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AEW Double or Nothing 2024 - May 26th


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Inconsistent, divisive TV, leading to a ridiculously stacked pay per view that’s almost guaranteed to deliver, is it? AEW. Then. Now. Forever.


Really good lineup you’ve got there. Would be a real shame…if Chris Jericho once again spoilt it. I’m assuming he has another plunder match with HOOK, putting him over strong, but proving yet again there’s a level of Fuck Off Heat where it doesn’t matter what you do. It helps nobody regardless. You have to go away for a while. It’s your only hope. You’re just postponing the inevitable.

Frankly, after how badly Jericho stunk the joint out with Adam Cole last year, he should be banned from ever returning to Double or Nothing. CM Punk should add his name to the list, alongside Christopher Daniels and Matt Hardy. You’re barred!

Potential Jericho match aside though, this looks like a belter. Loads of brilliant stuff to look forward to.

Mercedes needs to deliver. To come in with that amount of fanfare and exclusively deliver bad promos for months on end, you better justify your price tag in the ring. I’d consider closing the show with this. Especially after some of those genuine money promos from Willow.

I’ve came to terms with the likelihood that Statlander will turn heel and cost Willow the match. It will still break my heart when it happens. Imagine Willow all sad and betrayed! Christ!

Ospreay vs. Strong should be great. It’s such a shame Strong has such a shit gimmick and is part of the worst stable of all time because he always has good matches. Ospreay has quite a streak to live up to after his last two pay per view outings, but fucked if I’m gonna doubt him any more. He’s the one, bruv.

Adam Copeland vs. Malakai might be the battle of AEW’s greatest signing vs. their worst. Praying Copeland beats Malakai clean (LOL) and then immediately moves on from the shit goths. All this talk of Copeland taking the knee and honouring the House if he loses is terrifying. If Malakai Black ends this dream run and turns Edge spooky again I’ll never forgive him. I would pop for a Gangrel cameo though. Imagine Gangrel helps Copeland win in this match, and then at some point later in the show we get a quick skit backstage where Christian bumps into Cope and Gangrel? That’d be awesome!

Christian vs. Swerve feels shockingly hot considering how quickly it came out of nowhere. Christian rules. I expect another great match. He’s quietly had a phenomenal run of pay per view matches in AEW.

Imagine having a show so stacked that you can just chuck a Moxley vs. Takeshita match on as garnish. Ridiculous.

Fascinated by the idea of Okada in a wild, weapons-based brawl. I’ve only ever seen him doing New Japan-style slow burners. Does he have much experience with hardcore wrestling? Can’t remember ever seeing him even hold a chair! Hoping Jack Perry has a good showing here. Loved his stuff since coming back. Hoping to see Schiavone throw a drink in Jack’s face, too. Best case scenario is they play Final Countdown over and over again, but if not, Darby’s music would work quite well, too.

But yeah. Darby Allin in Anarchy in the Arena. Good lord. If he can stay alive for the whole thing, I fully expect Darby’s going to deliver something as iconic as Kingston with the gas can or Matt Jackson’s Superkick Explosion.

Also, I know it’s just wishful thinking, but I don’t know how you celebrate a five year anniversary without bringing back the ultimate main character of this promotion. Hangman come home!

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That's a great line up and Malakai Cack is also there. One thing I would say about that poster though is why is the AEW World Title match not given the same prominence as the other title matches. Every other title match it says the title in blue between the competitors. Even Anarchy In The Arena and the IWGP eliminator get name checked in blue. Swerve v Christian isn't promoted on that as a title match. The presentation of Swerve since winning the title has not been great, and the presentation of what should be the top belt in the company is again lacking. That aside looking forward to the show and hoping that Darby comes out in one piece. 

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48 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Fascinated by the idea of Okada in a wild, weapons-based brawl. I’ve only ever seen him doing New Japan-style slow burners. Does he have much experience with hardcore wrestling? Can’t remember ever seeing him even hold a chair!

Maybe if he did, he wouldn't have lost so many times to the Bullet Club. Outnumbered by the interference-happy Too Sweet lads while Gedo panics at ringside... while every single other member of Chaos plays Mario Kart backstage, barely pausing to glance at the other screen to see how their leader is getting on in his big time title defence.


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Looks like a decent show though I don't think anything jumps out to me as being really special or exciting. Dynasty felt like it was only a week or so ago, I think I prefer a bit of a longer wait between shows.

Inevitable some Jericho bullshit will be on this but Death Triangle vs Bang Bang Gang belongs on this show I think (although will probably be on Zero Hour). Especially as the show is currently very singles match heavy.

Orange Cassidy vs Trent happened on Dynamite just a few weeks ago and doesn't really feel like it belongs here.

