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Awful sections in great video games


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16 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

I loved Jak & Daxter back in the day. It was a really fun and light adventure platformer. Weirdly in the sequels they went all "edgy" with it , added guns, vehicles, a massive GTA style futuristic open world and hugely increased the difficulty level. Jak 2 and 3 are still great games but they have some awful and painful sections in them. The racing bits are awful due to the shitty driving mechanics and awkward city layout and there's also mini games that you can't skip which are insanely hard and boring. The games are great despite them but why they changed a family friendly fun Mario 64 knock off into one of the most difficult games I've played to this very day still amazes me.

I'm totally with you on this - I was so deflated when they announced that they were taking a gritty approach with the Jak sequel. It's not like the original sold badly, so I'd love to know why they made this choice. I didn't personally enjoy the second game, and I've not tried the third one. The original Jak & Dexter is one of my favourite games on the PS2, and I think it holds up really well. 

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Even though I've pretty much nailed it due to overcautious anxiety every time since my first playthrough, swimming with Emma through the sunken strut in Metal Gear Solid 2 still fills me with absolute fear. 

I think it's fair, well designed, and does its job. I still loathe it. 

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One of the most old dude things I'll post, but the Haunted Mansion level (which I think was the final one) of Castle Of Illusion was really fucking annoying, because there was that section where you had to bounce on ghosts flying across the screen to get across, because you either dropped out or were forced to drop out by the scrolling screen, and it was bloody impossible for me to get the spacing and timing right, and impossible to practice it properly because you only had so many lives to try. To this day, I've never completed that game, which is a shame because it's otherwise a solid classic. One of the few times I'll ever praise anything Disney.

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36 minutes ago, Dr. Alan Grant said:

Any game that gives you the option to sprint, but doesn’t always allow you to do so. In the most recent Diablo, you can sprint (on foot or on horse) all over the shop, but as soon as you enter a town, it’s back down to normal speed. And in a lot of 3rd person games nowadays, there’s a section where you’re accompanying an NPC somewhere and you’re forced to walk at their pace rather than them keeping up with you. Stop slowing me down!

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is ridiculous for this. "We've got to get to X Cloud! But hang on, lets dawdle here at Y for a bit, I need to remember something about a character you don't care about". If it were just that it wouldn't be too bad, it's a story game where you need to put in a bit of character stuff and colour, but sometimes you just can't sprint for no good reason, like you're indoors somewhere, when you can sprint indoors in other places no problem. 

Edited by gmoney
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I've never really played Battletoads, but I feel like we should be talking about Battletoads for that turbo tunnel bit? 

I feel like a lot of my frustrations with games are because I don't have the best co-ordination.

The back half of Fable 3 with all that "do you want to be bad and horde all the money or good and risk all the people dying?" thing felt like it flew in the face of everything you'd been trying to work before. Like it was nuance for the sake of nuance? That and it was far too linear. I think I finished my first playthrough in less time than I actually played Fable 2 originally, and I didn't even get particularly far because there was so much to do. 

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A very recent one, but everybody in our group chat has been playing Star Wars Outlaws and got stuck for ages on the ‘blaster part’ stealth mission that’s near the start of the game but massively tricky to get right. So much so they’re apparently putting out a patch that’ll make it less “punishing”.

I struggle with stealth missions generally, so any action/adventure game that makes you do them without the option to fight your way out / run away as fast as you can until they forget, and auto-fails you for not being stealthy enough, can get on this list. 

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2 hours ago, cobra_gordo said:

The entire first bit of Driver, the part that's meant to be a tutorial.

This. I knew a few people who bought Driver and most took the game back without even completing the tutorial. Madness.

Adjacent to the topic, but all those people who had No Mercy but didn’t realise the first batch of carts had the memory wipe glitch and didn’t find it out for years later. When i was at college we all bought copies Friday and returned them on the Monday, but at least we had heard that a new version was being released. Imagine not knowing for all those years.

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Came in to hate on the spiked pillars in the real God of War and the blood trail bits in Max Payne, glad they've been gotten to already, big blights on two of my favourites.

The tactical squad command bits in Black Ops 2 were a slog I dreaded as well, I had no idea what I was doing. Organisation has no place in a fun war game, save that shit for the SOCOM or Ghost Recon nerds.

7 hours ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Ultimate example for me is the fucking asteroid shooting bit in Dead Space. So incredibly frustrating and completely unnecessary to the game.

Like me and many others, you might have been handicapping yourself. There's a second cannon on the left trigger that the game never tells you is there! I only learned this around the time the remake came out. It's piss easy when you're not limiting yourself to only using 50% of your firepower for no reason.

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26 minutes ago, wordsfromlee said:

The token hallucination section in all of the Far Cry games.

Does that bit when you have to walk really slowly around the space museum in The Last of Us II count? It feels like a glorified cut scene that goes on forever and you can't skip it.

The museum bit was one of my favourite parts!

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11 hours ago, RedTwoster said:

Oh, that reminds me...


I don't think I need to say anything more. If you've played it, you surely know. Just abysmal. 

Both the


Cosmo minigames (chocobo and tank) were abysmal,

this was merely annoying.

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8 hours ago, seph said:

this was merely annoying.

Difference being is that one is optional, the other is short - the crate section is unnecessarily long with annoyingly imprecise controls - and a character who is not particularly fun to play as. I honestly nearly packed the whole game in because of it! With game 3, I hope they remove some of the padding (which, I feel, this was) to create a tighter experience. But yeah, this was my least favourite section in a video game in modern memory!

EDIT: Come to think about it, if you’re talking about the mandatory minigame as far as the first one is concerned, I actually enjoyed that! I didn’t play the second, or if I did, I don’t remember it.

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