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AEW London 2023

Hannibal Scorch

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I'm abit gutted now tbh that I didn't watch it live yesterday and power through. I ended up being awake for nearly two days after UFC was done so I crashed completely and the next day I just couldn't keep myself alive.

I'm trying to watch it now but my missus mum is down for the week and sat in my living room with her mate I've never met before so I might just give it up as a bad job now and watch first thing tomorrow.

I am glad to hear they didn't do a turn for the main event....mjf and Cole have been genuinely a heartwarming team and story but I'm excited to watch that and the tag match before it 

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2 hours ago, garynysmon said:

I appreciate that apparently its been playing out on tv but I was totally confused why smarky heel MJF was trying to garner confused babyface reactions, which also clouded the main event for me.

The tl;dr  of it is MJF knows he's an absolute piece of shit, but it's because he's an insecure narcissist. We've seen the worst of the narcissism but now we're getting glimpses into his need to just impress and belong. 

It's been a brilliant take on the whole idea of the wrestling anti hero, which since Austin has pretty much been non-stop "You're the authority figure so I don't like you!" On TV each week I'm not sure there's ever been a character close to what they're doing with him now. It's done wonders for him because regardless of what sort of turns he'll take next it's going to add a bit more depth to it.

It's gotten me on board anyway. And when he first became champion I was definitely in the camp that saw him as a bit of a one dimensional shock jock. 

Best case scenario, he's opened that black heart of his just enough to let a friend in, and it's going to cost him everything.

Edited by Gay as FOOK
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16 minutes ago, Matthew said:

Some top shit housery in arena too:

Jacksonville Jaguars being shit on when trying to push ticket sales

Fulham being shit on when trying to push ticket sales

Metallingus playing in Wembley Stadium as the doors opened up 

I do hope there was a few “Tony Khan Wanks Dogs” flags and banners. That would’ve been chefs kiss. 

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5 hours ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

@Supremo - one for you - isn’t Billy Gunn massive in person??

Bigger than ever. Optical illusion of a man. After seeing Tall Paul and Satnam Singh on the pre-show, I’m convinced Daddy Ass is bigger than both. Combined.

I completely get the complaints about the Wrestlemania 2000-style multi-man matches and the shoddy build up, but ultimately, is an 80,000 seater AEW house show something to complain about? Some of the best things about AEW are those house show trappings. The comedy, the feel-good moments, the big, fun ending that sends the crowd home happy. This show had all that on steroids. It ticked all my boxes. Hard.

I’m sad to hear so many people had issues with dickheads in the crowd. We had one as we queued to get in, a proper Dunning-Kruger comedian shouting out asinine bollocks, and I was dreading having to tell them to shut the fuck up. Thankfully though, they vanished as we went through the turnstiles and by the time we sat down in our section everyone was sound and had a great time.

Whilst you’re always going to get a few bad apples, especially with pro-wrestling fans, I’m convinced a huge benefit of pro-wrestling getting brilliant again is that there’s far fewer dickheads trying to get themselves over or, “hijack the show.” It’s brilliant that all that toxicity is mostly a thing of the past and promoters and fans now exist on the same page.

Unsurprisingly, Eddie Kingston completely stole this show. Seeing him in the flesh, and the reaction he garnered from a stadium of people, it can’t be overstated what a special talent that man is. It’s also the most Eddie Kingston thing ever that he didn’t even allow people to give him his flowers. He’s not a performer who wants the big entrance with the fireworks. He doesn’t need licensed music. He’s a real man, with real hatred, sprinting to kill someone. I’ve never felt luckier than to be in the section below and around where Kingston spent most of the match brawling. Everyone’s head was on a swivel, marvelling at this mad man. This image flashing up on the big screen was a moment I’ll never forget. Everyone going, “Wheeeeey!” at Kingston continuing to Kingston, even after the finish. He’s the fucking best.


I’m more convinced than ever that whilst everyone else attends rehearsals and reads the production notes, Kingston is like Truman in the Truman Show, who doesn’t know it’s fake and is just reacting to everything for real, in the moment.

