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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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On 3/10/2022 at 6:51 PM, WyattSheepMask said:

It appears that Regal went long with his promo and has issued an apology 

While I’m sure there would be very few who would hold it against him, that’s a classy thing to do on his part. 
Personally I’m looking forward to the upcoming podcasts that he’s likely to appear 

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50 minutes ago, Pinc said:

Its funny how Moxley and Danielson are pushed as a pair of legit hard cases in AEW like its the most natural thing in the world. While WWE had them as a vegan geek and an all round madlad who gunges people etc.

To be fair, no one was taking Moxley seriously as a hard nut while he was desperately clinging onto that shit fringe. 

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Scorpio Sky. On paper he has everything you could ask for in a wrestler. But whatever that "It Factor" or "Special Sauce" is that a wrestler has that gets them over and makes them a star not only does Scorpio Sky not have any of it whatsoever, he actively drains it from anyone he comes in contact with. The man just seems to have been born with negative charisma. 

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5 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Scorpio Sky. On paper he has everything you could ask for in a wrestler. But whatever that "It Factor" or "Special Sauce" is that a wrestler has that gets them over and makes them a star not only does Scorpio Sky not have any of it whatsoever, he actively drains it from anyone he comes in contact with. The man just seems to have been born with negative charisma. 

I really like Men of The Year, and I was all for seeing them lift the tag titles. I'd go as far as to say they're my favourite heel tag team in AEW. But I'm not convinced by Scorpio Sky as a singles star, at least, not yet. Part of the problem is that his ascent to TNT Champion was so sudden. There was no real story behind it, and as a result, no real singles momentum for his character. Yes, he was unbeaten for a year, but if you were only watching Dynamite and Rampage, would you even be aware of that? I wasn't. 

That said, I'm also unconvinced by Wardlow. Once the MJF feud is over, I'm not sure he has staying power. He looks impressive, he's solid enough in ring, but for me, he's missing something. I think we have another Brian Cage on our hands. 

While I'm moaning about AEW acts who do nothing for me, I think I dislike 2.0 more than any other wrestling act in recent history. Give me Happy Corbin over these clowns any day. Every time the former Matt Lee opens his mouth, I want to fast-forward. It's the same shouty promo every time, and there's absolutely no substance to it. The other guy is slightly better, but, y'know, guilty by association. 

I do think Jericho missed a trick by ditching Judas. He was booed in the end, but that song is only ever going to get him a positive reaction. In one sense, it makes sense given that Jericho wants to be appreciated. Why would he want the crowd to boo him? But this angle would have been better if he had been, from the moment his entrance kicked in. 

I liked the main event, but the ending felt a little sudden. It's also a shame that their feud never really reached the heights that it could have. I hope Thunder Rosa does better things with the Women's title than Baker did. It's criminal that we're this far into the company's history, and we're yet to see a wrestler have a truly memorable Women's title reign. That said, Jade Cargill is doing an excellent job as TBS Champion, and in my opinion is their most effective female title holder to date. 


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Think the TNT champions have had more memorable reigns than the mens world champion as well. More of them I picture their iconic aew look with their belt than I do the world champs. 

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It feels like AEW is sometimes a little too reliant on their audience having watched Dark & Elevation as well as Dynamite & Rampage, which isn't a good thing to present on Network TV. "You don't understand why this guy is talking about a year long unbeaten run because you haven't seen him on TV for a year? It's your own fault for not watching the 3+ extra hours of wrestling we put out on YouTube every week." 

Sometimes it feels a lot like they don't know what to do with somebody after their big angle pays off. The problem with Wardlow is similar to that of Luchasaurus in that he looks impressive when he's around smaller guys who can bump around like a maniac for him, but once they start running out of smaller guys and he gets moved onto the Keith Lees and Lance Archers of the world he's not going to stand out as much and it's going to potentially harm him. 

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20 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

It feels like AEW is sometimes a little too reliant on their audience having watched Dark & Elevation as well as Dynamite & Rampage, which isn't a good thing to present on Network TV. "You don't understand why this guy is talking about a year long unbeaten run because you haven't seen him on TV for a year? It's your own fault for not watching the 3+ extra hours of wrestling we put out on YouTube every week." 

I don't watch Dark, and have never got that impression at all. When the commentators tell me that someone's on a winning streak, and that's evidenced by the win/loss record displayed during their entrance, I figure "huh, guess they are". Angles and matches from Dark and Elevation rarely, if ever, seem to be actually referenced on TV, so I've never felt like they're relying on people watching it at all. 

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They do have the results ticker, but I wonder whether it's be worth them having a few minutes each week to show highlights from Dark/Elevation to try and get more eyes on it and raise awareness of some of their up and coming talent. Heck do it as a picture in picture for one of the ad breaks instead of Sammy and his cue cards. 

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30 minutes ago, Louch said:

Think the TNT champions have had more memorable reigns than the mens world champion as well. More of them I picture their iconic aew look with their belt than I do the world champs. 

I can't say I agree with that. Jericho and Moxley had very memorable title reigns, that felt like they built up to an obvious conclusion. Same goes for Omega's reign. He wasn't quite as strong a champion as his predecessors, but the match quality was fantastic, and the storyline with Page was just superb. 

Miro's title reign felt like it could be something quite special, but it ended quite abruptly. Outside of that, Darby and Sammy's reigns weren't anything special and Cody's open challenge brought us Eddie Kingston and Ricky Starks, but ultimately felt like an attempt to replicate something John Cena did better. 

Outside of Cody/Brodie, I don't think there's been a particularly memorable feud based around the TNT title. 

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6 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

They do have the results ticker, but I wonder whether it's be worth them having a few minutes each week to show highlights from Dark/Elevation to try and get more eyes on it and raise awareness of some of their up and coming talent. Heck do it as a picture in picture for one of the ad breaks instead of Sammy and his cue cards. 

Something I was saying recently is that they never really dwell on anything enough. They don't need to go to the WWE extreme of showing a replay for something that happened two minutes earlier, or the WCW route of commentators talking about the upcoming main event during every midcard match, but they could do a lot better than they have been doing to let stories and moments breathe, and to remind you of what else happened either on Dark/Elevation, or even earlier on the show you're watching. It feels like a lot of the time an angle takes place, and then you're straight on to the next thing, then the next, with no one ever stopping to say, "remember this, that happened earlier?". 

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32 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

I don't watch Dark, and have never got that impression at all. When the commentators tell me that someone's on a winning streak, and that's evidenced by the win/loss record displayed during their entrance, I figure "huh, guess they are". Angles and matches from Dark and Elevation rarely, if ever, seem to be actually referenced on TV, so I've never felt like they're relying on people watching it at all. 

I think that's a problem, though. If someone is on a year-long winning streak, as Scorpio Sky apparently is, we should be acutely aware of it. The first time it becomes apparent shouldn't be when he goes after the TNT title (and I don't think you're suggesting it should be) - that should be the culmination of it all. 

I wish they'd just ditch the rankings system to be honest, it's a bit crap. Wins and losses can still matter without using a flawed system like this. 

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