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2 hours ago, Michael_3165 said:

What concerns me about...

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Stadium Stampede is that we are going to be sitting there looking at screens for HALF AN HOUR and not be able to see anything happening live in front of us. That works on TV but when you've paid a fair whack for tickets, the last thing you want is to stare at screens for 30+ minutes. That said, at least we haven't got Summer Slam 1996 TVs situated around the ring! I'd have booked it as a no-DQ 6 man, much easier to follow and they could keep it in the ringside area.


I’d imagine it’s more of an anarchy in the arena than what the original stadium stampede was 

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2 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

Maybe I'm alone in feeling this way, but he's genuinely one of my favourite acts in AEW right now. He's playing his role to perfection. 

Him icing his foot was superb. Seriously, the whole MJF/Cole deal is so good and elevating everything around it.

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I noticed that the Cole/MJF and FTR/Bucks segments had the exact same "ooh, are they going to hit them with a move, ah no actually" tease spot. Shout out the Dynamite agents. 

The more you think about the Callis/Jericho segment, the less sense it makes, even in factoring in stupid wrestling logic. 

Enjoyed the OC v Wheeler match though,  and every week is a step towards Billy Gunn's triumphant return, 

Edited by gmoney
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47 minutes ago, gmoney said:

I noticed that the Cole/MJF and FTR/Bucks segments had the exact same "ooh, are they going to hit them with a move, ah no actually" tease spot. Shout out the Dynamite agents. 

The more you think about the Callis/Jericho segment, the less sense it makes, even in factoring in stupid wrestling logic. 

Enjoyed the OC v Wheeler match though,  and every week is a step towards Billy Gunn's triumphant return, 

I think the Callis segment made sense, outside of him trying to get Jericho to leave without looking at the picture.

Like, having him pre-suppose Jericho is going to say no and getting an attack pre-planned is fine. But… have Jericho say no. Don’t have him try and turn heel.

Jericho says no, Don says ‘but I bought you something…’, shows the picture, Ospreay jumps in, wallop and we’re at the races.

Not, Jericho tries to turn heel; Callis tries to let him; Jericho sees the picture; Callis decides actually no you ARE a twat… and then the beat down.

The extra layer just made it muddier than it needed to be.

One more thing, and I don’t want to be all Cornette about things, but Aubrey Edwards is really terrible. She’s clearly very popular with the talent and I’m sure she’s a lovely person, but good grief she’s a bad wrestling referee. 

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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55 minutes ago, gmoney said:

I noticed that the Cole/MJF and FTR/Bucks segments had the exact same "ooh, are they going to hit them with a move, ah no actually" tease spot. Shout out the Dynamite agents

Britt Baker won her match with a curb stomp, then Buddy Matthews did the exact same move in the very next segment. It's annoying.

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1 hour ago, LaGoosh said:

Britt Baker won her match with a curb stomp, then Buddy Matthews did the exact same move in the very next segment. It's annoying.

That really stuck out to me. It's been AEW's biggest weakness since the beginning, just unforgivably poor agenting. That would stick out to me on the most rinky-dink of indie shows, there's no excuse on a show the size of AEW's. 

Same thing with the tag matches - no reason why two tag matches on the same show had to start with a jump-start. It makes both mean less. 

Commentary also didn't pick up on one of the Gunns doing Kenny's taunt and going for the V-Trigger, but they were so half-arsed with it, it was hard to blame them.

On the Callis/Jericho thing, it feels like a bit of a get-out clause, that Jericho isn't turning face, he's just not as much of an arsehole as Callis. They're probably hedging their bets that Jericho will be the babyface against Callis, but possibly the heel against Ospreay in Wembley. But at Wembley more people will be there for Jericho than Ospreay anyway, and singing "Judas" at the top of their voices.

