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AEW Saturday Collision

Hannibal Scorch

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Still don't get the appeal of Miro. He peaked when he came out in a tank and never recovered fully from the loss. He hasn't done a single good thing in AEW, and the best thing he was involved in (The Arcade Anarchy match) he was one of the least necessary parts of it and got outshone by an old woman in a van.

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22 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

Still don't get the appeal of Miro. He peaked when he came out in a tank and never recovered fully from the loss. He hasn't done a single good thing in AEW, and the best thing he was involved in (The Arcade Anarchy match) he was one of the least necessary parts of it and got outshone by an old woman in a van.

Thats not just any old woman, that's Sue Baretta (or Sue? I guess) and you give her the respect she deserves. 

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28 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

Still don't get the appeal of Miro. He peaked when he came out in a tank and never recovered fully from the loss. He hasn't done a single good thing in AEW, and the best thing he was involved in (The Arcade Anarchy match) he was one of the least necessary parts of it and got outshone by an old woman in a van.

I mean, this is obviously subjective - but again, I'd point to The Redeemer character, before he disappeared. He played the role fantastically well, and his dominant run as TNT Champion was great, by my estimation. They kind of messed up the landing; with Sammy proving to be the wrong person to end his run as champ. But perhaps behind-the-scenes issues made that unavoidable. His feud with God seemed to be going somewhere, but unfortunately we never found out what the end game was. But heck, when he faced Bryan Danielson for the title shot, there were a lot of people on this forum who wanted him to win. 

I genuinely don't understand why people are so down on him. To me, it's still very early days - and I suspect his match with Hobbs will be great fun. There are still loads of interesting things for him to do in AEW; but as with anything right now, it's hard to know what he's actually "allowed" to do based on who does and who does not want to work together. 

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Depending on your point of view he's disappeared 3 times. A factor in dropping the title was due to injury. Barely gets the chance to heal up when's called to sub into the Full Gear Eliminator Tournament. Then's he's gone for 6 months healing, acting gig and general uncertainty. Comes back for the All-Atlantic tournament and All Out trios match. Gone again until Collision starts up. This time no injury, no acting. Just talk of turning down creative.

It's not been great so far. Collision had a few initial stories and he had nothing. No direction of what's next until that backstage attack by QTV.

When he signed he was someone I associated with being quite active on social media. Riding that wave of twitch and youtube. Inspiring his initial AEW character. Looking at his twitch highlights and youtube vids are from two years ago. Doesn't look like just wrestling that's suffered.


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He was decent in NXT when he was just destroying jobbers. The Rusev Day stuff with Aidan English was decent. The Mania match with Cena was a huge spectacle, but also a foregone conclusion because it was against Big Match John when he was at his most despised. 

It just felt like he was there early in his run in AEW, but when he went ape and murdered Kip Sabían he had a rocket lit under him. I remember him having a pretty good match against Darby Allen to win the TNT title? He's definitely one of those like Wardlow where he's at his best with some tiny guy to bounce off of him, but he does have some passable technical skills as well. He could do with sitting under Samoa Joe's learning tree. A hoss match against Hobbs doesn't sound like the most entertaining thing, but I guess it'd depend on who's laying the match out. 

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1 hour ago, RedRooster said:

I genuinely don't understand why people are so down on him. To me, it's still very early days - and I suspect his match with Hobbs will be great fun. There are still loads of interesting things for him to do in AEW; but as with anything right now, it's hard to know what he's actually "allowed" to do based on who does and who does not want to work together. 

Because he's been around for 10 years now and you can count the worthwhile things he's done on one hand, and though bigger fans may be able to, I personally couldn't name you a single memorable match he's had.

Rusev and Lana in a tank was good, Rusev Day was funny but got Aiden English over more than he did. Then nothing.
What even is the Redeemer?

Not saying he's a bad wrestler or doesn't have potential for something, but he's adding nothing to the AEW roster.

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26 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

Because he's been around for 10 years now and you can count the worthwhile things he's done on one hand, and though bigger fans may be able to, I personally couldn't name you a single memorable match he's had.

Rusev and Lana in a tank was good, Rusev Day was funny but got Aiden English over more than he did. Then nothing.
What even is the Redeemer?

Not saying he's a bad wrestler or doesn't have potential for something, but he's adding nothing to the AEW roster.

To your first point - that's probably symptomatic of him being a WWE wrestler during a time when the same could be said about quite a lot of different wrestlers. The booking for much of the last decade hasn't exactly been stellar

I rarely disagree with you FL, but I definitely disagree with your Rusev Day claim - it wasn't Aiden English who had "Rusev Day"! Chanted throughout their matches, and the reactions Miro/Rusev received at that time were objectively among the loudest on Smackdown. You could certainly argue that it was a flash-in-the-pan thing; but I don't think there's merit to the suggestion that it didn't get him massively over. 

As far as The Redeemer goes - this was explained well through his vignettes, I thought. Initially, he was a religious zealot who believed he was acting on the behalf of god, punishing sinners and "redeeming" them through extreme violence. And the fact he believed his actions were justified made him absolutely terrifying, and a terrific heel in my eyes. Then when he lost the TNT title, he denounced his god - and seemed to be becoming even more unhinged. There seemed to be direction in his vignettes at this point, but we never found out what that direction was before he disappeared. 

Right now, there's a slightly awkward continuation of what he was doing before - I think he needs to settle into a direction; but I also think there's plenty of time for him to adjust and establish exactly who he has become, since his absence. 

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Only just got around to finishing this week's show and while I might class this as a bit of an off-week for AEW it's incredible that even on an off-week you'll still get some absolutely brilliant matches: Fenix vs Kommander on Rampage and on this show Christian and Darby putting on a minor classic. Christian really should wrestle more, he's just so bloody good.

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28 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Only just got around to finishing this week's show and while I might class this as a bit of an off-week for AEW it's incredible that even on an off-week you'll still get some absolutely brilliant matches: Fenix vs Kommander on Rampage and on this show Christian and Darby putting on a minor classic. Christian really should wrestle more, he's just so bloody good.

Now. We're. Talking.

He's superb, and can do it at the very top of the card too. I re-watched him v Omega the other day; it's overshadowed by the Cole and Danielson debuts, but it was an absolute banger.

I think Christian is possibly the most underrated wrestler ever, especially when he spent most of his career in the shadow of someone who was a poundshop Christian. I'm an Edge fan, but everything he did, Christian could do better. He could do the shagger heel better (him and Trish), he could do the dorky heel (or face) better and he could wrestle his backside off.

I'll never not be disappointed that a) he left WWE in the first place after the run he'd been on, but that b) after an incredible run as Christian Cage in TNA, he gets brought back to feud with... Jack Swagger in ECW. An absolute travesty.

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That was a weird show. I didn’t hate it, but as the final show before All In, there were some odd choices made. Jack Perry is coming into his own as a heel, but Hook interrupting the ceremony surely shouldn’t suddenly ‘unretire’ the title. I hope Hook wins and retires the FTW belt there and then. The fact it exists in the first place benefits no one.

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10 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

The fact it exists in the first place benefits no one.

I disagree. It benefitted Ricky Starks, HOOK and now is benefiting Perry. It's been a good story prop, though I would say it has probably outlived its usefulness. Perry dropping it to HOOK and then having the title's creators son be the one to respectfully retire it feels pretty perfect storytelling. 

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