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AEW Dynamite Thread 2024


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On a personal level, definitely wish I was more hyped for it but I'm sure it'll be a fun watch anyway. Would be nice if there was something else surprise wise too but I guess we'll see.

The show itself looks pretty solid actually. More looking forward to some of the matches than anything Mercedes related.

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2 hours ago, mim731 said:

Obviously Mone is coming in tonight, but something about the blatant way it's been done makes me think there's a secondary, maybe less expected surprise in he offing too, possibly a return. Not sure why, but as it's been so overt I can see there being something more going on tonight. 

TK has kept saying it's going to 'one of the biggest nights ever in AEW', that could be the usual guff but I'm hoping we get some announcement on their TV situation as their contract was meant to run out this year. There have been rumours about the tie-in with HBO Max for ages, I wonder if it could be something along those lines.

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So i didn't watch the show (just read the results) and just seems a bit "meh" that the top two advertised moments (Mone's debut and the AEW Title match) were put out first.

Nothing against Rhio and Willow, but as a main event? 

Anyway... after this show it appears are top fueds are:

Mone vs Julia Hart (TBS)

Joe vs Strickland (WORLD)

Storm vs Parrazzo (WOMENS)

Okada vs Kingston (CONTINENTAL)

Ospreay vs Danielson 

Bang Bang Gang vs The Acclaim (TRIOS)

Jericho vs HOOK (Meh......)

Copeland vs Cage (TNT)

Tag Tournie (BCC vs FTR?)

I mean hell.... that's impressive looking. The next PPV has the possibility to deliver one of the best shows in ring in sometime for AEW.

Edited by andrew "the ref" coyne
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I've only seen the first 30 minutes so far. Mone bit was perfectly fine. Wardlow vs Joe was also ok but I think exposed Wardlow's weaknesses a bit. I think the main thing that will forever hold him back as a performer is he just lacks that fire. His strikes look soft, he can't land his offensive moves on opponents who aren't cruiserweights with any real snap. He just doesn't come across as a genuinely dangerous man and if you're gimmick is that you a big war dog warrior (or whatever it is) then you need to be a real killer. Until Wardlow can be a killer he'll be stuck at the level he is. 

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4 hours ago, andrew "the ref" coyne said:

So i didn't watch the show (just read the results) and just seems a bit "meh" that the top two advertised moments (Mone's debut and the AEW Title match) were put out first.

Nothing against Rhio and Willow, but as a main event? 

Anyway... after this show it appears are top fueds are:


Maybe you should have then because it was a belter of an episode. 

Mone getting the full CM Punk treatment was great. Obviously it was wrestlings worst kept secret of 2024, but I thought it was a great introduction for her and now all eyes on the booking to see if this sees changes going forward. To start with a woman’s main event is promising if nothing else and Rhio and Willow did a great job. 

I skipped Jerrihook, because life’s too short. Thought Wardlow and Joe had a really good match, wonder if they will play up Wardlow was in the ropes even if he didn’t grab hold? Swerve looked a boss coming out. Ospreay with another decent promo, a clean break for the BBSG after another match where you wonder how derby survives. And a fun trios match leading to an exciting sounding Kingston/Okada for next week.

Really good episode and loved the increase in hype videos.

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Thought the Mone stuff was cringy in parts to be honest. I was dying for someone to interrupt her at the end when the camera just lingered. All the accoutrements, the non-stop "Waving my hands down the side of my head" dance to what's already one of the worst entrance tunes on the roster. But I was never a massive fan once the more aggressive, self aware post-NXT character came out. 

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Just now, The Gaffer said:

what's already one of the worst entrance tunes on the roster

Yeah it's a shocker. The intro sounds almost identical to the Top Flight intro (which is weird considering that Mikey Ruckus didn't do this song), the same tune as Gunther's song and then just horrendous CEO chants all over it.

I think Okada vs Kingston is a pretty genius story. Every Kingston vs Japanese guy match has been built around Eddie's huge love and undying respect for Japanese wrestling history and his humble pride at being accepted by his heroes. Except this time he's facing a top Japanese star who doesn't give a single fuck about Kingston's love and respect for Japanese wrestling and also does not, and will not, show him any respect. Bloody lovely stuff.

