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AEW Saturday Collision

Hannibal Scorch

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Collision 18/04/24

Great opener from Osprey and Shane Taylor. Taylor has bene consistently brilliant in this role for a while now. His offense looks fantastic, he talks shit, he looks intimidating, can have a good match with anyone and can absorb infinite losses. The added threat of Ogogo's punch on the outside only adds to it. As I've said many times by this point, I am loving Osprey against larger opponents. I'm continually impressed with the stuff he's able to hit against them too, did not think he'd be hitting Taylor with a Stormbreaker! Roddy and Nigel vs Schiavone on commentary was a good laugh here too. 

Good promos from BCC. Claudio managed to stay on message and finish his promo without derailing! He's been so close several times, where he'll sound great for a bit, have some good lines and an idea of his message, then he'll lose the thread or go on for 20 seconds too long while Mox has to stand there trying to guess when he's done. Here it was simple. Lot of people talk about being great and this being their dream but they don't live it. He shows you how great he is by being great in the ring every week. That's it. That's all Claudio needs to say. He genuinely does do it all in the ring and that is fine. 

Hook and Johnny TV was fine. Nice to see the TVs making more main roster appearances. 

Really enjoyed Shibata/Romero, some proper wrasslin' this one. Classic submission/limb work stuff on both sides, and especially loved that it finished with a tap out from a figure four. So rare to see that unless it's someone's finisher. 

Bryan Keith vs Boulder is something I would skip on an episode of ROH TV without even thinking. At least they knew that and made it three minutes, but 100% agree with LaGoosh that with this roster it is inexcusable to put this on the show. I like that Bryan Keith is going with the diamond dust as his finish, was stupid for a guy his size to use a tiger driver. 

Pac's promo was wonderful. Absolutely adored it. They are some FUNNY CHAPS. HILARIOUS in fact. The accent is obviously a factor, but it's everything about it for me at the moment. The delivery, the facial expressions, the choice of words, he just kills it every time and I love it. Ross No-Bull. Bullet Club Gold entrance seamlessly transitioning into the Pac beatdown reveal was fucking GENIUS. The additional little touch of Colten Gunn looking all dishevelled and out of breath was a great detail, and Jay White doing the shortest promo of his life was perfect. What an interesting and creative way to progress this feud in what must have been 2-3 mins total including the Pac promo. 

Kassidy/Cassidy was a fun little match, though my favourite bit of the segment was Trent's latest modified t-shirt. Long may these continue. 

Broken record here, but seriously is Serena Deeb a babyface or a heel? Her whole in-ring style is just vicious bullying of the opponent. In this match she picked apart Anna Jay to the point where Anna Jay's little bits of offense were hope spots and got cheered by the crowd. She is a heel, everything she does is heelish, but she's been a babyface in her promos. Maybe she'll turn properly at Double or Nothing.

Jack Cartwheel on Collision! Madness. For a 2 minute squash this was amazing. Nick Wayne being a right little prick, insanely frantic pace and Cartwheel just wiping the fuck out on the space flying tiger drop. Excellent. 

Archer and The Righteous vs FTR/Danielson is exactly what I want from a Collision main event. Great hot tag from Brian, monstrous performance from Archer, the signature breathtaking FTR closing stretch and Danny Garcia saving the dy. Lovely. Also I learned in The Righteous' Hey EW episode that Vincent was trained by Spike Dudley, which is presumably why his finish is an assisted Acid Drop. Aww. 

Proper variety show episode of Collision there, really whacky set of matches, mostly pretty good fun. 

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Decent show. 

Criminal that Big Brody isn't in the running for a big singles run.

President Tana was a nice surprise.

Copeland dropping hints about taking over the HoB has me wondering just how long Malakai has left.

Good video package for Swerve Vs. Christian.

Fun main event.

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Highlight of the show was Willow delivering another phenomenal promo. She’s the best babyface in the business. The type of performer where you get completely lost in the fiction. I know Mercedes is almost certainly not losing her first match in the company. I know what Kris Statlander is likely teasing after spending all day posting photos of her and Willow on her Instagram stories. But none of it matters. I’m pulling for my girl. She’s gonna win whether she wants to or not!

Was Max Caster always this rubbish, and we just didn’t realise? Or has he completely fallen off? He’s terrible nowadays. Bowens needs to get rid.

