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I really liked the ending of this show. A great main event with a brilliant finish then Danielson seemingly hurt by Okada who just doesn't give a fuck and mocks Bryan when he's down, Cassidy just absolutely dead with a brutal match against Claudio next week, all the lads on different sides standing around making sure things don't kick off but also adding to the tension, Yuta giving HOOK absolute daggers. Just a cool bit of business, felt way more tense and realistic than the usual show ending brawl.

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I really enjoyed Dynamite, mostly the first hour and the main event. I agree with @LaGoosh, however. Even though the six-man was fun, it occurred to me, too, during it that there are a BUNCH of old, formerly big drawing wrestlers on this show. It gave me TNA in 2010ish vibes (I'm sure there was more than one episode of Impact that featured Flair, Sting, RVD and Jeff Hardy, and that was nearly 15 years ago!) AEW needs to be very careful about doing that too regularly.

The other thing: Tony Khan has got a bit hot-shotty, hasn't he? I'm happy to watch MJF vs Omega on free TV, but it seems crazy to me to do it on 1-2 weeks build.

Edited by 69MeDon
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48 minutes ago, 69MeDon said:

The other thing: Tony Khan has got a bit hot-shotty, hasn't he? I'm happy to watch MJF vs Omega on free TV, but it seems crazy to me to do it on 1-2 weeks build.

It's a tricky one really. AEW for awhile had got to the point where they seemed to be holding back massively on doing any big matches to the point that characters felt stalled and the shows were lacking excitement. The sheer amount of incredible looking matches that AEW have never got round to booking is still absolutely insane - a treasure trove of riches just sitting there. But likewise recently it feels like big matches have just been thrown out there with little build. I think getting the balance right is quite tricky.

Or perhaps we as fans need to be less precious about these things. In some ways, having your top stars facing off is actually exciting and attention grabbing. And a lot of these guys are getting on a bit (Omega, Danielson, Joe) and are probably not going to be healthy for too much longer - why not just get cracking with it? AEW has it's fanbase and that fanbase is solid for the moment so why not give them the good stuff? And likewise I'd be happy for AEW to do more rematches than they currently do.

And with MJF and Omega, they're both babyfaces and I don't think a long build between the two would be particularly thrilling television. MJF likes to build his feuds over weeks off emotional promos and angles and I don't think Omega would excel at that. I think the match is likely to end in some kind of shenanigans anyway so they can always go back to it if they want. My prediction is Samoa Joe interferance which might lead to Omega vs Joe at Full Gear.

Edited by LaGoosh
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3 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

they can always go back to it if they want.

I think this is probably key. If they wanted to do a proper feud between the two and have a bigger match then they could. Not every match has to be "first time ever!" for it to be good. It doesn't have to dilute whatever potential rivalry they could have in the future.

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52 minutes ago, 69MeDon said:

The other thing: Tony Khan has got a bit hot-shotty, hasn't he? I'm happy to watch MJF vs Omega on free TV, but it seems crazy to me to do it on 1-2 weeks build.

I'm pretty sure the TV contract with Turner is due to be renewed soon, so probably hot shotting in the short term to get a better deal.

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1 hour ago, 69MeDon said:

The other thing: Tony Khan has got a bit hot-shotty, hasn't he? I'm happy to watch MJF vs Omega on free TV, but it seems crazy to me to do it on 1-2 weeks build.

When there are teases about a month out on Being The Elite that become part of TV canon. Randomly advertise MJF and Kenny Omega for a Collision two weeks in advance. It's not hot-shotting. It's poor booking.

He has this horrible tendency of failing to find the middle ground. Full Gear's 4 weeks away. No clue who the champions will be, but we do know that Jay White and Toni Storm are getting World Title shots. Why? Reasons. Danielson in end of December setting up the main event for Revolution in March.

Then he'll give someone a win on Rampage and it leads to a Dynamite/Collision title shot the next week.

19 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

I think this is probably key. If they wanted to do a proper feud between the two and have a bigger match then they could. Not every match has to be "first time ever!" for it to be good. It doesn't have to dilute whatever potential rivalry they could have in the future.

