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4 minutes ago, Joe Blog said:

Where has all the Edge chat come from? I’m not watching much at all at the minute so a bit out the loop. 

It was publicised that tonight is the last match on his WWE contract. It's happening in Toronto against Sheamus. Retiring in his hometown is a decent way to go and something he's meant to have said he wants to do. It's also a random Smackdown. Which is a bit lacklustre for some.

During Dax's podcast run. He mentioned one of the dream teams he wants to face is E&C, which he said was more possible than people realise.

There's nothing really to have watched. As its just a lot of gossip that the low-key exit is for the one last run in AEW so that he & Christian go out together.


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7 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

I'd find it really weird if he retired in AEW though. Like I get if it's something he wants to explore a bit but it would just feel odd to see him retire somewhere else after all this time. Fair play to the guy if that's what he wants to do but he's very much a WWE guy.

Adam and Christian doesn't have the same ring to it.


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The promoted card for the next Dynamite is wild.

Aussie Open vs The Hardys for the Ring of Honor titles (which, you’d assume, most people in the UK would want The Hardy’s to win)

Swerve/Fox vs Darby/Nick Wayne (literally 3/4 of a major promoted match on the Wembley card)

Kenny/Bucks vs juice and the Gunns 

Very strange they’d sail so close to the wind.

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Maybe I'm biased because I've got a ticket for Sunday and feel like a kid counting down to Christmas, but I thought this was a shockingly effective go-home show. One of those home-run scenarios where AEW manage to make it all come together at the very last minute.

Super fun opening schmozz. Not quite as good as the wild, crazy ending to Dynamite a few weeks back, but pretty close. Seemed mad that they had this in the opener in favour of the fucking Hardy Boys in the main event, but then I read that they taped Collision straight afterwards, so this was probably a way of getting The Elite out of the building as early as possible, before CM Punk arrived. What a hilarious situation Tony Khan finds himself in. About to break every record in the book and he's running around on the go-home show like a teacher trying to keep naughty school children separate. Pro-wrestling is back, baby.

Tony's missed a trick though. The Golden Elite vs. Bullet Club Gold match should be for use of the word, "Gold," like when Booker T and Big T fought for the letter, "T." Pony up for the, "Going for Gold," theme music. Much better UK integration than another red phone box and taxi cab. Tell me Juice Robinson wouldn’t look the business dancing his way to the ring to this banger!

Top tier backstage interview with MJF, followed by a brilliant closing angle at the end. What a phenomenal story. What an incredible character. Absolutely fascinating how somewhere along the way Max went from being an insincere prick, to this earnest, endearing lad, willing to finally let his guard down. It's going to break my heart when Cole fucks him over. The sky is the limit with Max as a babyface seeking revenge though. He feels right on the brink of hitting a completely different level. He IS our scumbag! I'm so on the hook for this. Between Hangman Adam Page, Eddie Kingston, Sami Zayn and now MJF, the best thing that ever happened to this business is top babyfaces showing flaws and vulnerability. It is not a coincidence that it brought with it the hottest period in decades.

Moxley vs. Fenix was loads of fun, and even though we all knew where it was going, the performances of everyone involved almost made you forget the giant elephant in the room called, "Visa Problems." Between Fenix's selling, Yuta being such a horrible prick, but most importantly Eddie Kingston being the most authentic character and best actor in the whole industry. He's the fucking best, isn't he? By the time Kingston was staring at the ambulance like a mad man, before kicking off at Renee? I was completely sucked in. Fuck the newz that led to this. I'm 100% in on Eddie Kingston wanting to murder some people for what they did to his close friend. Sunday's going to be wild. Kingston's favourite wrestler is Terry Funk, isn't it? Motherfucker is gonna end up bringing a flaming branding iron or a chainsaw to Wembley. Let's fucking go.

Penta topless again. Absolute unit. This is the way.

Ortiz and Santana returning, but coming out separately and barely looking at each other? More drama than MJF and Adam Cole, those lads. Good to have them back though, Santana especially. That lad is money if they ever give him a chance. Pure babyface fire.

Fair play to Jericho and Ospreay. Those promos were far better than I would've expected. Could still do without all the, "bruvs," but both guys sold this as a huge, huge deal. Fingers crossed Chris delivers on the night. He's obviously been reading the criticism, and it's clearly getting to him, so you assume he's got something to prove. Sammy Guevara is joining the Callis family on Sunday, isn't he?

Cash Wheeler looked very sad. Must be such a weird feeling going into such a big match, knowing you’re likely fucked afterwards.


Hard times.

