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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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14 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

Thrown together in that they weren't a regular tag team. Can't remember what was up with Fenix but he was out and Death Triangle was a thing but PAC was probably back in the UK for a spell.

Aye was just a joke about how hard Eddie tried to make it a thing 

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If those are the segments Saraya is bringing to AEW then the sooner she self-sabotages this run the better. Awful, awful TV. One of the worst segments of the year. Cringe worthy insults, shitty insider comments, awkward, stilted delivery, everyone looking like a dickhead, with the whole company looking stupid for not focussing on the one girl people are actually chanting for in Jamie Hayter. “I will bring change to this division.” You sure will, Saraya! You set it back years!

Other than that pile of shit, it was a mostly average utility show, featuring weird WWE vibes, too many video packages, but with a great main event. Tremendous showing from Bandido. I can’t imagine they’ll let him leave the arena tonight without signing him to a contract and throwing up the, “Is All Elite!” graphic. Fair play to Jericho, too. He’s really stepped up and became one of the best things in the company. I look forward to him having the John Cena workrate run, wrestling all these super talents and taking bumps you’d never imagine him doing. I spent the entirety of this match expecting him to slip out or reverse most of Bandido’s spots but he took them all!

Bad news though. I was absolutely crushed to check Wikipedia and discover Paul London has never been ROH World Champion. This would’ve been the perfect way to bring him in for some shots! Love that guy! Shame.

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3 hours ago, Supremo said:

Awful, awful TV. One of the worst segments of the year.

I’d go as far as to say it was the worst segment ever to appear on Dynamite. I’m struggling to think of anything worse; taking into account the how much it dragged, as well as how bad it was. ‘Your name rhymes with shit!’ is a line that will go down in infamy.

On another note, I think this is worth mentioning - MJF returns in a red hot angle at the end of a PPV. They had to recalibrate due to CM Punk’s suspension and injury, which is fair enough…but they recalibrate into a feud with Wheeler Yuta??? That’s surely booking malpractice? They have a red hot character who is - as he says - a generational star, returning after an extended absence, and this is what they do with him??

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49 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

On another note, I think this is worth mentioning - MJF returns in a red hot angle at the end of a PPV. They had to recalibrate due to CM Punk’s suspension and injury, which is fair enough…but they recalibrate into a feud with Wheeler Yuta??? That’s surely booking malpractice? They have a red hot character who is - as he says - a generational star, returning after an extended absence, and this is what they do with him??

It’s not even MJF being cooled down or lowered to Yuta’s level that’s struck me the most about this feud. It’s what an absolute slaughter of Yuta it’s been. He’s looked a fucking chump every time he’s been tasked with cutting a promo alongside MJF. If you didn’t know better you’d think he was being humiliated on purpose.

However, that being said, I did love the beatdown angle in the sky box. That’s something I haven’t thought about in a while. One of the best things about the Covid era was how it forced them to get creative with the buildings they were in and find new, interesting settings for spots and angles. That’s stopped since all restrictions were lifted and everything mostly takes place in the same corridor or stairwell, now. They should go back to shooting stuff in cool, unusual places!

But yeah, the lasting bad taste of this show is the Saraya thing. It’s all anyone will likely remember or talk about. A colossal train wreck.

It should be made illegal for any pro wrestler to base a character or cut a promo around the idea that they were under appreciated or not used to their full potential previously. Just fuck off. Who could possibly think this is entertaining or interesting?! If you were that under-utilised, and you have so much untapped potential, then prove it by - you know - actually doing stuff of some worth.

Sami Zayn has proven himself to be massively under-utilised this year but he did it by being fucking brilliant, an absolute hoot in everything he’s done, not by having a public cry and throwing out shit insider comments to pop idiots on Twitter.

”So nice to have a boss that listens to me!”

For you maybe, Saraya. For me, I’m thinking Vince and Hunter might have been right to pay you to sit at home and piss about on Twitch.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, this was my first time seeing Juice Robinson in years. Switching his character and look from fun, fiery, flamboyant babyface to boring, generic heel is certainly a choice. And to think this presumable audition came on the same show as Bandido! Sad.

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I’ll watch the full show later but that Saraya promo was the fucking pits.

“When they say ‘we’re going to make a change’, I promise you we’re going to make a change”- literally nothing to say so just say everything twice, say everything twice.

Toni Storm - “she is the best champion AEW has ever seen”
“Boooo!”, so that’s her thrown under the bus. Absolutely no reaction to the the match being announced for the belt either.

Britt starting off with the “well, we’ll, well” - having Joel Gertner come out would’ve been better. His schtick is outdated as hell but at least the women could’ve got their heat by smacking a chauvinist.

“It’s nice to have a boss that listens to me!”- why would they when the best you’ve got is ”Your name rhymes with shit”, fuck off you useless bint

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Also, on Saraya, I don’t think there’s anyone on this planet less suited to saying they were under used.

They continued to try and find an on-screen role for her after her in ring career ended when I’m not sure anyone wanted or needed it. They continued to refer to her with terms like ‘legend’ or ‘pioneer’ when I’m not sure they’re warranted.

If anything, her biggest issue was they seemed to give her a pedestal that she was never deserving of or able to live up to.

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It was a week for poor promos. Jericho ending the show saying his home country of Toronto is up there with the best fuck ups. Obviously it's not a country or his home as he's from Winnipeg. As good as some say he's been in AEW, especially this year, that wasn't his finest moment.

But can we just focus on how fucking comical William Regal was, yet again, on commentary?

Taz getting the giggles at the line of "that was a mouthful Excalibur...as the actress said to the bishop" was great. And him calling Excalibur a "rice krispie" who can "snap crackle and pop him any time". 

I don't know if it'd work with him as a full-time commentator because it may become overkill with snippets like these but as a guest commentator for ten minutes each week, he fucking has me in stitches.

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