The Mox match being an Eliminator match on PPV is kinda' rubbish but probably means Takeshita is getting a PPV win over a top star which I'll always be in favour of.

Fingers crossed for a Hangman return in the main event!

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There's not a match on there I'm not interested in. I'd rather not see The Young Bucks and Jungle Boy at all but at least they're in a clusterfuck brawl where they might upset me less than normal. Is this a good use of Okada though? Also I'd rather not see Takeshita having to job to sodding Moxley but it's better than no Takeshita at all, he's awesome. Looking forward to this.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Devon Malcolm said:

There's not a match on there I'm not interested in. I'd rather not see The Young Bucks and Jungle Boy at all but at least they're in a clusterfuck brawl where they might upset me less than normal. Is this a good use of Okada though?

Okada being a snidey cocky bastard doing barely anything while surrounded by maniacs like Darby, Cash, Nick Jackson and Jungle Boy drenched in blood while diving off high objects sounds fucking hilarious to me. I hope he doesn't take a bump the entire match.

Edited by LaGoosh
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38 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Okada being a snidey cocky bastard doing barely anything while surrounded by maniacs like Darby, Cash, Nick Jackson and Jungle Boy drenched in blood while diving off high objects sounds fucking hilarious to me. I hope he doesn't take a bump the entire match.

I don't disagree but I'm just surprised he's being used in this way considering the reputation he brought over from Japan, I just assumed he'd have a similar run to Ospreay's/

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I still can't get on board with how many titles they have. Edge, Okada and Roddy all having belts that isnt THE belt (not includin Mox) is two too many. Mercedes has come in and is going for... not Toni's belt. I don't get it. More is not more.

3 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

The Mox match being an Eliminator match on PPV is kinda' rubbish but probably means Takeshita is getting a PPV win over a top star which I'll always be in favour of.

That sounds like Moxley as IWGP champ losing a non title match on PPV. Do I hate that? Yes I do. Can't imagine New Japan would be thrilled either.

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1 minute ago, air_raid said:

I still can't get on board with how many titles they have. Edge, Okada and Roddy all having belts that isnt THE belt (not includin Mox) is two too many.

I don't think it's the number of belts that's the issue necessarily, it's that they haven't really differentiated them or put them in any clear ranking order. So you've got three singles titles with the exact same open challenge contendership rules on seemingly the exact same level on the card. I like my title wins to follow some kind of progression up the card.

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I don’t think two singles titles in the women’s division is that excessive, and they’ve got a solid story/real life reason for Mercedes to be going after Willow. 

I agree with the men’s singles titles it’s more the unclear ranking of them than the number. 

AEW you’ve got 



With those three appearing to be roughly on the same tier. 


WWE you’ve got 


World but not really lol 



And as much as I absolutely hate the fake world championship bollocks, I do think those belts are ranked in that order and make sense to me. 

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9 minutes ago, JLM said:


World but not really lol 

I don't think you're doing justice to the gulf between the Undisputed WWE World Heavyweight Championship of Life, The Universe And Everything, and Seth's Silver Medal. Which will be called that forever regardless of Drew who holds it.

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Posted (edited)

The IWGP world title is the world title of another promotion though, so I don’t really think it counts. It’s featured currently because an AEW wrestler holds it, and it gets mentioned/featured when AEW are doing cross over shows with New Japan. I suspect that said cross over show coming up quite soon is why Mox holds it now.

I didn’t include it in the ranking of the AEW men’s singles titles because it isn’t an AEW men’s singles title. 

Vikingo took his AAA Mega Championship to AEW and to TNA when he had it, but it doesn’t belong to either of those promotions and doesn’t factor into how their titles are ranked either. 

I’m personally a fan of cross overs between promotions and travelling champions defending on different stages etc. It is another title on this PPV so if that’s an issue for people then fair enough, can agree to disagree on that. 

Edited by JLM
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Posted (edited)

FTW is a more debatable one. I see it more as a trinket with sentimental value because of personal/historical significance rather than being a prize issued by a sporting/governing body. It means something for Hook to hold it or for a heel to take it from him, but it doesn’t hold the value of the real titles. 

That’s why I thought it was a bit silly that they held a bunch of qualifying matches to get into a number one contender’s match to contest for the unrecognised/unsanctioned title on Collision this week.  

Maybe Bear Boulder is a massive Taz fan and has always wanted to hold the FTW belt, maybe The Bucks are huge fans of this title and blocked out a chunk of Collision for people to fight over it. Perhaps Chris Jericho holds sway with the new Elite and they signed off on this for him. Wrestling sure can be pretty dumb. 

Edited by JLM
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