. Not because of the joke itself.


Edit: I haven't watched the advert yet because I'm at work.. I think there is obviously something to consider in the tone in which it was delivered so I may yet change my mind. (I found the Tim White WWE stuff pretty funny).


Regardless though, I thought that blog post was really good. With something that emotive and visceral they would always have been fighting a losing battle to justify themselves. Kinda hard for some marketing suits to battle that kind of individual moral outrage and not look like assholes, so definitely a good business move apologising and pulling it.


They got their publicity. Pushing it any more would likely have been a PR disaster.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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Another controversial advert. In America this time.


Pepsi Forced to Withdraw "Racist Ad" for Mountain Dew.




US soft drinks giant PepsiCo has withdrawn a commercial over criticism that it depicts racial stereotypes and makes light of violence against women.


The online ad shows a battered white woman on crutches being asked to identify a suspect out of a police line-up of black men and a goat.


One blogger described the 60-second video as "arguably the most racist commercial in history".


PepsiCo has since apologised for the ad for its Mountain Dew soft drink.


In the video, the goat threatens to beat the woman up if she identifies him to the police.


The woman eventually screams in horror and runs away.


The dialogue in the clip is a wordplay around "Dew It" - the slogan promoting Mountain Dew.


In a statement on Wednesday, PepsiCo said that it took "full responsibility" for any offence caused by commercial.


It said it had removed the ad from its online channels.


The material was developed by African-American rapper Tyler the Creator.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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