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AEW Double or Nothing 2024 - May 26th


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34 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

If you can teeeeeeeeeeell what my watch is costing. 




Sorry, I know.

Shhhh. If he's Final Boss MPDTT then watches now make him angry after all that stuff with Cody and the Rolex.

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11 hours ago, MPDTT said:

MPDTT is back in Vegas for Collision/Double Or Nothing - 5 years since being here for the first one


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Posted (edited)

Loved this from the Countdown show.


Tony Schiavone attending the first Double or Nothing as a fan in the front row. I’d argue he went on to be in the top ten - if not top five - most important people in the company. Love Big Tone. Won’t ever forgive Jack Perry for swilling him. Hope Tony helps set Jack on fire tonight.

In retrospect, these mad videos from earlier in the year now feel like rehearsals for what we might get tonight. Clearly as big a nutter as Darby.


Edited by Supremo
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With the usual understanding that the show will deliver in terms of match quality. Still leaves the only match I have a real interest in being Willow v. Mercedes.

Anarchy in the Arena based on previous years will just drag out into Blood & Guts. Its gotten tired knowing its every year, and B&G, and probably another Stadium Stampede. As it did with WarGames and Hell in a Cell.

Mox v. Takeshita with the Eliminator stip feels like a way to get an IWGP title contender for Forbidden Door without sacrificing a NJPW talent.

FTW / OC v. Trent / Toni v. Deeb are filler.

The rest Swerve should win with the full Patriarchy throwing every at him. TNT went full spooky bollocks might as well have a Gangrel cameo. BBG are at least defending their belts for a change. Let PAC win so he bin a few to save weight on his luggage for the flight home :)  Ospreay feels wasted going for the International title.


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Might have a butchers at this tonight, bank holiday, no work. I'm not really up with the weekly running of AEW beyond a few YouTube clips but the AEW PPVs I have watched have been quality to be fair so I'll go in with an open mind and hope for the best :rolleyes:

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Posted (edited)

I know there's a storyline reason for Mercedes to fight Willow but it might have been wiser for her first match to be against someone she'd have less difficulty with in executing a decent-looking Moné Maker on....

Edited by air_raid
Had a dream I hadn't made it
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Posted (edited)

 Can we have monthly ppvs just for these? 

It was too long, it was overwhelming but it was great. We could have lost Jericho, Mox and Trent’s matches, not that weren't good, but to make it shorter.

Ospreay winning may have been predictable but the match delivered. Both looked great, Shame about the awful Doomsday spot. 

Adam Cole killing of the whole devil arc only to lead to MJF cosplaying as 2001 HHH to come out, put him away again and deliver a statement of intent promo. Glorious. Should PPV’s be used for this? Normally no, but in this instance it worked. MJF learning from Cody if you want a shit Tattoo put it somewhere you can actually hide it.

Storm/Deeb over delivered. I know she’s a good wrestler but I just can’t get into Deeb, but it was a great outing for them both.

Adam Copeland is having the run we didn’t know 2020 Edge could have. Great match but him leaping from the cage was nasty. Hope he’s not too injured but looked rough. Gangrel got a huge pop from me!

Mone/Willow was great. Still not a fan of the finisher, especially when it’s against someone much bigger it looked weak, but a strong return. Wish Willow kept it, she’s been so good, but at least it’s set up potential feuds.

Swerve/Cage was another great match for 2 of AEWs most consistent competitors. The house call to a charging Christian looked superb and was a credible defence for Swerve which was needed.

Anarchy in the Arena lived up to its title. Sheer insanity from start to finish. Playing The Final Countdown as Derby coffin dropped from a balcony as the crescendo hit… Beautiful! Perry getting set on fire, Derby getting hung up for eternity, thumbtacks Reebok Pumps. It really was a crazy over the top sit fest but I loved it as a spectacle. Right result, the story continues.

Another too long, but very enjoyable PPV. No idea what’s next now we’ve MJF back, Page still waiting to return and an Owen Hart tournament where the winners get a Title Shot at All In, but I’m excited to find out.

Edited by Hannibal Scorch
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4 minutes ago, TheScarlettChad said:

Perry being set on fire was stupid. And reckless.  

Serious question, does anybody think the violent stunts have a detrimental effect on attracting casual fans ?

I can see why people would be put off AEW with some of the stuff they have done in the last year or so..

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I think anyone with any nounce would know the fire spot was a well prepared stunt and nothing like that deathmatch idiot that set his crotch on fire. I thought it was really cool for a spot and reasonably safe given they were using fire, like something from a theme park stunt show.

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