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7 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

I guess it has been said many times before but it does show their ceiling if they can put on something like this with that much talent AND Ibushi's first appearance and the gimmick and that's the rating they pull in.

But given that wrestling is a niche pasttime, surely someone like Ibushi is a niche wrestler even within that narrow genre?

The general public doesn't give a flying fuck about the 'good wrestling' and five star matches, which is the style so favoured by the hardcore fanbase that makes up a bigger percentage than ever of the watching audience.

Stone Cold whacking McMahon over the head with a bedpan has been seen by more people than every Kenny Omega match put together.

Hey, its great from a financial standpoint, the sad acts watching wrestling will spend more of their disposable income on wrestling than ever before.

But let's not pretend that signing New Japan lads is what you need to be doing to capture that mythical lapsed fanbase out there. It appeals to those that are already watching the million hours of AEW and ROH every week anyway.


Edited by garynysmon
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So, it turns out lads, that he didn’t know there’d be thumbtacks, standing on one affected his performance and that picture with the tacks in his back *definitely* isn’t the result of a stupid off-air bump.

What a Wally.

Unless he stood on a load of thumbtacks at guerilla, he’s chatting shite. The minute he wobbled out to his music there was clearly an issue.

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If that's true, it's quite concerning he didn't know that there'd be thumbtacks. Surely you tell everyone in a match that there's going to be thumbtacks in it? 

It doesn't help with how sad the whole thing felt. There's this guy who was known as a crazy free spirit, who stood on a car waving fireworks around, who stood on a thumbtack and it affected his performance. 

I assume the eventual plan is to get to Omega/Ibushi and that it'll be a slow burner anyway (seems like something that'd be at least a year away). Hopefully they take it really slow with him and wait for him to be ready until they expose him in a singles match. 

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Someone on Reddit re-translated as the initial translation was a little off. It's not that he didn't know there would be thumbtacks or glass, but moreso he didn't prepare properly for the match and his regular boots were so thin they got pierced early on.

Either translation is outright bollocks, mind you. He was rubbish from the second he walked out and bumping into tacks after the show went off was an embarrassing overcompensation for it.

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Watching it back, it reminded me of when Stone Cold came back at Backlash 2000, and the initial buzz and excitement instantly died when you saw him struggling to get back to his feet after throwing a chair shot. I don't want to see my superheroes looking so painfully mortal. Hopefully, it is a case of him coming back too soon, or being rusty, or not wearing the right trabs, because if not, I don't have any desire to really see him again.

To think, it felt like they were holding back in that Ibushi vs. Omega G1 match, assuming they'd eventually have a re-match where they could go crazy and get all their shit in. It'd break my heart if we never get to see that match, with both guys in peak condition.

Looking forward to this week's show simply because you have to assume they'll finally start announcing and building to All In. Omega vs. Takeshita live? Fuck yes please. Pour it straight into my eyeballs!

Edited by Supremo
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They've still got a bit of time, but boy oh boy you wouldn't guess this was a company with 2 massive shows within a week of one another, one of which will be the biggest gate they've ever pulled and top 5 wresting gates of all time. It's almost as if they're surprised at how quickly it's come around, or they didn't realise it would be so big. It's very hard to see where they're going to at this point.

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Weird and uninspired show. Was there massive travel issues or something as having the losing side of the week befores gimmick main event all over the show and not a peep from the winners was really strange. Some 2019 feels with lucha brothers and best friends in the main. PAC doing comedy with the you don’t remember me doesn’t fit him at all. An ar fox heel turns. Madness with the month they have ahead 

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8 minutes ago, Louch said:

Weird and uninspired show. Was there massive travel issues or something as having the losing side of the week befores gimmick main event all over the show and not a peep from the winners was really strange. Some 2019 feels with lucha brothers and best friends in the main. PAC doing comedy with the you don’t remember me doesn’t fit him at all. An ar fox heel turns. Madness with the month they have ahead 

Poor follow up has been the standard for AEW since it started. You'd be lucky getting a recap of what happened.

Seen it said there was a big game on for the Women's World Cup and were expecting a hit in the ratings. Seems to have been on an off night in part because Dynamite 200 is next week and their efforts went there.

Found the show to be a slog.

Nothing major announced for All In or All Out in a month's time. Although maybe some hints with OC and Mox. MJF saying he'll give Cole another title shot win or lose on Saturday, felt to me that's what Cole has been holding out on. Worryingly, Hikaru Shida popping up talking about a title shot against Toni Storm. Worried either because Hayter won't be cleared or they're once again going to use Shida for a nothing TV defense on the way.


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Based off this show it'd be a safe bet on some of the following at All In:

- MJF vs Adam Cole (this story is hot and their last match was excellent so this feels suitable for Wembley)

- either some massive three way BCC vs Best Friends/OC vs Death Triangle match (eh) OR Mox vs Orange Cassidy (which will be great and feels big enough for All In)

- Darby/Sting vs Mogul Embassy or Darby vs Swerve in a gimmick match (Coffin?) with a bunch of shenanigans from Sting and Mogul Embassy which feels like a pretty decent and suitably bonkers fun mid-card match for All In.

- Jericho & Don Callis crew vs either some form of the JAS or The Elite OR Don Callis's crew vs The Elite. But if The Elite aren't facing Don's new family I can't see what they can do except Punk/FTR. They should just do Omega vs Punk and FTR vs Bucks 3 anyway, they are literally the biggest matches they have.

- SHIDA vs Toni Storm which feels like filler (even though I love SHIDA) but with no Jaime Hayter what can you do? All the fingers crossed Hayter is ready in time because that feels massive for All In.

So yeah all feels very messy right now, hopefully they've got a few big angles in mind for the 200th show next week. The ELite not being on Dynamite this week in any form was an awful decision. Almost as bad as the production team showing a "the womens division needs to be booked better" sign on live TV during the womens match.

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