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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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4 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

So what happens there then, does Dynamite just air on delay? Or are the crowd just expected to sit there waiting?

Haven't seen it said specifically yet. Although I am stuck at work so haven't had a proper check. 

It shouldn't be a problem. As long as there are no weather delays. Even playoff baseball should be wrapped up in under 4 hours. 

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Bang up for tonight’s show.

Great looking lineup. After a few weeks of quietly building momentum, this feels like a tent pole episode where something big happens.

What are we saying for the main event? My heart still says a Hangman victory but my head thinks some type of shenanigans involving MJF, maybe leading to a thee-way at the pay per view? Am I showing my WWE brain worms if I imagine Hangman beating Mox, then MJF immediately cashing in and beating Hangman? If nothing else, it fits Page’s character perfectly. Imagine the heartbreak!

Obviously, the dream scenario is Hangman wins clean and The Elite return to give him congratulatory nod, but I know I’m only setting myself up for disappointment imagining something so far fetched. Would fucking rule though. Bring back The Elite already! Kenny Omega is out there with a physique like a fucking Hasbro action figure, healthier than in years, and you’re paying him not to come to work!

The women’s match should be great. At what point does Toni Storm deliver so consistently that they just announce Thunder Rosa died on the way back to her home planet? Just stop saying, “interim,” at this point. Let Thunder Rosa and Athena stiff and sandbag each other on Dark Elevation.

I hope they spend the big bucks to make Dalton Castle’s entrance as massive and ridiculous as possible. There’s something there with him, even if he’s slowed down massively between the ropes.

Is this the longest string of consecutive Pac appearances? He’s usually back in the Toon by now. I’m suspecting a title change in that Trios match for this very reason.


Edited by Supremo
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Dalton definitely has something. He's one of the few ROH guys I'd have an interest in watching.

As for the main event?

I love both guys and I feel I'll be gutted with either one losing. As will most people. Which is probably where MJF comes in..

Above all else I'd absolutely love a Hangman clean win and a chance to have a proper fucking title reign but it just doesn't feel like that's a possibility with everything else they've got going on right now. I can't help but feel we lost that before and we'll never get it back.

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They've been building to Mox/MJF since the first Dynamite post clusterfuck. I'd really quite like them to do something a little suprising but I just can't see it, everythings been played pretty safe and on course for that Mox/MJF match.  Most likely swerve I can see is MJF winning tonight and facing Mox at next PPV, which means MJF really has to steal the title from Mox. The Cinccinati of it all is a factor though - if you want a big heel MJF moment you have it in Mox's hometown - v unlikely to get cheers that way.

I dunno, would love there to be something exciting to inject some spark to the world title scene but they've stayed pretty strongstyle and stable since the bad thing happened.  I think Hangman gets fed to Mox to make this reign feel significant and not placeholdery. Then we set up the main event for the PPV that's in a month.


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In a way to be different, have MJF attempt to cash in but have the loser in the title match stop them. That’s what good guys should do right, stop bad people taking advantage of fellow good guys. Not everyone has to be a loner, say that ain’t right and cash it in like a man. MJF could do with a statement win, a 90 second match title win doesn’t make him more believable. 

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Not as excited about Jericho these days as I once was, but you can't argue against him being able to teach the new crop a thing or two, so can certainly see the value in keeping him around. Plus he clearly enjoys his freedom vs the WWE way. No doubt he'll end up back there at some point for something, even if it's a Rumble and/or HOF appearance.


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Wouldn't surprise me if Jericho would have entertained returning to WWE if Vince was still in charge and soon as HHH took over, realised the gravy train isn't there as much. Him and Vince supposedly had a very good relationship. 

Getting more behind the scenes responsibilities is a good move, he has a great head on him for wrestling and seems to want to actually help the newer group.

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Very smart decision to have Jericho contracted, he’s like the Madonna of wrestling in terms of constantly evolving and staying relatively near the top. Him doing character development for younger wrestlers will reap rewards down the line. 

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Well that was a scary end to Dynamite. AEW are saying that it was a concussion, which is obviously serious, but still amongst the best case scenarios.

Fair play to the Referee though. AEW's got a terrible history in situations like that but Turner couldn't have handled that any better. It was a fairly innocent looking bump, but he was there right away and didn't hesitate to stop the match and get the Doctor in. It was a million times better than the incidents with Hardy and Reynolds, where they were more worried about getting the spots in than the performers health. Hopefully that's how they'll do things from now on.

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Well I was expecting heartbreak but fuck me that was horrible. Complete outpouring of love for Hangman on socials from all areas of the industry and deserves every part of it. Such a freak accident with a move that happens all the time. Certainly can't use the usual AEW criticism of stupid spots or bad reactions this time. Everything was dealt with as it should've been.

Hard to talk about anything else right now but it was a really good show and worth checking out the MJF/Regal interaction specifically.

Edited by DavidB6937
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That was an absolute belter of an episode. Dalton Castle looked like a star, great trips match to start the show, very good womens title bout. Good storyline progressions in backstage segments.

That MJF/Regal face off was electric as well. The main event was great until the incident. Poor Hangman. Really hope it is nothing serious. And even then they still managed to get a PPV title match set up. That was a great show.

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Good news is that it’s “only” a concussion. From the angle he went down I thought he had done his neck. Hopefully with who he has around him he takes all the time needed to recover and not rush back as it’s still serious. It’s easy to forget the risks they take, even on the small moves that can go wrong, to entertain us sometimes. A sobering reminder 

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It was a strong show, although the ending - once it became clear it was a legitimate injury (initially I hadn't been sure) took the shine off it somewhat. 

Once again though, it shows how valuable MJF is when it comes to the quality of AEW. He took time to readjust after the Punk incident, but clearly, that's happened. Frankly, I don't give a crap about the rest of the card when Moxley/MJF is the main event - that's a match I want to see. 

That said, I'm totally conflicted on the outcome. MJF as champion seems like the right move, but at the very same time, taking the belt away from Moxley this soon seems like the wrong move. 

I absolutely love the complexities to the MJF character, and I love the fact that I'm torn about the outcome. There are a number of exciting possibilities, and heck, I wouldn't at all be against Moxley being the one to break Regal's code to retain, causing a role-reversal of sorts. I think it's clear at this point that MJF will make an absolutely incredible babyface, and it would certainly be interesting to see what a heel Moxley would look like in AEW. 

The only low point once again was the Women's World title scene. The word "interim" in itself cools a belt down, but everyone vying for that title feels ice-cold. AEW has taken some positive steps recently, and I hope the next one is to fix this mess of a division. 

I'm glad that the Acclaimed/Sterling nonsense appears to be ending quickly; with FTR and/or Swerve in their Glory awaiting them at Full Gear. While I think FTR are being underutilised, the most interesting Tag Title PPV match for me would be an Acclaimed/Swerve & Lee rematch, with the latter team leaning even further in the heel direction. 

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