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Been down to the polls to vote. Expected it to be busy considering I was there 15 minutes after they opened but there was only a couple of us. Going to be glued to the news watching (hopefully) the Tories get demolished all night tonight and tomorrow.

Also pleased to see the recent polls showing that Reform have bombed right down them, now predicted to win less seats than the Greens. Their campaign was a race against time to not have their candidates do or say anything disgusting before election day and their time ran out very fast.

Edited by FLips
Happy election day Bacon x
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Voted early in our sleepy little village - the only real options in the constituency are the Lib Dems or the Tories, so not a lot of debate needed.

Our current MP has been in the position since 2015, and despite what feels like a million reshuffles during that time, has never landed a role of any merit - which is quite the achievement, when you think about it.


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Just been and voted. It’s one of the safest Tory seats going (created in 1997 and always been Tory), but the bookies have it as going to Labour. I don’t expect that to happen, but had to do my part in trying.

Usually when you go to our polls you’re in & out in seconds as there’s never anyone there. You can tell this is a big election as there 4 people ahead of me and I was there for at least a minute

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Went on the way to work this morning, shortly after 7.30. A walk in, walk out job, probably wouldn't have been inside longer than 30 seconds at that time of the morning. Gets it out of the way. 

I used to be in an extremely tight constituency between Sinn Fein and usually the UUP candidate. However boundary changes have put me into a different, safe Sinn Fein seat. Whilst also making my previous constituency less close and more likely to be a Sinn Fein win, not by a "safe" margin, but a "not worth a recount" margin.

Since my vote went elsewhere of both of those options, the boundary change won't change my voting intentions, but it will for others in my area, as they are now in an area with 3 unionist candidates standing, rather than 1. So there could be a little more vote spread across the board. 

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31 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

 in & out in seconds


7 minutes ago, WeeAl said:

probably wouldn't have been inside longer than 30 seconds at that time of the morning. Gets it out of the way. I used to be in an extremely tight


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18 minutes ago, TheScarlettChad said:

I'm voting SDLP. I wish I could vote for Labour but hey, They don't run here.

See, I wish I could vote for the SDLP. Politically they seem much better than Labour.

I've no specific beef with Sinn Fein, except one: they can't take their seats. I'm hoping the SDLP win some seats back, so that there's more of a progressive presence in parliament.

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Polling station was really busy. Loads of OAP's but likely because of the time of day. We're in a 'swing constituency', our current Tory MP isn't standing (he was flown in last time after the previous Labour MP fucked it). It's likely to swing back but I remain skeptical.

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I think my only apprehension about my vote is that the Lib Dem candidate for my constituency isn't from anywhere near here. They're a councillor in Southport that has had no presence here at all, and neither has the party.

The Labour candidate has been out and about through all the estates in the area and I've even had personal discussions with the Green candidate. The Tory and Reform candidates could live next door to me and wouldn't get my vote, mind you.

I'm happy voting for the party and the manifestos but it would have been nice if I felt like the candidate gave two shits about the area they were running in and weren't spending all their time posting boomer memes on Facebook.

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I voted for my local MP (Labour) because he's good on local issues, knocked on my door and lives in my constituency. It's the least sure I've ever been in voting Labour. I decided in the end to vote locally because the national picture is so bleak. Probably should have voted Green or Lib Dem.

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Well I've been to vote and has to take my sisters dog with me. He snuck underneath the table and drank one of the poll clerks cup of tea that she was keeping on the floor so she didnt spill anything on the paperwork. Witnessing democracy obviously made the little shite thirsty. 

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I can't think of the last time it got to election day and I still wasn't sure who I'm going to vote for. Kier Starmer s comments regarding Trans people has meant I just can't vote Labour, I wouldn't be able to look at myself in the mirror.

So it's Green or Lib Dem for me, I am struggling to decide between them but I think Lib Dems will edge it due to the candidate actually being local and actually knowing something about local issues.

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