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AEW Saturday Collision

Hannibal Scorch

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1 minute ago, LaGoosh said:

It never fails to amuse me the idea that there are all these beautiful Mexican men wrestling in masks. Especially when they lose their mask at the end of a big grudge match or whatever and the mystery of their true face is revealed, it turns out they are insanely handsome and it's like "why the fuck were you ever wearing a mask in the first place?!"

it turning out that Dr Wagner Jr looked like Andrade's hot dad was an absolutely wild example of this, but it happens so often.

I think the only real exceptions to the rule are L.A. Park, who looks exactly like you'd expect an overweight middle aged Mexican man to look, and the Lucha Brothers, who are so bland looking that you'd struggle to remember their faces while looking right at them.

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Lads, Danny Garcia is going to make a comeback from a three-on-one disadvantage inside a steal cage this Saturday, Daddy Magic is gonna be going absolutely bonkers at the desk, and I cannot wait.

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31 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

It never fails to amuse me the idea that there are all these beautiful Mexican men wrestling in masks. Especially when they lose their mask at the end of a big grudge match or whatever and the mystery of their true face is revealed, it turns out they are insanely handsome and it's like "why the fuck were you ever wearing a mask in the first place?!"

A noted exception being when Rey Rey lost his mask in WCW, and after near 3 years of hearing Mike Tenay bleat about him making his pro debut at the age of 14, we were all left thinking "Wait... you're telling me he's older than 14???"

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1 hour ago, Lorne Malvo said:

That's just reminded me of when one of the Sin Cara's got unmasked on Smackdown and Booker T on commentary was doing the Kane-esque 'EW WHAT THE HELL, WHAT A FREAK' and it was just a normal bloke under the mask.

That was hilarious. I remember Booker yelling "HE'S HIDEOUS!" perfectly, it cracked me up.

As for ugly men under the mask - Psicosis deserves a special mention. One of the most unpleasant looking men on Earth. He should have worn two masks.

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1 hour ago, Lorne Malvo said:

That's just reminded me of when one of the Sin Cara's got unmasked on Smackdown and Booker T on commentary was doing the Kane-esque 'EW WHAT THE HELL, WHAT A FREAK' and it was just a normal bloke under the mask.

I'd completely forgotten about that, but it's utterly brilliant: 


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4 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

That was hilarious. I remember Booker yelling "HE'S HIDEOUS!" perfectly, it cracked me up.

As for ugly men under the mask - Psicosis deserves a special mention. One of the most unpleasant looking men on Earth. He should have worn two masks.

Juvi was kind of weird lookin', too.

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Loving this line up for Collision! 

  • Bryan Danielson vs. Yuji Nagata
  • Mariah May vs. Lady Frost
  • AEW International Championship: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. (Winner of 4 way match redacted for those who haven't seen Rampage)
  • Eddie Kingston vs. Willie Mack
  • Serena Deeb's return to the ring
  • Escape The Cage Elimination Match: FTR & Daniel Garcia vs. House Of Black
  • Claudio Castagnoli & Jon Moxley vs. Shane Taylor & Lee Moriarty

Excalibur also said something involving the CMLL guys. Was impressed with Mascara Dorada 2.0 at New Japan Battle in the Valley, happy to see he's one of the guys coming in. 

Very excited for the main event, though I'm slightly unclear on "Escape the cage elimination match"? I'd have thought escaping the cage to win and it being an elimination match are kind of at odds with each other? 

Edited by JLM
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Hate the escape rules. Why can’t they just have a mad, crazy scrap, where pinballs and submissions result in an elimination? WWE have done these rules a few times and it’s always a bit stupid. You escape, but then you leave your partner high and dry, at a numbers disadvantage.

Get on this though. Stunning.


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The main event was great but suffered from what all escape the cage tag matches suffer from, they're just not logical at all. Escaping the cage to allow your partner to be double-teamed just doesn't work as a concept. All 6 men put on a top showing in spite of those rules though and Mark Briscoe getting the last laugh was a proper feel-good moment.

Danielson vs Nagata was brilliant. There's been a fair few of these 'AEW bring in Japanese legends' matches that have failed to live up to the hype but this was great. Danielson showing everybody respect except for Kingston is a great touch.


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The crowd was a vast improvement over Wednesday's show. Incredible when you consider it was not only meant to have fewer people, but they had to do with ROH filler before the show...and after if they stuck around.

The story going into the main event with Mark Briscoe subbing in, only to be attacked. Leading to DG's appearance worked a treat. Night and day when compared to the Full Gear main event scenario. Mass brawling really covers for an old wrestling trope. They made the elimination rules work with what amounted to double elminations. Julia Hart got to remind people she exists. Feels like she's taken a backseat recently to showcase others in the Women's division.

Two blantantly obvious finishes in the Danielson and Eddie Kingston matches made that much greater with the Eddie/Danielson bumping into each other and Eddie joing comms. If you'd said one of the Danielson's last PPV matches as a regular was being used on a rematch with Eddie. I'd maybe consider it a waste as we've seen it before. This time though there's actually a story to it. That makes you want to see it all the more.

Rest of the show was solid in-ring and with the promos/VTs. Nice to see Serena Deeb back and get some time on the mic.

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It's understandable but a shame that most people will overlook this show due to the Rumble and Vince The Rapist because I thought it was a pretty perfect episode of TV wrestling. Cracking matches of a variety of styles across the show, a hot crowd and a ridiculously fun main event. Absolutely buzzing after finishing that. I love AEW!

Oh, but Jericho is back with back to back singles matches over the next two weeks...I hate AEW.

Edited by LaGoosh
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