Every interaction between Danielson and Double J in the main event was further evidence that a singles bout between them is one of the last true dream matches of Danielson’s career. Ain’t he great.

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Shockingly shit promo and rap on Rampage last week as well. He seems to have given up entirely. A couple of times he's come across as so petulant with it that it feels intentional. I don't mean as a work either, more that he's pissed off at how far The Acclaimed have fallen off and he's having a strop about it in the form of shit promos. 

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Collision 25/05/24

Opening segment was a fine go home angle for Mox/Takeshita but Callis' promo seemed to go on forever. 

Bloody/pissed off Ospreay promo was excellent. Completely different from any of the in-ring promos he's been doing and I thought he smashed this one as well. What a revelation he's been as a promo. 

Tanahashi was a lovely surprise, though was worried for him trying to get steady on the top for the high fly flow. His poor knees. Loved him doing the Garcia dance.

Bucks video was hilarious. Particularly appreciated that it had the Khan/Perry hug in it. 

Oh my god Little Penta was too cute, especially when he wandered off during the Cero Miedo. Good little tag match, wonderful to see the Lucha Brothers back at it. Love a Rey Fenix hot tag. 

Bryan Keith did not seem very cool getting in Jericho's face off the back of being DOUBLE tapped out. Big Bill stood next to Arkady Aura was quite a visual. I also had to look up the name Arkady Aura because I've heard people say it half a dozen times now but still couldn't work out how one would spell it. 

O'Reilly Squash was fine. KM has a good little niche there as a giant jobber for babyfaces to beat. 

Absolutely tremendous go home promo from Willow. The feud has given her more of an edge, more braggadocious and confident than ever before, gloves off with the trash talk about Mone, but still the most likeable babyface imaginable. All the signs are indeed there for Stokeley and Statlander to turn and cost her the belt tomorrow but maaan I really hope to be surprised. It's definitely the true main event of Double or Nothing. 

Rocky Romero making one last appeal to Trent Berretta was very effective and genuinely quite sad. 

Embarrassing rap from Caster. As soon as I saw the participants for this I only wanted to see Brody and Toa face off, so was happy they made this the throughline of the whole match. Not great that the brawl between Daddy Ass and Brian Cage leading to everyone going backstage was not shown. 

Spooky Copeland promo again. I don't want House of Blood and I don't want him in House of Black. Very uneasy about where this is going. The cage match will be overbooked madness and I expect it'll be quite good fun despite all the nonsense surrounding it. 

Utterly savage promo from Toni Storm, bloody hell. Hearing her do an incredibly pissed off and largely serious promo in this character's voice was very cool. 

Nice to see Lelyla Hirsch in a slightly more competitive match, I've also been enjoying everything Mariah May does lately. 

Outstanding video package for Christian/Swerve, tied all of the history together beautifully and yet more phenomenal promo work from Christian.

Thoroughly entertaining main event. I have missed Double J so much. Him vs Danielson was gold, and Jarrett vs Aubrey Edwards is also secretly one of the best feuds in wrestling.

No  blow away matches but another enjoyable Collision with some strong final go home segments/vignettes/promos for Double or Nothing. 

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6 hours ago, JLM said:

Utterly savage promo from Toni Storm, bloody hell. Hearing her do an incredibly pissed off and largely serious promo in this character's voice was very cool. 

Just came here to post about this. Absolutely brutal destruction of Serena Deeb. Toni Storm used to be one of the world's most boring generic promos - who could have ever have imagined she had this in her? She's incredible. 

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This was so fitting, I assume it was a subtle work and it’ll lead to something. That woman is me. That woman is everyone. This act is dead. Remember when he’d do that intro and loads of people would be losing their minds trying to scissor him? I like to think the note she passed him said, “JUST SACK MAX.”


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20 minutes ago, Supremo said:

This was so fitting, I assume it was a subtle work and it’ll lead to something. That woman is me. That woman is everyone. This act is dead. Remember when he’d do that intro and loads of people would be losing their minds trying to scissor him? I like to think the note she passed him said, “JUST SACK MAX.”


Turns out she's a wrestler too, saw her interacting with Nyla Rose (one of the only wrestling people I will entertain the idea of following)

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Best part of this week was Nigel attempting to ditch his job with no notice to join Toni and Mariah in the bar without realising their promo was a pre-tape. Brilliant. 

Ospreay/O'Reilly and Strong/Rush were pretty good too, I guess.

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