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Yeah AEW offering some kind of work/life balance in an industry known for offering virtually none is lovely to see. Also genuinely a big selling point for them when wrestlers are deciding where to go. 

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I think Omega would have got the star treatment in WWE, but does he really want to go there and be restricted in what he can do? Cody was always more a 'WWE' wrestler.

Great they've all signed though. Having top guys in both companies is what makes it all work

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1 hour ago, Factotum said:

I think Omega would have got the star treatment in WWE, but does he really want to go there and be restricted in what he can do?

I don't think there's probably many matches in WWE that interest him. I can't really think of any, certainly none that interest me. In AEW he has the freedom to wrestle anyone he wants in whatever way he wants.

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27 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

I don't think there's probably many matches in WWE that interest him. I can't really think of any, certainly none that interest me. In AEW he has the freedom to wrestle anyone he wants in whatever way he wants.

I think this is a really interesting point, as this was always a marginal concern when faced with the spending power of WWE. But now people with a genuine love of wrestling, it’s various cultures, and being able to experiment and do different stuff have an option to explore that and get paid comparable money.

There’s definitely more left in AEW that I’m interested in seeing Omega do before he even thinks about WWE and the one match or any interest over there. He’s not allowed to leave until he forgives Phil, for a start.

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I get the impression with Omega that the only reason he had considered going to WWE would be to prove (whether to himself or his critics) that he could be a star there. There's always going to be a part of you asking "what if?" otherwise.

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I would have expected Omega’s run in WWE to be similar to that of AJ Styles. Come in, make a splash, leave them no option but to push you to the top, but then as time goes on you’ll fade down the card and they’ll slot you where they think you belong, whether it’s actually the case or not.

I mean sure, the way Cody has received the red-carpet treatment will have undoubtedly encouraged The Elite to jump, but let’s not pretend the self-fulfilling booking of Sami Zayn didn’t happen at the exact same time. Sami turned himself into the hottest thing in the business and they cooled him right now to prove he was always going to cool down, anyway. Ultimately, unless you’re a very select few, WWE will always WWE you, regardless of your talent, ability or connection with the crowd.

Not that any of it matters. Once you get offered a match as fun as The Elite vs. Planet Jarrett the choice is made for you. I bet they all signed their contracts giggling about spots they could do with Satnam Singh.

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Was pretty fun show, but only one matched announced for Wembley from it, and little teased when it felt like a big special to set us off that way was a bit underwhelming. Give us double j Vs omega! 

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15 minutes ago, Mr.Showtime said:

The Swerve segment was amazing. What a bastard.

This was absolutely fantastic. I loved the clever little touches, like them not being able to get the facial recognition on Nick Wayne's phone working because there was so much blood on his face - that was so clever, and made the whole thing feel frighteningly real. He's nasty in the most believable of ways, and could easily be the top heel in the entire company. The only complaint I have about this segment was Excalibur's reaction after - you have this highly disturbing attack air on Dynamite, and he barely sold it at all. Taz and Schiavone did much better, but I think this merited a bit more than Excalibur gave it. 

I really enjoyed the MJF/Cole segment, and I think it's quite clear what Roddy Strong is supposed to be in this storyline now - and he's playing his character perfectly. I'd always had my doubts about Strong, but I've really enjoyed him in AEW. He's been a great signing so far. Cole has been too. He's proving to be just as valuable a signing as Punk and Danielson; to compare him to the two wrestlers who came in to the company at the same time as him. Who'd have thought prior to this storyline that the UKFF would be buzzing for an Adam Cole match headlining All In?

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I've given Adam Cole more than his share of jibes in the past, and yet somehow i'm fine with him headlining the "biggest wrestling show of all time".

As I said about how happy I was to have spent a stupid amount of money on tickets and being so excited to see Jeff Jarrett... funny old world. Bay bay.

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5 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

He's nasty in the most believable of ways

Oh, and talking of nasty, horrible bastards - Takeshita is outstanding at playing that role. Before he turned, he was justifiably praised and described as a "natural babyface" - but he's really shown his versatility since teaming up with Callis. He's a tremendous heel, and alongside Swerve, I'd like to see him pushed to the top of the card over the coming months. Seeing him absolutely destroy Orange Cassidy to lift the International Title could be a good start. 

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