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Mox out indefinitely for rehab


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Sucks that he has to deal with this, but good for him for doing so. Now I am wondering how much of the crazy, pissed off, chair throwing, barrier kicking stuff on the show was an act and kind of feel bad about being so into it.

As far as booking scenarios, I think Mox can come back whenever he is ready as a heel challenger for Page. I imagine he'd get a huge pop on return, though, so they'd have to be careful with how they booked that.

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5 minutes ago, Loki said:

I guess all that anger and emotion we've been seeing out of him recently wasn't acting.  When he kicked that railing into the fan... twice on tv last week, I did think "that's taking the heel turn a bit too far!"

It does make me wonder exactly what backstage AEW is like.  WWE nowadays has all sorts of drug tests, doctors, systems in place to look after its talent and by all accounts is a very sober place compared with yesteryear.  I wouldn't be surprised if AEW is more like the Wild West.  It's great that he's decided to go to rehab, but perhaps they should knock the jokey references to Page's drink problem for a bit, if they haven't done already.


I doubt that the AEW locker-room is much different from the WWE one. GCW on the other hand, where Mox is the current Champion, I imagine is a wretched hive of scum & villainy 

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9 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

I doubt that the AEW locker-room is much different from the WWE one. 

Yeah, this is my thinking. Alcoholism can also be seriously insidious to try and police, especially if your on screen character is still knocking it out of the park in segments every other week. 

He's been one of the coolest motherfuckers walking the planet for years now, and if he comes back from this a more intense Ambrose then it's hard to see beyond putting the belt on him for eight months to a year as a monster heel tweener, fucking people up and not giving a shit. 

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I've no idea what the AEW locker room is like so not going to try and defend or condemn them. But I was going top make the point SheepMask made, Mox, and others, are working all sorts of shows in all sorts of environments. Most of them are not going to be as controlled as the WWE environment or even whatever the AEW one looks like. He's also out there killing himself on some of these shows. I don't think there's any need to do that but that's up to him, he seems to love it.

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From what we see in the many vlogs the aew locker room is people spending the day throwing water bottles in bins, playing video games or visiting toy/clothes shops. It doesn’t seem like it’s anything wild.

You don’t need to be in a group situation to have a problem with drinking. The last year had been way too easy to sit and have a few drinks each night. I now haven’t had a drink in 65 days after realising my relationship with drink is bad for me. I wasn’t drinking every day, but when I was drinking, especially when at my most anxious, it made me someone I really don’t like. It took a really stinking hangover after being blackout drunk by 1130 and losing 4 hours at football that I knew I needed to change things. I’m 38 and waking up full of fear and anxiety over what I might have done and can’t remember isn’t healthy. Whatever his situation is, it was lovely to see the support from his boss and colleagues to his news. He’s doing the right thing for himself, his wife and his family. I’m sure when times right he will be back. If that’s months or years, if that’s best for him so be it. 

Edited by Louch
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As someone who has never had alcohol due to my dad's drinking issues, it's always a tough thing to read about. But as people have said, it all hits in different ways and in different scenarios. He'd work late, have drinks with his business partner etc. Everything family wise was fine. It just got to the point where it was becoming far too regular.

We've all had a lot going on this past year or two - at least! Could be any number of things for Mox. The pressures of work. The pain of being a wrestler. The lifestyle of being a wrestler. The change in family circumstances. All of the above or none of the above. I wouldn't be surprised to see him talk about it one day because he seems like he would, but yeah you just can't figure that shit out from the outside.

As with any type of addiction or mental health issue, it's not always easy to approach from a logical perspective.

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easy to forget that Moxley lost a close friend in Brodie Lee less than a year ago, and Danny Havoc not long before that. I don't want to speculate any more than that, but working constantly and being on the road, with after-parties, airport and hotel bars, and all the rest of it, while trying to work through that kind of grief isn't easy.

Enormous respect for him taking this decision when in the middle of a big run, and right before he's expected to wrestle Bryan Danielson, who he called the greatest of all time. That he's gone public with it, despite being a famously private person, also speaks volumes to his honesty, and to that I'm sure he wants it to be recognised that there's no stigma in seeking help.

If AEW's legacy is in how they deal with this, how well they've dealt with losing Brodie, and giving Hangman Page time off for paternity leave without it affecting his "spot", then they've already far surpassed most promotions in history.

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I've been on the fence for about 2 months now with regards to getting help and being honest with my girlfriend about my substance misuse and this has inspired me to just go for it. 

Hopefully the treatment he gets works for him and he comes back on top form. No idea how you'd bring him back as a heel though. No one is going to boo the guy fresh out of rehab.

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27 minutes ago, rollthedice said:

No idea how you'd bring him back as a heel though. No one is going to boo the guy fresh out of rehab.

Bring him back as a face but go the route that WWE seemed to be going with Eddie Guerrero in his final months, slapping his new buddy on the back while looking for the weak spot to stick the knife.

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2 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

GCW on the other hand, where Mox is the current Champion, I imagine is a wretched hive of scum & villainy 

Mox Eisley?


The thing that strikes me as being particularly notable about this news is that, whilst sad and concerning, it doesn't seem as bad as it might have done in previous eras. A big part of that isn't just that Khan has offered support and understanding, but also that this seems very much in keeping with an overall pattern we've seen over the past few years, suggesting that there's now a cultural shift taking place that will benefit the industry at large, hopefully permanently.

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Nothing but massive, massive respect to Mox for seeing he has an issue and doing something about it at the first instance

As a fan I’m naturally gutted we won’t be getting Mox v OC tonight but I’m glad that it might not lead to a situation that destroyed so many guys like Scott Hall, Jake Roberts and the like and he’ll come out of it stronger and healthier for not only himself but most importantly for Renee and their daughter

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