I had assumed when Jericho got added to the mix - before talk of the Ospreay match - that Jericho would end up on Callis' side, even if not formally a member of his "Family", so that they could eventually work their way around to doing an Omega/Jericho rematch with Callis at the centre of it all; that's the match that arguably set the ball rolling for AEW, that brought Jericho to wrestling outside of WWE for the first time in years, and brought Callis back into the orbit of both men in-kayfabe. I expect maybe we get Jericho & Omega vs. Ospreay & Takeshita somewhere later down the line instead, or Jericho/Omega/Hangman/Bucks/Ibushi vs. Ospreay/Takeshita/Bullet Club Gold/Gunns. 

Edited by BomberPat
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2 hours ago, gmoney said:

I noticed that the Cole/MJF and FTR/Bucks segments had the exact same "ooh, are they going to hit them with a move, ah no actually" tease spot. Shout out the Dynamite agents. 


The Dynamite agents were busy warming up to work ROH matches after the taping once they realised CM Punk wasn't sending them home.

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“I need to win this match…more than you can ever imagine.”

Adam Cole going full Stone-Cold-leading-into-Wrestlemania-17 gave me actual goosebumps. What a money promo. What a money storyline. MJF is the fucking best. Similar to The Young Bucks a few years ago, it’s like MJF has ascended to a God-like level, has completely mastered the craft, and so is now just fucking about and proving how he can make even the worst tropes work. Pro-wrestling? Completed it, mate. I’m just pissing around with the bonus DLC at this point, for my own amusement.

It’s like a Hall of Fame of bad ideas. “Can they co-exist,” storylines. Babyface vs. babyface World Title matches. Heels turning babyface because other heels turn on them (hasn’t happened yet, but seems extremely likely). In fact, add it to the list; just Adam Cole in general. All things that are usually shit. And yet Max effortlessly makes them all work to a ridiculously high level because he’s fucking brilliant. What a talent. This is top tier shit. I’m fully on the hook. MJF is going to be white hot when he inevitably loses when The Undisputed Era cost him the title in Wembley. What a funny world pro-wrestling is. How quickly things can change. Kota Ibushi is wrestling at Wembley and I don’t particularly care, yet Adam Cole is headlining and I cannot wait. Madness.

Bonus points to Roderick Strong, who is an absolute hoot at the moment. Kicking the car and then crying in pain was funny enough. The ice bag afterwards was hilarious. So, so great. I realised watching this who Roddy reminds me of; it’s this guy from Pineapple Express!


If anything, it’s a shame Wembley is so soon because I would happily take another few weeks of Roddy’s new Mr. Bump character, with his life comedically falling apart around him. Hopefully he gets set on fire or something next week as a last hurrah.

I thought it was a good, if super messy show. Peak beak Dynamite. Like Tony hadn’t noticed how close they were to Wembley, suddenly realised, so just went mental and crammed in everything he could. It’s probably not the best way to promote, but for the TV experience it creates? I love that rushed, manic, doing-your-homework-on-the-bus-to-school energy.

Eddie Kingston returns to announce Stadium Stampede. All my prayers answered at once. Fascinated by the mystery partners. Dream scenario is Santana, Ortiz and Bryan Danielson doing the John Cena miraculous return. Either way though, seeing firm favourites Mox, Kingston and Orange Cassidy all going bonkers in the same match, smashing up Wembley and bleeding on everyone? Everything I ever could have hoped for. So excited I could burst. I hope they play, “Wild Thing,” on a loop until half way through the match, at which point someone bumps into the sound desk and then, “Jane,” plays on a loop for the rest of the match, soundtracking the babyface comeback. Hopefully Sue shows up with a glove rigged with pyro, so Orange Cassidy can hit Moxley with an Exploding Orange Punch for the finish.

As an aside, Penta looked an absolute beast with his top off. No idea why he doesn’t wrestle like that regularly.

Wasn’t a huge fan of the Don Callis angle. Poor man’s Festival of Friendship. Like they tried to be clever, but overthought it, went full circle and made it extra dumb. What can you do though. Jericho is always gonna Jericho. It’s not what I would’ve done, and I think there’s potential he gives Ospreay his worst match in years, but I’ll let it play out. It’s always the way with Chris in AEW. Mr. 50/50. You could flip a coin. Sometimes he nails it, sometimes he’s fucking dreadful. Smashing the portrait over Jericho’s head didn’t work, either. I wonder if CM Party Pooper Punk stopped them using real glass?

