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I can't believe it's seven years today since Chris Candido died.


Chris Candido Tribute Video - He looks terrible in the short clip from 02:04 yet seemingly passed away after beating his demons; something that upsets me to this day


It's also worth mentioning that today also is the eleventh anniversary of the amazing Lou Thesz's death. He certainly kept himself in shape as the follwoing short bout from when he was sixty four shows.


An even shorter profile from the mid nineties when the great man must have been touching eighty. Watching Stu Hart demonstrate always made me feel uncomfortable for some reason but Thesz seems a class act. The copy of Hooker; signed personally to myself, that Glen Radford managed to obtain for me is still a treasured possession.




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A young Daniel Bryan's reaction to being released from his WWF developmental contract in 2001,his thoughts on working in Memphis,and his plans of becoming an English teacher.Interesting little video.


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I'd forgotten about this, stumbled upon it earlier.


This is pure entertainment :laugh:


I think Flair nearly keels over multiple times here.


Apologies if it's already been posted.

Edited by nobby
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