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Progress nearly half million in debt

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They have published their annual statement and makes very interesting reading. 

They are owe £461,000 in debt over the next year - having racked up £380,000 in debt in 2023 an average of £16k per show loss. 

Hope this isn't another 1PW coming. 

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1 minute ago, DavidB6937 said:

What's causing the average show loss?

Lack of ticket sales - high cost imports on some shows and venues in London cannot be cheap.


They also lost WWE funding last year. 

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1 minute ago, DavidB6937 said:

What's causing the average show loss?

Being shit?


Who knew that flying session moth and Lana Austin to WrestleMania weekend and selling overpriced travel packages wasn't going to start the new Britwres boom.

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I know this is going to have some jumping and taking the piss but honestly it's fucking sad. This company were one of the main players that created the huge boom period we had in britwres. Punk rock pro wrestling, for the people and fans, fighting the big corporate machine and doing so well it is disappointing they sold out when WWE came knocking even though they ran their entire business model and pretending to everyone they cared about us and British wrestling and getting so much money and what was needed for the door to open and happen.

Those three jumped ship waving goodbye to the British fans and scene entirely and the product ever since hasn't recovered or filled the shoes the company made. They couldn't drop venues from the ballroom without it clearly admitting they can't do what was done previously which costs money with talent and everything on top it wasn't a golden chalice it looked on paper sad way for it to end up 

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Labelling anything as "punk"  for marketing purposes immediately feels like it stops it fulfilling that ambition. Like the Brewdog of pro wrestling only far more poorly run, somehow.

Although as it turns out, with similarly poor sexual harassment protocols. 

Not suggesting it's not an important, integral piece of a brief boom period, but it's fall back into BritWres mediocrity was inevitable. 

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1 hour ago, Daddymagic said:

Lack of ticket sales - high cost imports on some shows and venues in London cannot be cheap.


They also lost WWE funding last year. 

They always sell well in Camden. I stopped going in 2022, but I know the shows are still pretty packed. That said, the Ballroom probably gets about 600 people in there. With the wrestlers they fly in even with sell outs they are probably running at a loss each show. The new owners are dodgy grifters who ran the wrestling travel company that took you to wrestlemania and went bust under debts and then they started a new version with the same travel packages for this years Mania.  

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Looking at their next show they are flying in one of Sanity, Mike Santana from Proud & Powerful and Shelton Benjamin. 

I don't see them doing more than 600 -- 800 in attendance so pretty clear where the money is going. 

Not sure I know much about Wrestling Travel. But Lee McAteer comes across as an insufferable twat every time I've seen him. 

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6 minutes ago, mim731 said:

Not suggesting it's not an important, integral piece of a brief boom period, but it's fall back into BritWres mediocrity was inevitable. 

Completely agree and it's very naive and shortsighted for the new owners to believe they could ever have reached those heights again to be honest, so I don't really have any sympathy. Lots of businesses have booms which can't be replicated.

The original incarnation of Progress was, if I'm being honest, a really good example of clever marketing. Yeah I'm with all of you and cannot stand anything self branded "punk" but they completely captured a huge audience with that aesthetic, and fair play to them. 


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Quite interesting that they have a new creditor of £251k this year. Wonder what that is. Also a new loan of £108k. No big increase in cash though, so they’ve already spent it

Negative balance sheet to the tune of £314k, not good

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Posted (edited)

In further companies that sold out to WWE news, ICW had to move their show last week from the Garage which holds roughly 250 to their training centre on the week of the show.

Edited by Daddymagic
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