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Straight line mission across Wales is back


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He finally did it*



*If we ignore the two days in a hotel, after they got lost and then went miles off course to a local town. Admitting him and his brother turn the GPS tracker off at night so they can roam about and can get firewood and go for a piss. Kipping in his girlfriends car when they felt like it etc...etc....  

Edited by Cousin Jim Bob
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Why did Ben piss himself?

The show was great fun to watch and I’m not bothered how pure the result is to be honest. Good for them to do as well as they did

As @neil said before, the “How not to travel Europe” is the best thing he’s done by far so I’m going to give that a rewatch now

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Haha that really ended on kind of a dud. Ending where he did while I guess technically "the ocean" but it definitely doesn't feel like it. But really this whole series has highlighted that the definition of all this is highly questionable.

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It feels like he starts off each straight line mission with an ardent regard for upholding the rules and boundaries of the trip, but when he cogs on that he's probably majorly fucked up somewhere that's when he gets slapdash with his approach. He used to be quite militant on doing it all in one run, but he changes his mind after large set-backs in order to carry on and not let the trips go to waste. Definitely agree that this attempt has raised a few questions but I'll just ignore them in the same way that I ignore a magician sticking a card up his sleeve during his patter.

Edited by Accident Prone
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For anyone who thought walking across Wales was too exciting.

It's actually decent, and he seems a nice lad. His intro "I don't get much exercise, am allergic to a lot of things outdoors and suffer from social anxiety" WHAT CAN GO WRONG? Obviously not as well edited as Geowizard, but at least hes being 'line pure'

I actually didn't notice until today but there are a LOT of copycat attempts, mostly across Liechtenstein, so if anyone comes across a decent one, let us all know!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Watching some of his travelling Europe videos and he’s just a massive bellend in them. Throwing something at a Marmot, being a twat to people who stop to help him and just generally not respecting the land or the people on it. He definitely needs Welsh Greg to balance him out.

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The one where he attempts to live off the land for a day in I think Switzerland and the one with Welsh Greg where they’re trying to travel across Switzerland for free. He’s a funny one as 90% of the time he’s a fairly likeable geek going on adventure walks and every now and then he just mocks some innocent bystander out of nowhere. It’s hard to tell if he’s just trying to be a funny ‘tuber or if he’s just a bit of a twat. I suspect it’s the former as Welsh Greg and Verity surely wouldn’t put up with him if he was an actual tool.

I did enjoy him running from the enraged farmer though in his last straight line vid like an absolute heel. Evoked some great childhood memories of running from farmers and their mythical rice pellets.


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Someone I know actually attempted something similar in BOTW - linking the first episode here but it solidifes and starts to be interesting from episode 8 so if you're actually interested I'd skip to that.

The gimmick is that Breath of the Wild Hero's Path mode tracks your path, so they have to beat the game without ever crossing or repeating their own path. I found myself getting really invested in the attempts after a while, especially being there for the heartbreak during livestreams etc.

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In September, me and my oldest partner in adventure Welsh Greg will be embarking on our grandest adventure to date. Boston to Miami, by any means possible (aka "How not to travel America"). To take this trip to the next level, I'm calling upon the willing and able east coasters  among you to help us out with a few things (details below)

This ain't gonna go well for ol' Geowizard and Greg I suspect.

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This new adventure series has some potential. I agree that those small parcels of weirdly fenced off land are interesting in terms of totally forgotten about landscape


Everytime I see him climbing a security fence I always think he's going to end up going "Verity, I've pierced my foot on a spike"

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