This is the style of the promotion. There was all that talk of Ospreay/Omega holding back at the Tokyo Dome as they knew there would be further matches. We got the first Punk v. MJF on a seemingly random Dynamite. They had actually been feuding at least, but the announcement was short notice as I remember it. Knowing they'd pick it up at the PPV with a gimmick.

Kenny probably has the G1 block mindset of yes its a big match, but this is just a taste. For him this loss should at least signal hitting rock bottom and a real refresh. He's going to need something for Full Gear.

Edited by Infinity Land
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Another thing I'll say on the hot shotting matches thing is that while it's not ideal AEW also has such a deep bench of talent you could basically hot shot matches all year long and still have plenty to do. If you take just one of the top guys you can basically reel off a list of amazing looking matches without even thinking hard about it. 

Take for example, Eddie Kingston. Just off the top of my head, here are some fucking great looking matches you can do with him that haven't happened yet (as far as I can remember):

vs Orange Cassidy

vs Darby Allin

vs Samoa Joe

Rematch against Moxley

vs Hangman Page

vs Swerve Strickland

vs MJF

vs Kenny Omega

vs Christian Cage

vs Jungle Boy

vs Powerhouse Hobbs

vs Penta

vs Fenix

vs Bandido

vs Big Bill

vs Andrade

vs Ricky Starks

vs Dustin Rhodes

And my personal favorite: Eddie Kingston vs RUSH. Can you imagine how brutal that would be?

That's over a years worth of programmes and that's not even including tag matches or stuff with guys from NJPW or CMLL or wherever. You can do the same exercise with all the top guys and there's so much stuff they can do. I really want to see all of it, but yeah I appreciate that it's a balance between giving your audience good stuff but also giving them too much good stuff just for the sake of it so it becomes completely pointless and meaningless.

Edited by LaGoosh
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Also I think this sort of sudden hot shotting is maybe acceptable around the world championship as there's a built in story - everyone should want the title.

(Obviously they had a specific timing thing here too although I appreciate they could've started booking/teasing this match earlier if they watned to)

I'm genuinely enjoying the stuff around the world title and the "anyone who's got enough cache might try and challenge" thing is holding it together well.  The way that's potentially connnecting people helping MJF for title shots adds particularly interesting developments and allows fun combinations of people in matches.

However, I think that's great for a storyline around the world title (which has, often, fallen into extremely repetitive payoffs). I'm not at all going to justify say booking half a PPV the week before it happens....

Edited by organizedkaos
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Some people are theorising the multiple challengers coming at once thing is setting up a big multi-man for the World title at the new December PPV World's End in Long Island. AEW haven't done a big multi man match for the World title previously but there's a first for everything I suppose. 

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I'd rather complain about Hikaru Shida defending the World Title against either of the following in tonight's Rampage #1 Contender 4-way:

Anna Jay - Last singles match was a title defense against Shida in the build to All In. Since then has been on the losing side in a few tags.

Skye Blue & Willow Nightingale - Both just lost TBS title shots. Skye Blue even losing to Ruby Soho to set up Ruby's title shot on Dynamite.

Abadon - Hasn't been on TV in what's felt like years at this point, but it's Halloween weekend and recently made complaints on social media about her lack of booking. Which is a surefire way of getting TK's attention.

At least MJF v. Omega makes some semblance of sense in comparison.

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10 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Some people are theorising the multiple challengers coming at once thing is setting up a big multi-man for the World title at the new December PPV World's End in Long Island. AEW haven't done a big multi man match for the World title previously but there's a first for everything I suppose. 

I'd be well up for that. The only multi-man World title match I can recall is Omega vs Pac vs Orange Cassidy so a 4 or even 5-way would be refreshing.

EDIT: Oh, and the Four-pillars match. Duh.

Edited by Lorne Malvo
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After Samoa Joe offering to be MJF's "friend" in exchange for a title shot, I think the eight-man tag against Bullet Club Gold will end up with MJF recruiting some of his challengers as partners - maybe Joe, Kenny Omega and either Roderick Strong or Wardlow. A "keep your enemies close" thing, that ends up backfiring when they all try and cash in their favours for a title shot. 

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