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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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Jericho showing once again how over the hill he is and Moxley proving his haters right about being an awful wrestler.

Just kidding obvs. That main event was great (other than Sammy blowing the baseball bat spot). Great showing by both and Lionheart Jericho was fun.

The opener was the best Coffin match they have done. The ending was very well done. Rest of the show was decent at pushing stories along, Wardlow, FTR and Starks all looking like stars, Miro with a good promo, Danhausen corpsing Billy Ass, Adam Page setting out his Cowboy Shit credentials to the Bucks. This was a good Dynamite. 

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2 hours ago, Matthew said:

Yeah but Tony Khan is a shit booker still, right?

Jesus, man. Give it a rest. You utterly dismiss all nuanced critiques of AEW (and specifically Tony Khan), presumably because you don't like reading them. It's great that you like the show - and I genuinely mean that - but don't be so salty about other people not always feeling the same way you do. 

Anyway, I thought this was a good show, and it even made me want to watch Rampage, which I don't do much at all these days.

I really hope that Moxley and Punk get to go face-to-face on the mic, and that they don't actively keep them apart between now and the PPV (as happened in the Hangman/Punk feud). I don't think it would be hard to argue that Jon Moxley is the most important wrestler in AEW. He's the absolute soul of that company...that said, I'm edging towards thinking a Punk victory is the most interesting outcome from a storyline perspective. If and when MJF returns, Punk as champion is a more interesting option. If he doesn't, Punk turning heel and feuding with the likes of Moxley, Danielson, Miro, Hangman and Omega is pretty darn exciting. Heck, a heel Punk vs a babyface MJF is a very intriguing possibility. 

I really enjoy Erik Redbeard's AEW appearances, but I'm a little sad to see "Beardhausen". I feel like Danhausen is cheating on Hook. 

I'm looking forward to the Christian/Jungle Boy match, but I can't help but think Luchasaurus is going to betray Jungle Boy, leading to the outcome of that match. I really enjoyed heel Luchasaurus, but I'm not sure I want to see another turn, at this stage. 

After Miro, Darby and Sting (I assume) finally team up to face House of Black, I hope Miro is given a high profile singles feud. He's consistently brilliant. On the opposite end of the brilliance scale, I can't decide if they're not doing right by Thunder Rosa, or if she's simply a bad choice to have as Champion. Jade Cargill is the stand-out star in that division, and while I'm being a bit of a broken record by saying this again and again, the best thing they can do for the Women's World Title is to put it on her. If Tony Khan hasn't offered her a lucrative long-term contract, he's insane - Cargill will surely be a top target for WWE, if and when she becomes available. I could absolutely see her headlining a Wrestlemania. 

Danielson/Garcia next week should be good, but I'm a little disappointed that Garcia isn't (presumably) getting the chance to wrestle Danielson on PPV. He's continually proving his value, and I wouldn't be against him taking the TNT title from Wardlow in the future. 

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Anyone else having trouble with FITE on PS4?

Videos not loading for me and this weeks episode isn't even loading on my phone. 


Never mind videos now working, looks like there was a problem with the live stream at the start of the show.

Edited by The King Of Swing
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Who the fuck are the Trustbusters? AEW roster is already stacked to the point of near collapse and they've added some random scrub team to TV out of nowhere? I am very confused.

Other than that, cracking show mostly. AEW are renegotiating their TV contract this Autumn so fully expect them to pull out all the big guns for the rest of the year and looks like everything is aligning perfectly with all the top stars coming back, fingers crossed they throw Samoa Joe and MJF back in the mix too.

Edited by LaGoosh
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Looking back on the brackets for the tournament, it seems weird to me that Omega and Ospreay are going to meet in a trios context, but I also can't see them losing their first rounds (unless the story is that the bucks can't find a partner and so lose to Idolo/Rush/Lee 3v2). So I guess it's plausible that Kenny returns but is then taken out by Aussie Open, at which point Hanger comes in as a sub (as DO will be out at that point) and it's HoB vs Hung Bucks in the finals?

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I was tempted to bang a proper loving defence of Jericho into the Piss Jericho thread but there's no need when he comes along and pulls out something like that. The guy's in his fifties. He's a complete idiot but he's brilliant at being a pro wrestler. Sebastian Bach who thinks he's Gene Simmons lunatic. 

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1 hour ago, LaGoosh said:

Who the fuck are the Trustbusters? AEW roster is already stacked to the point of near collapse and they've added some random scrub team to TV out of nowhere? I am very confused.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I was similarly confused. I knew about Daivari because of the vignette that appeared a few weeks ago on (I think) Rampage, but I’ve no idea what the other guys have to do with him, or, in the case of ‘Slim J’, who he even is. 

9 minutes ago, Gay as FOOK said:

I was tempted to bang a proper loving defence of Jericho into the Piss Jericho thread but there's no need when he comes along and pulls out something like that. The guy's in his fifties. He's a complete idiot but he's brilliant at being a pro wrestler. Sebastian Bach who thinks he's Gene Simmons lunatic. 

He’s almost certainly a Trump voter and conspiracy theorist, he comes across terribly on his podcast and he definitely believes his own hype…but in the case if that last point, perhaps he should. He’s almost always involved in storylines that are among the best on Dynamite, and he’s still capable of having fantastic matches. The bouts with Eddie Kingston and Moxley are among my favourite matches of 2022. For all his faults, he’s consistently entertaining, and I don’t want him to leave AEW any time soon.

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