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39 minutes ago, Matthew said:

Some top shit housery in arena too:

Jacksonville Jaguars being shit on when trying to push ticket sales

Fulham being shit on when trying to push ticket sales

Metallingus playing in Wembley Stadium as the doors opened up. 

The heat Fulham and the Jacksonville Jaguars got almost rivalled the heat Don Callis got. 

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Still on a high and can't wait for next year. They're definitely going to have to pull out more stops to sell the tickets this time but hopefully they can do it. Feeling extremely grateful that Tony Khan decided to get involved with wrestling right now either way.

Gonna watch it again on ITV on Thursday to properly judge , but at the moment MJF/Cole and Jericho/Ospreay were the best matches with Bucks/FTR only a notch below and then Punk/Joe just a notch below that again (Punk finally beating Joe with the Pepsi Plunge after 20 years was perfect having recently watched their ROH trilogy again). Still loved everything else too, particularly the Sting Coffin match and even the women's match which was quite short still had the moment of Saraya winning the title.

MJF and Cole was an absolute rollercoaster, it seemed like the match was masterfully setting up a double turn with Cole becoming more desperate to get the win but have no problem with them sticking with it for a while yet. Shit it at that double clothesline ending just because with All Out next week it seemed possible it could be used to set that up. I've already had one really good show I've attended being soured slightly by the ending when Roman beat Cody at Mania so thankfully that didn't happen again.

It feels like it's going to be hard to top that next year but I am a fan of singles matches so more of those is perhaps one way they can try and outdo it, hopefully one involving Danielson and the other involving Omega if they don't face each other. Would love Dynamite and Collision over here next year too now to make it a bit different now they've had that first special event.  

Edited by AndyUK
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I thought it was fucking fabulous. Probably the best live experience I have had at a wrestling show bell to bell with the exception of Mania 22 in Chicago.

Obviously the scale and grandeur of a stadium (especially one the size of Wembley) is unparalleled but I've always preferred the live experience in a packed large arena. The aforementioned Mania 22 and MITB this year at the o2 being great examples. 

This was the closest I have seen to mirroring the 'feel' of a hot arena crowd within the stadium setting. I was sat in 123 midway down, directly opposite to the ring and entranceway so had a cracking view. 

I was struck by the general positive energy of the crowd, the vast majority were there to just have a good time. Pretty rare to see such a consistent energy like that from an audience in situ for 4-6 hours, especially reaching a crescendo for the main event as it is supposed to (I was at Mania 25 in Houston so have seen the opposite and it is strangely deflating).

Won't run down the whole card as plenty already have, but I thought FTR/Bucks was the best work in ring, although I also loved Jericho/Ospreay and MJF/Cole and thought everything else was very good with the exception of the women's match. Still thought it was a great emotional moment for Saraya however.

They sold this one off the AEW name (and associated stars) as well as the uniqueness of the event. Next year I feel they will have to start to build earlier and have more specifically defined ticket selling matches, which as a follow up to this will be kind of ideal.


Just a home run all round really. Loved it.


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I'm knackered so here's my brief thoughts.

I was really chill through most of the show. We were three rows from the back section 516 and it was actually a good view. Could see the the ring barely but we had a great view of the screen to compliment it. Anyway.

My sister was losing her shit. It was great. She loved Samoa Joe, screamed for Hangman and Kenny when they came out. 

First match she got really into was FTR. Great match, I was really into that, I loved the finish from my view. 

We could barely make out much of Stadium Stampede but my sis was loving OC and Eddie Kingston running back out like an absolute loon.

Sting was just the fucking business. I was on my feet for bits of it. The Metallica entrance proper popped me. Delightful.

I really got into Jericho Osprey for some reason, my sis said after I just stared at it. I dunno weather I was just zoning out but I was really invested in it. Good finish, deffo thought Guevera was gonna kick Jericho in the knackers.

The Acclaimed were wonderful. 

Definitely going again next year.

Ps. @Supremomentioned that shot of Eddie and Mox and even up in our section it drew a big cheer and applause. 

Edited by Chili
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