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Best spot ever.


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At the complete opposite end of the spectrum, as a work rate pervert I loved Marufuji reversing the Briscoes attempted springboard Doomsday Device into Shiranui Kai on Mark for the pin in Briscoes vs Marufuji/Sugiura (iirc) for the GHC tag belts in 2008. A spot so good that ROH amended it for the finish to Briscoes vs Black/Jacobs for their tag belts a couple of weeks later.

Further back, Red/AJ assisted rana into the Styles Clash against said same Briscoes the first time I saw it blew my mind. Back when stuff like that still looked relatively believable before descending into Ospreay vs Ricochet levels of total bollocks.

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6 hours ago, IronSheik said:

The Bret Hart, Lex Luger finale to the '94 Royal Rumble draw was an awesome spot executed to perfection from the wrestlers and production standpoint. As a young mark I was convinced it real god damn it. 

I was gonna post that but on a similar note I always liked the end of the 95 Rumble, Shawn played it really well dangling off the ropes with only one foot touching, eventually being able to force his exhausted body back on the apron. It was a great dramatic moment but yeah the 94 finale was the best for me too.

In terms of a specific move, I liked it when Daniel Bryan beat Triple H with his running knee, it was executed and sold to perfection, came across as an explosive and devastating finish.

Edited by LEGIT
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3 hours ago, LEGIT said:

I was gonna post that but on a similar note I always liked the end of the 95 Rumble, Shawn played it really well dangling off the ropes with only one foot touching, eventually being able to force his exhausted body back on the apron. It was a great dramatic moment

Yeah it's up there too. I always wondered whether they intended him to have one foot on the ground or whether they just ran with it off the cuff?

As a kid I was distraught Davey Boy never won that.

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7 minutes ago, air_raid said:

Am I right in thinking Rey only ever did it in this match? The tope con Hilo into a rana on the floor was breathtaking too.

Him and Eddie tried it again a few times but never could quite pull it off. 

Rey did it again against Ricochet in a match for, of all places, WCPW/Defiant a few years back. 

I think I remember Amazing Red doing one once, too, possibly against one of the Briscoe brothers. 

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