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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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46 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

Whoever wins the World Title Eliminator may well signal how the main event will go. Ricky Starks does the against all odds win having to go through Dynamite-Rampage-Full Gear in the same week. Then you know MJF's walking out as a bad guy.


I don't think it's necessarily that simple - part of the beauty of the BCC is that they can very easily switch to working heel or face depending on their opponent, so someone like Starks winning the tournament could just as easily be a story to get him into a match with Mox as with MJF; in fact, a Randy Orton/Mick Foley situation where Starks shows that he has some tough guy credibility that we haven't seen yet in a bloody match with Moxley would probably do more to elevate him than a loss to MJF ever would. 

I assume MJF is winning, but there's a possibility that filming for the Von Erich movie might have him be unavailable for a while, so maybe they don't want to pull the trigger on that yet. Also, given that they keep going back to situations that question whether MJF is the real deal, whether he can handle the pressure, whether he's just playing a part, and so on, there's potentially a better story to be told in him coming up short and then doing something really awful either to win in a rematch, or just to goad Moxley into a rematch in the first place.

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1 hour ago, BomberPat said:

I don't think it's necessarily that simple - part of the beauty of the BCC is that they can very easily switch to working heel or face depending on their opponent, so someone like Starks winning the tournament could just as easily be a story to get him into a match with Mox as with MJF; in fact, a Randy Orton/Mick Foley situation where Starks shows that he has some tough guy credibility that we haven't seen yet in a bloody match with Moxley would probably do more to elevate him than a loss to MJF ever would. 

I assume MJF is winning, but there's a possibility that filming for the Von Erich movie might have him be unavailable for a while, so maybe they don't want to pull the trigger on that yet. Also, given that they keep going back to situations that question whether MJF is the real deal, whether he can handle the pressure, whether he's just playing a part, and so on, there's potentially a better story to be told in him coming up short and then doing something really awful either to win in a rematch, or just to goad Moxley into a rematch in the first place.

The von Erich movie Is why he’s been away the last few weeks, he’s not a big part so he’s likely done 

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With the crowd reactions to MJF recently, and them focusing on showing some of his anxieties and how him being a heel is a bit more of a facade, I honestly wonder if they're going to turn him face.

They clearly see something big in him, and if that's the case, then with his promo abilities and crowd responses, then building him into the next big babyface could be really interesting. We haven't seen them turn someone from heel to face and try to strap a rocket on them yet - this could be the time to do it.

If so, then something like the Firm coming down to help MJF, and him responding by fighting them off and taking a beating, costing himself the match could work. Then you spend the next six months or year building to a face MJF title win.

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MJF does feel like he is on the verge of the big face run. Problem being, there is a real lack of credible threat heels. It would involve turning several people to give him challengers. Although Danielson could just continue to play up to all his heel tendencies, stop sitting on the fence by acting like a heel in a face group and he could work as a solo against MJF. 

I feel it would be a real mistake to turn Moxley heel. Joe having recently turned could be used for a short TV run, though with his injury history I think that's as much as it could be. Penta as a newly minted heel could work down the line when given some credibility first.

Really though, off the top of my head I'm struggling to think of who MJF as a face could oppose right away that wouldn't end up cooling him off massively. Not a reason not to do it if they really want to go down that route though, as if AEW are going to get hot again it's going to be on the back of a new, really hot babyface. The possibilities for those don't grow on trees so maybe now is the time. 

Edited by WeeAl
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10 hours ago, Nick James said:

One for the 'Jesus Fucking Christ' thread? 



Anyone else hear the completely mental takes from Alvarez and Meltzer about this stuff on last week's show? They thought it was great. Alvarez especially, while Meltzer was a tad more measured. They're both completely off their rocker though as this stuff is some of the worst nonsense going. 

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Making MJF a face is a risk, his act is fucking perfect. His cheating works due to his size, and he’s had no emotional arc to then not shit on all the audiences that he clearly enjoys as a character. Just don’t act too hard in ignoring the cheers and keep him in with strong baby faces who have their own support from audiences, shades of grey doesn’t need to have a strong heel/face dynamic.
Turn him and he’s facing Lance Archer and Ethan page until mid January and will be as warm as a greggs sausage roll for the PPV 

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They've also got Kenny Omega coming back, who could easily fit as a heel opponent for MJF. Maybe Luchasaurus and Christian to somehow get a MJF/Jungle Boy feud going further down the line with Pillar v Pillar. And the first Dynamite after Full Gear is in Chicago so just get a heel CM Punk back for a couple of weeks.

He doesn't need to be face for that long either but the current reactions he's getting are making it impossible for them to keep him playing the heel right now. 

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12 minutes ago, JimmyAnderson said:

They've also got Kenny Omega coming back, who could easily fit as a heel opponent for MJF. Maybe Luchasaurus and Christian to somehow get a MJF/Jungle Boy feud going further down the line with Pillar v Pillar. And the first Dynamite after Full Gear is in Chicago so just get a heel CM Punk back for a couple of weeks.

He doesn't need to be face for that long either but the current reactions he's getting are making it impossible for them to keep him playing the heel right now. 

Punks out for 8 months , so at least 5 months left which no one expects him to return from 

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