Toni Storm's slow transformation into Cruella Deville is the best thing to happen to the women's division in months. It's only been a couple of weeks but I'd already consider putting the belt back on her. She's great.

Sucks to be AR Fox! Him going from tiny independent events to wrestling in front of 80,000 people made for a great story. He had some real heat after that Nick Wayne angle, too. I assume it's another visa problem, which is a huge shame. Switching him out felt super rushed and clunky, and Darby immediately forgiving him for nearly murdering Nick Wayne was really dumb, but Christian managed to save the whole thing bringing back the Dead Dad Express. Hilarious. I was howling. Christian rules. I'm delighted to be seeing him on Sunday.

Not as delighted as I am to be seeing Bad Ass Billy Gunn though! Yes! Fucking get in! I popped my bollocks off. Of all the times I wanted someone to rip off the Mankind-turns-into-Cactus-Jack promo, I never thought it would be Billy Gunn, switching from Daddy Ass to Bad Ass. I love it. Perfect segment building to the perfect match. I couldn't be happier. The first live pro-wrestling event I ever went to was No Mercy in Manchester in 1999. History hasn't been kind to that show, but fuck 'em. After being obsessed with this stuff for years, finally seeing it live? It'll always hold a special place in my heart. But yeah; I love that twenty four years have passed and just like little Supremo on that fateful day, there will be kids in Wembley Stadium shocked to their core at how ridiculously massive Billy Gunn is in person. It's a canon event for all pro-wrestling fans. Seeing Billy Gunn in the flesh, somehow looking nine feet tall and jacked to fuck.

I'm absolutely buzzing. Can't wait. I'll be buying a foam finger.


Bad Ass Billy Gunn and The Acclaimed are gonna win, whether they want to or not!

Edited by Supremo
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2 hours ago, Supremo said:

Sucks to be AR Fox! Him going from tiny independent events to wrestling in front of 80,000 people made for a great story. He had some real heat after that Nick Wayne angle, too. I assume it's another visa problem, which is a huge shame. Switching him out felt super rushed and clunky, and Darby immediately forgiving him for nearly murdering Nick Wayne was really dumb, but Christian managed to save the whole thing bringing back the Dead Dad Express. Hilarious. I was howling. Christian rules. I'm delighted to be seeing him on Sunday.

Yeah, this was massively disappointing. Fox was key to this angle, and doing what they did made no sense whatsoever. If it's not a visaissue, it was a really bad choice. But even with that in mind, separating Fox from Strickland was a terrible idea. They worked much better together than Swerve and the rest of the Mogul Embassy group, and they could easily have had Fox get 'injured'; keeping him with Strickland, and replaced him with Christian Cage as they did. I know they did the injury angle with Fenix earlier in the night, but separating Strickland from Fox actually hurts Swerve; so why do it?

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4 hours ago, Supremo said:

Maybe I'm biased because I've got a ticket for Sunday and feel like a kid counting down to Christmas, but I thought this was a shockingly effective go-home show. One of those home-run scenarios where AEW manage to make it all come together at the very last minute.

Felt exactly the same as this. I was hyped for Sunday already, but they did such a good job last night, that that’s been solidified.

They get shit on sometimes for their go home episodes, but this was one of the best they’ve put out.

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2 hours ago, RedRooster said:

Yeah, this was massively disappointing. Fox was key to this angle, and doing what they did made no sense whatsoever. If it's not a visaissue, it was a really bad choice. But even with that in mind, separating Fox from Strickland was a terrible idea. They worked much better together than Swerve and the rest of the Mogul Embassy group, and they could easily have had Fox get 'injured'; keeping him with Strickland, and replaced him with Christian Cage as they did. I know they did the injury angle with Fenix earlier in the night, but separating Strickland from Fox actually hurts Swerve; so why do it?

Yeah, they caught a lot of flak last week for repeating angles throughout the night, so I assumed they were hesitant to do another injury angle when they already had to do one to explain Fenix’s absence. As you say though, it’s a huge shame they’ve removed him for the Mogul Embassy all together. He was a great fit. Poor lad. Whatever the reason for this, it feels like his Ken-Kennedy-loses-the-briefcase moment. This was his big break and it’s over before it even started. Chances are he’ll never recover.

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10 minutes ago, Bohan said:

Collision was taped directly after Dynamite so I wouldn't feel too sorry for them.

Having seen the spoilers it doesn’t look like it got much better. 

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It's an odd one with AR Fox, He's been over here loads before hasn't he. I've definitely seen him at Southside back in the day more than once 

I've so ready for All In, saw a cracking image of wembley lit up last night with the AEW colours, i don't think it'll sink in until i'm there how big this is

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