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6 minutes ago, deathrey said:

They never truly explain how she ends up in the group with any kind of satisfactory answer

I assume she played music in the bar before it became a coffee shop and her and Monica got talking, unless I've misremembered that they do reveal it later on? 

I suppose it would've even made more sense if she was friends with Susan or went on a date with Joey. At the least I could buy that.

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19 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

So she imagined herself with Rapaport? What a shit imagination.

Although I'm curious, I now actually don't even want to know why you hate Michael Rappaport with such vitriol because it's funnier to me without context that it has  come up in multiple different posts. 

If it turned out to be for some rubbish reason like him being an arsenal fan that would ruin it. 

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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11 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

I also want to say that I absolutely love Janice. One of the all time great minor sitcom characters, and a genuine pop whenever she appears.

And of course Eddie. See ya pals.

Absolutely this, to both. Adam Goldberg as Eddie was superb, demented and funny in equal measures.

11 hours ago, TheBurningRed said:

I’d add Phoebe to the shit characters list. Love the show and the main characters, except for her. Instant fast forward if she’s not with the others. Doubly worse when she’s with Michael Rapaport. 

EVERYONE was shit in S5. And 6. I've no idea what went wrong between the relative consistency of 1-4 and 7-9 but those two series were utter dogshit. The worst probably being Phoebe where they completely prostituted her stance on animal cruelty because they thought it would be funny if she liked wearing a real fur coat, which of course, it wasn't. Completely unbelievable that someone who won't even eat meat would actually wear a jacket made of animals killed purely for their fur. Also worthy of mention is the S6 Rachel trifle disaster which was a double-punch for Rachel being written to be that stupid and Joey for actually enjoying beef, peas, onions, jam and custard together. Gluttony being Joey's thing, fine, but - come on. Add Ross shagging a student and I think we can all agree we should pretend Monica and Chandler went straight from drunken shag to engaged and everything in between was a fever dream.

2 hours ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Both her and Ross are really good when they're not interacting with each other. All their best and funniest moments come when they're not bogged down in their tedious back and forth with each other.

The most most tedious of all, famously, being Ross falling back on "we were on a break" for his cheating excuse. Which is a bizarre inconsistency for me because in the initial break up fight, it's actually Rachel who insists on the term "we were on a break" when Ross tries to justify shagging Linda from Wedding Singer because he believed Rachel and himself to be broken up.

If I'm going to linger on S3 mind, I'd like to add that (fellow Wedding Singer bit parter) Christine Taylor showing up around the same time (even the same VHS tape I think ) as future husband Ben Stiller a good two years before they'd actually meet always struck me as... well, I don't know, but it's a fact I like.

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13 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Although I'm curious, I now actually don't even want to know why you hate Michael Rappaport with such vitriol because it's funnier to me without context that it has  come up in multiple different posts. 

If it turned out to be for some rubbish reason like him being an arsenal fan that would ruin it. 

Hate is such an ugly emotion, and as I get older I try not to let it burden me, but I absolutely despise him. 

There is probably quite a few reasons why, but there is no one overarching reason, so we'll leave it with that ambiguity :)


Look at him! Such a nob!!!

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16 minutes ago, air_raid said:

EVERYONE was shit in S5. And 6. I've no idea what went wrong between the relative consistency of 1-4 and 7-9 but those two series were utter dogshit. The worst probably being Phoebe where they completely prostituted her stance on animal cruelty because they thought it would be funny if she liked wearing a real fur coat, which of course, it wasn't. Completely unbelievable that someone who won't even eat meat would actually wear a jacket made of animals killed purely for their fur. Also worthy of mention is the S6 Rachel trifle disaster which was a double-punch for Rachel being written to be that stupid and Joey for actually enjoying beef, peas, onions, jam and custard together. Gluttony being Joey's thing, fine, but - come on. Add Ross shagging a student and I think we can all agree we should pretend Monica and Chandler went straight from drunken shag to engaged and everything in between was a fever dream.


Friends writers were on a mad one around this time. There's a bit of a legend about them coming up with a story about Chandler losing an amount of money that was supposed to be upsetting, but not life changing and the figure they arrived at was $400, 000. Must be nice.

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54 minutes ago, deathrey said:

Yes, she lived with Monica but that doesn't explain why they continued to be friends when they have nothing in common and polar opposite personalities

Not to mention how Phoebe once froze Monica out, as mentioned by Jennifer Coolidge. 

Bloody hell, for a show I don’t like I sure know loads about it!

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3 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Bloody hell, for a show I don’t like I sure know loads about it!

I think that's a testament to how accessible and broad it can be. Great comedy can be broad and you might have only seen it all the way through once, but it's such an easy show to retain information from.

There's no "lore" or "canon" or any of this other bollox that make some shows these days such a chore.

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Phoebe never annoys me as much as she seems to other people. She's not written well, but Lisa Kudrow pulls it off. I think series 1-4 are generally excellent, then it's a mixed bag after that. Some genuine tripe as Air Raid points out, and some OK stuff, but never gets great again to my mind. I will admit I've never sat through all of the last series, and I've still never actually seen the last episode. 

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27 minutes ago, gmoney said:

I will admit I've never sat through all of the last series, and I've still never actually seen the last episode. 

The last season is a car crash. They booked themselves into a corner at the end of S9 forcing a re-tread of the Rachel/Joey thing that peaked in S8 (some very well-written stuff therein) and had a shorter series to have that one hit the wall, force Ross and Rachel back together for the ending they (wrongly) assumed we all wanted AND somehow have Joey be OK with it. From what I recall there was still some funny stuff but for storytelling it was all a bit Lesnar/Reigns, SummerSlam 2018. Too long a road with too many twists for a predictable abrupt ending.

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5 minutes ago, air_raid said:

The last season is a car crash. They booked themselves into a corner at the end of S9 forcing a re-tread of the Rachel/Joey thing that peaked in S8 (some very well-written stuff therein) and had a shorter series to have that one hit the wall, force Ross and Rachel back together for the ending they (wrongly) assumed we all wanted AND somehow have Joey be OK with it. From what I recall there was still some funny stuff but for storytelling it was all a bit Lesnar/Reigns, SummerSlam 2018. Too long a road with too many twists for a predictable abrupt ending.





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