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3 minutes ago, ReturnOfTheMack said:

Just how many people led/started a revolution in women's wrestling? Feels like every other woman claims it. 

Just one. Stephanie McMahon.

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I thought the Money debut was pretty rubbish to be honest. Not so much the booking but it was the same character completely from WWE. The same motions, facial expressions etc. Nothing has been added to the character from her WWE run. The whole rehearsed entrance felt very out of place in AEW. I hope she evolves.

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I watched Mercedes show up. I expected to like it, but I didn't. I think some of it was a bit forced. What I liked about the "BO$TON" bit was that it was subtle in terms of spotting it or not - until other people online point it out to you, of course. However, the presentation of her here had a few too many touches that I didn't care for. I haven't been paying attention so her being called "CEO" is something I only became aware of today, and it's crap. It reminds me of WCW - "She's called Asya because she's bigger than Chyna LOL." The added chants were terrible.

3 minutes ago, simonworden said:

I thought the Money debut was pretty rubbish to be honest. Not so much the booking but it was the same character completely from WWE. The same motions, facial expressions etc. Nothing has been added to the character from her WWE run.

That didn't bother me but I didn't care for the "Seven time Womens World Champion" tagline on her name display. I know, I know, we like AEW acknowledging the wider bubble except when we don't... we all know that she was a big name in WWE before, and we shouldn't pretend she wasn't, but putting "Seven time Womens World Champion" up there on the screen when six of those were in WWE... I dunno, felt a bit like an inferiority complex. Like TNA bigging up Kennedy as a massive game changer. I guess I prefer when it used to be "We know they used to work somewhere else, but THIS IS WHERE THE BIG BOYS PLAY!" rather than "She was a massive star in WWE, now she's washed up on our shores." But that might just be my perception. It didn't help that Tony Schiavone spelled out "this is the entrance of a star" - Christ, we can decide that for ourselves, Tone. Although when they were talking about her hometown reaction I was convinced the one that isn't Tony or Taz said "Titty Garden" before I remembered it's "TD Garden."

Mercedes herself was same old same old on the mic, and I cringed when she talked about how many "moments" she was going to create. Some real modern bullshit there like when Charlotte asked who she was "going to make magic with next" the TV after Mania 34 - the characters overtly caring about how "good" the match is and that, as opposed to success i.e. just winning or losing. Probably blame Shawn Michaels for the birth of it, then the WWE becoming obsessed with "WrestleMania Moments" over the years, but gradually everyone started caring about "stealing the show." I just want my wrestlers to tell us they're the best and its because they've been winning all their matches, not because "Naruki No-sell and I stole the show last Wednesday, social networks exploded and it was unanimously a five star match and the best match of the night which makes me the best even though I lost!"

24 minutes ago, ReturnOfTheMack said:

Just how many people led/started a revolution in women's wrestling? Feels like every other woman claims it. 

The most egregious for me is The Bella Twins who were absolutely fucking rubbish and had been the most featured characters of the "Divas shite" era when Paige, Sasha etc started having decent matches and the Charlotte/Sasha/Becky call-up initiated what they think of as the revolution/dumping the "Divas" tag. Somehow because they co-existed with those names, company rhetoric is that they were part of the "revolution." Otherwise WWE is pretty subtle, and whenever anyone from the rest of that pile of dreck shows up in a Rumble they get tarred with the "pioneer" tag. Which I always hear as "She was here when the Women were shit, but #BeKind."

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I'll be honest - I didn't really care going into it, so I don't think there was anything they were going to do that was going to convince me otherwise.

Best I can say is they've given her the red carpet treatment. They've made her look like a big deal. They've basically given her her own home show to debut on. There's not much more they could've done to make her seem like a special signing, so all credit to them there.

The womens division has been incredibly up and down over the years but they've got a solid roster there so hopefully her signing continues to push it all in the right direction.

But yeah, the CEO thing was annoying me after about a minute so that wasn't a good sign. I think I agree a bit with the 'fake' feeling.

I just couldn't buy into what she was saying. I think the problem was that it was almost booked to mirror the Punk debut and therefore there felt like a stronger element of 'booking' where the Punk one felt more natural. Does that even make any sense? Probably not, sorry. I think this felt like they were trying to replicate something rather than just letting real emotion take over.

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