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Your 5 (or as many as you like really) policies


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1. UBI & it'll also replace all other benefits. Simple to administer & navigate for both government & the public 

2. 1 publicly owned company for each utility & public transport. If private operators want to enter the market that's fine but they receive zero subsidies.

3. Legalise weed. 50% of all tax revenues goes towards drug rehabilitation services. 30% on local education & the remainder on local public environmental services street cleaning etc).

4. Forced zero hour contracts to be banned.

5. No anonymity on social media. Chat shit, get banged.

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1) What I say goes. No one is allowed to disagree with me. I'm trying to save a country here, I don't have time for petty arguments. 

The rest I'll figure out as I go along. 

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21 minutes ago, Vamp said:

1) What I say goes. No one is allowed to disagree with me. I'm trying to save a country here, I don't have time for petty arguments. 

The rest I'll figure out as I go along. 

Our first dictatorship. Interesting.

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38 minutes ago, Dead Mike said:

5. No anonymity on social media. Chat shit, get banged

Motion for an exemption for women who are fleeing domestic violence? Many DV survivors are anonymous on social media because abusive exes are trying to find them. 

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yeah, as much as I hate a lot of things about social media, there are a lot of reasons why anonymity can be incredibly useful. The danger of social media is the way it's configured around ad revenue and algorithms pushing the most extreme content to drive engagement, not the entire concept; women fleeing domestic violence, whistle-blowers, and people living under oppressive regimes all have valid reasons to remain anonymous, and social media can be extremely helpful in providing social contact or ways to earn a living for people with disabilities who might otherwise be unable to do those things.

Social media needs massive reform, and if I were reaching for a sixth policy it would probably be about legally classifying all social media platforms as publishers with legal responsibility for everything shared on their platforms, rather than risking throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

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10.) Reply all to be banned and anyone replying all unnecessarily to be jailed for a week.

Re: Policy 10

Great idea Bacon!

       Re:re: Policy 10

Whoop whoop, good one.

              Re:re:re: Policy 10

Was this meant for me?

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1) Nationalise all modes of public transport. No question.

2) CPO & demolish all commercial lets that are vacant for one year or longer, concentrating on building accommodation or parkland

3) All away games for football fans are capped at £20 at statutory level, and online broadcasts available for all fans 30 miles+ with 45% split between both teams (10% for costs)

4) Work-from-home, when available, should be suggested and made flexi-time in all instances.

5) Capital punishment, but only for people who can't be chill on buses and delivery riders who haven't passed their tests yet.

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3 hours ago, LCJ said:

2 - Abolish the Monarchy and Britain becomes a Republic. The Monarchy is an archaic and unfair system and there’s no way it should have a place in modern society. Unlikely I know.

5 separate policies I'd have specifically related to the Monarchy:

1. Abolish the monarchy. All royal titles and privileges are rescinded, this includes Earls, Dukes and all those dumb, stupid titles. All the various cousins, nephews and hangers on can get real fucking jobs.

2. All property owned by the Royal Family now belongs to the public and is used for the public good. E.g. converted into affordable homes, nature reserves, renewable energy sites, public parks, sports etc..

3. All gold, silver, diamonds and any other fancy shit (including the crown jewels) previously owned sold off or melted down and the cash used for under funded charities. Historical paintings and artefacts either donated to museums around the world or sold to the highest bidder and the cash user for under funded charities.

4. The National Anthem is changed to something good and not monarchy or God related.

5. Turn Buckingham Palace into Britian's biggest Wetherspoons.

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4 hours ago, westlondonmist said:

I think the problem with saying MPs can't earn anything else is that the job has no real stability, elections can be called early, you can be deselected etc. It could put a lot of people off being an MP. There needs to be strict maximum hours you can do though and if you need to have a KPI on number of votes and debates you attend to make sure you are still doing your job of MP.

I'd only support number 5 if Jeff Goldblum was in the party. 

I get that, I really do, but I would consider being an MP more than just a job, it comes with a very specific responsibility and too many just don’t serve their constituents as well as they should. Also, any job comes with an element of insecurity. I’m less bothered with MPs earning extra money than I am them spending time away from their core duties.

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3 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

1. Nationalise Wetherspoons, no buying it, just nailing Tim to a wall and taking all his properties.

Can we nail them all up? Him, Brewdog James, the man who bans phones in pubs...

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1) Nationalise transport, water etc etc. 


2) 1 year fully paid maternity and paternity for parents, can be taken at any time as determined by the parents either a year off together to 2 years back to back. Anything you don’t use gets moved to be used for childcare.

3) Cap on yearly earnings over a set amount. Any additional profit must be donated to charities, no exceptions. 

4) More infrastructure for green energy, phase out fossil fuels etc as much as possible as quickly as possible. 

5) True and fair representation of all cultures, genders, sexuality in every policy across the board. 

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1 hour ago, Joe Blog said:

2) 1 year fully paid maternity and paternity for parents, can be taken at any time as determined by the parents either a year off together to 2 years back to back. Anything you don’t use gets moved to be used for childcare.

My kids are 11 and 14, so can I take mine now please?

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21 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

My kids are 11 and 14, so can I take mine now please?

Has to be taken within the first 3 years of child being born, get back to work peasant. 

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