Omega getting murdered whilst Jim Ross tuts and rolls his eyes solemnly was unintentional comedy gold. Solid angle, and Hangman being back on the booze was fascinating, but I’m not particularly excited about the announced Trios match. I imagine it’ll deliver in spades on the night though. Especially with AEW’s current MVPs, the BANG BANG GANG. I hope the real Kota shows up and he doesn’t send his chubby dad again, like at Blood and Guts.

Wembley really is AEW’s Wrestlemania. The only problem is that it’s Wrestlemania 2000 and they’re trying to fit every fucker possible on the card.

I’d read people call the Texas Chainsaw Death Match a Worst Match of the Year candidate. I didn’t see it at all. Mostly dumb fun. I hope Double J wears that title belt until the end of time. Missed a trick not revealing Grado under the Leatherface mask, too.

Most important of all though. Billy Gunn returning, winning the Trios Titles at Wembley Stadium, to a huge pop? Yes fucking please.

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17 minutes ago, Supremo said:

It’s like a Hall of Fame of bad ideas. “Can they co-exist,” storylines. Babyface vs. babyface World Title matches. Heels turning babyface because other heels turn on them (hasn’t happened yet, but seems extremely likely). In fact, add it to the list; just Adam Cole in general. All things that are usually shit.

So, I used to agree with this. In fact, I think in years gone by you and I might have fought back the UKFF horde’s of Adam Cole lovers, by pointing out what made his matches a fucking chore.

But, in light of what main event wrestling has become in the WWE with Trippers in charge. In particular, what Roman Reigns matches have become with Trippers taking personal charge of their production alongside Roman… I’m starting to think Cole isn’t and wasn’t the problem.

I just think Triple H and HBK are hammy, melodramatic, unsubtle shitehawks most of the time.

My tonsils fancied growing to twice their size and turning patchy white this week, so I’ve been at home. To pass the time I’ve watched a lot of AEW, getting myself psyched for next week. Adam Cole has been pretty good since he’s come back.

I can’t wait for next week. I’m so jazzed. This MJF/Cole thing has me absolutely hooked.

My *only* concern is that they have Max turn on Cole with the help of Roddy and The Kingdom on Zero Hour, only for them to bait and switch it in the main event and have Cole and his mates fuck over Max because they’ve been fucking with him all along. I appreciate they’ve done a pretty good job so far of turning into lemonade what you’d historically consider to be rotten lemons, but I don’t want the bloom to come off MJF’s rose because he shows a little bit too much heel before they pull the face trigger.

Also, I think The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn are probably being saved for All Out. Soz.

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It is possible for people to thrive in different environments. Sometimes people bring out the worst in each other in some companies. Others manage to cut out their bad tendencies and get them more focus or even find untapped potential. There's no real magic answer to it.

I think Cole doing some decent work now doesn't let him off for some of the shit he did previously.

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58 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

It is possible for people to thrive in different environments. Sometimes people bring out the worst in each other in some companies. Others manage to cut out their bad tendencies and get them more focus or even find untapped potential. There's no real magic answer to it.

I think Cole doing some decent work now doesn't let him off for some of the shit he did previously.

Possibly, but given his worst tendencies are living on elsewhere I think it’s fair to say he didn’t work in a certain system, as opposed to him just being a shitehawk.

I just don’t think he was tolerable in the “I’m sorry Ric, I love you” era of WWE.

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4 hours ago, Supremo said:

As an aside, Penta looked an absolute beast with his top off. No idea why he doesn’t wrestle like that regularly.

I feel like maybe he's got himself into improved shape recently as he's been ditching the top more of late - IIRC he had it ripped off in the match with BCC a few weeks ago, and there was a photo of him doing the rounds on Twitter where he was posing with an owl (as you do) with tights and no top.

But yeah, he looks great.

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