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36 minutes ago, MungoChutney said:

45p per mile is the maximum you can be paid for mileage before HMRC want some back. That's why it hasn't increased with wages etc in recent years. 

I'm in the same boat expenses wise, I know it's money I've spent but still feels like a bonus. 

Cheers, I never knew that

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10 hours ago, BomberPat said:

I got a couple of cheques as birthday money from the in-laws this year, and while obviously very happy to get some money, the sight of a cheque did prompt a bit of an exaggerated sigh while I tried to figure out where the nearest branch of my bank was and how and when I could get there. But it turns out that, at least with HSBC, you can scan them with your mobile app to pay them in to your account. 

Our water company has sent the same cheque for £12 to my wife three times now. They keep doing it because we haven't cashed it, because their dogshit printing won't scan via any of our apps, and the nearest bank branch is 25 minutes drive away. A waste of paper and postage, and, seeing as they have our bank details because that's how we pay their bills anyway, it seems like a cheap ploy, in raising the issue but making getting hold of the funds a needless hassle.

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4 hours ago, CavemanLynn said:

Our water company has sent the same cheque for £12 to my wife three times now. They keep doing it because we haven't cashed it, because their dogshit printing won't scan via any of our apps, and the nearest bank branch is 25 minutes drive away. A waste of paper and postage, and, seeing as they have our bank details because that's how we pay their bills anyway, it seems like a cheap ploy, in raising the issue but making getting hold of the funds a needless hassle.

It's no hassle at all. Simply contact the water company saying you are refusing to accept payment by cheque since they are not legal tender. This is a position supported by the Financial Ombudsman Service and the Bank of England. Threaten escalation if the amount outstanding is not paid prompty, being sure to point out the time and expense involved in them dealing with an escalated complaint will significantly outweigh the amount involved therefore it only makes sense to settle things promptly. To be honest I don't even understand why they didn't just credit the £12 to your account in the first place, but my experience of water companies is somewhat limited these days since when I moved into my new flat the water company said the address wasn't connected to their network despite them being the only water supplier and the taps working just fine. So I simply don't have a water bill in the first place.

To save everyone hassle though, cheques really should be retired now. Back in October last year I had money deducted from my Universal Credit due to alleged earnings, asked the Department of Work and Pensions what's this been deducted for. They investigate, and tell me my previous employer had sent me a cheque for outstanding holiday pay but it hadn't been cashed. I reply saying well it hasn't been cashed because I haven't actually received a cheque, therefore you shouldn't be deducting any money from my benefits based on money I should have been paid but haven't actually received. They say I need to take it up with my previous employer. I say no, a cheque isn't a payment, especially when you haven't received the cheque. They dig their heels in, I send a right to rectification request threatening a complaint to the Information Commissioner's Office if they refuse to remove the false amount of earnings they claim I've received, they back down. Of course all of this could have been avoided if cheques were banned, and if my previous employer had even taken the time to email or text me saying to expect a cheque in the first place.

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11 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

Earlier on this evening in the little park behind our houses, I scored a fucking screamer of a volley, top bins and wheeled away like I'd just won the World Cup.

Against my 11yo child.


Genuinely nothing better sometimes than when a ball comes your way from some kids playing. Can so often end in humiliation but now and again you will control it beautifully with your first touch and then send it back with precision. 

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Maths. Just don't get it and never have, and it frustrates the life out of me. I got excellent GCSE grades but a D in Maths.

I went to college for 4 months and didn't go to University so I never addressed this. I can do all of the maths I need for my job and previous jobs (was in sales so was needed a lot) bit yeah just never got round to it.

I need a 4 (C) above to do the apprenticeship I want to do, and my organisation run a funded project where you can get a level 2 in Maths, so I've been taking lessons for the last couple of months.

Doesn't bother me that I have to retake it, like I say it's never held me back and I can do the maths I need, but it's been a huge struggle and again, I think "You're fairly intelligent you should be getting this Bacon!" 

I really struggle with contextualisation within the problems. So say a % is in cm of concrete, and then the next one is in ml of liquids I find thar really hard to grasp.

Anyway tl:dr today I finly mastered working out % when you are working out whole divided by part and expressing that as a decimal and then reverse engineering that to show my working, and it's really cheered me up.

Still a while to go until the exam but I feel more confident every lesson.

Most councils run a similar scheme (its usually called Multiply) so if you are 19+ and don't have a C/4 you can probably do similar or feel free to PM me and I can point you in the right direction depending on where you live.


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Been giving some serious thought to doing some sort of course in maths, as pretty much all my studies post-GCSE were non-science, and I feel like it would benefit me to broaden my horizons.

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16 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

Earlier on this evening in the little park behind our houses, I scored a fucking screamer of a volley, top bins and wheeled away like I'd just won the World Cup.

Against my 11yo child.


More impressive given your knees, Bacon. Well played.

I managed a game on Monday and got a hat trick and 4 assists. I was buzzing all the way home. I’ll be shit now though, I know that.

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20 minutes ago, Scratch said:

More impressive given your knees, Bacon

Honestly, we have a kickaround probably twice a week and the next day (today) walking up and down stairs is an absolute chore. Time is a cruel mistress.

I love playing football with my youngest and have more fun playing with her than I ever have playing "properly" 

I taught her how to do a half volley yesterday and when she got it, she was so pleased it was lovely.

I really miss playing properly though.

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I always think as a general rule you should never make jokes about a person's name, because they're all obvious and shit jokes they'll have heard a million times. Yet here you are still being endlessly amused by making what I suppose could be generously called jokes about your own name.

Have I been wrong all this time?

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3 hours ago, Chest Rockwell said:

I always think as a general rule you should never make jokes about a person's name, because they're all obvious and shit jokes they'll have heard a million times. Yet here you are still being endlessly amused by making what I suppose could be generously called jokes about your own name.

Have I been wrong all this time?

Bloody hell, calm down you miserable sod!


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