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Think I'm in the minority here - that was a boring AF show for me. 

Dark Order / Hangman are they friends? Who honestly cares at this point. Will likely be forgotten about for months again. 
Bucks are cold as ice. 

Jack Perry needs a mouthpiece. His promos are the shits. 

Most of the action (outside of Orange Cassidy, who is still great) was plodding or shoddy. 


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There was an incredible "blink and you'll miss it" moment where when Eddie stormed down to attack the BCC when he slid in the ring Claudio fucking dives across the ring to instantly double stomp on his back the second he's in the ring. Not only was it a beautifully nasty spot I haven't seen anyone do before but I love that they didn't do the usual heel waits for babyface to get in the ring and stand up to start fighting.

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I thought the Hollywood Junglist did a surprisingly good promo there, maybe because it was far better than any of his face attempts on the mic. This could finally be a good thing for Hook to get into, too, his dad is already improving things. Taz doesn't even need to be a mouthpiece really, just being at the commentary desk and saying the right things at the right time helps.

Edited by Merzbow
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Is there a lamer alter-ego than The Painmaker? F for effort. Enjoyed that match though, and the show. Jungle Boy is going to need a lot of work, his promos are the opposite of natural, but I did get a charge out of him pegging it at fast as he could from Hook. 

Not sure who I should be rooting for in that Page segment, the mardy losers Dark Order or the unloyal Page and his new friends. 

Decent show overall, some good stuff in ring.

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Claudio was great in that beatdown segment. Loved his smug prick grin at the end too. Wild Thing is really jarring as a theme for them now though. They looked the business at FD coming out to Moxley's awesome New Japan theme. Disappointed it didn't stick.

Wonkiest Dynamite in a while. The backstage bits between Mox, Eddie, Renee and Cole and MJF were the best parts of the show. I don't think I've ever seen a Elite match as flat and boring as that and Sammy and Jungle Boy continue to shit it up.

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2 hours ago, Mr Butternut Squash said:

Claudio was great in that beatdown segment. Loved his smug prick grin at the end too. Wild Thing is really jarring as a theme for them now though. They looked the business at FD coming out to Moxley's awesome New Japan theme. Disappointed it didn't stick.

Wonkiest Dynamite in a while. The backstage bits between Mox, Eddie, Renee and Cole and MJF were the best parts of the show. I don't think I've ever seen a Elite match as flat and boring as that and Sammy and Jungle Boy continue to shit it up.

Claudio's definitely found his level for me as smarmy-silent-prick in a heel (pretty much) faction. 

Spare a thought for Yuta who smeared his face in Hangman's blood only for none of the cameras to pick it up. Then again he can probably shoulder the blame because if I threw my hygiene down the well like that for a wrestling angle I'd be mugging to every lens in the building, and he seemed to just daub his face and walk off. 

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I'm going to roll my eyes as if they were dice if the Dark Order end up saving Hangman Page from some beatdown, either in the lead-up to Blood'n'Guts or the actual match itself. Or hell, anytime in the next five years. They walked out on Page whilst he was being attacked with a fucking screwdriver, you don't just quickly become friends again after abandoning someone like that.

Just disband Dark Order and send Uno into a backstage role or ROH, or whatever keeps him off my TV screen. The Beaver Boys can stay though.

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Started watching some of the Autumn 2019 > Spring 2020 Daily’s Place Dynamite episodes today and there’s some bloody good stuff in there and has been fun watching it back knowing what is down the road for them all ..MJF being under Cody and then turning on him with Wardlow, to his early interactions with Jericho, brilliant. Inner Circle v The Elite. Mox v Omega. Seeing the early Orange Cassidy appearances. Brandi attempting and failing with the spooky goth act. Britt Baker playing babyface. Forgot that Jaime Hayter had some matches, even then she was a powerhouse. And Powerhouse Hobbs as one of the security scrubs. A very near bald QT Marshall. Hangman with his beer. There’s loads there. If anyone has a spare 6 hours or so I’d suggest flicking through some episodes on Fite.

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