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The Official UKFF RAW thread (part 2)...

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But I'm getting ahead of myself. Jey Uso. What a journey. On the surface, a cracking moment and one well deserved. The guy has worked damn hard since he moved to Raw where moves like that have rarely worked in someone's favour. Instead of sinking he remained massively over and I can't argue against him being a capable IC champ.


Two main obvious questions coming out of it..

1. Did Bron need such a short reign? Feels like he got short changed a little in this scenario.

2. Where does this leave us with Survivor Series? If they did the usual then Jey would be against LA Knight and that doesn't seem necessary when you've got Bloodline and War Games right there.

So do we assume the Bloodline will cost Jey the title at some point to put things in motion? Will be an interesting time leading up to Survivor Series for sure.

But for now we get wholesome emotional shit to enjoy.

And bonus Rhea because why not.

I haven't watched the rest of the show yet because it's still a bazillion hours long.




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1 hour ago, DavidB6937 said:

So do we assume the Bloodline will cost Jey the title at some point to put things in motion? Will be an interesting time leading up to Survivor Series for sure.

I can’t say I expected this result, but perhaps it gives Roman an opportunity to congratulate Jey during a PPV, rather than a jealous Solo an opportunity to cost him the title. I’d rather the original Bloodline reform through built bridges instead of a shared need for revenge. 

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They've definitely stumbled onto something fantastic with Braun Strowman and Bronson Reed and feeding into that with the excellent Kaiju video is tremendous. Just two big lads smashing the shit out of each other in a series of escalating monster brawls. Marvellous. 

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3 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:


2. Where does this leave us with Survivor Series? If they did the usual then Jey would be against LA Knight and that doesn't seem necessary when you've got Bloodline and War Games right there.

To be fair that hasn't been the usual for a few years now, the last time they did champions vs champions at Survivor Series was 2021.

If they are going down the OG Bloodline vs Solo's Wolfpac at SS then I could see maybe a Uso/Breaker rematch at Crown Jewell, where earlier in the night Jey bumps into Solo and co, a bit of jealousy ensues that Jey has a singles title while Solo doesn't, and they cost him in his match.

Also expecting Cody/Roman 3 at Crown Jewell after they defeat Solo and Fatu at Bad Blood, and the Bloodline interfere in that too so there is no winner.

Edited by The King of Old School
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That video package for Reed vs. Strowman  is incredible. This is quietly turning into feud of the year. Pitch perfect. Peak WWE.

At the risk of turning this into a tribal WWE vs. AEW thing (I watch and enjoy both, so let’s all keep our heads on), but between Roman and Cody’s thing on Smackdown and now Bronson and Braun literally smashing up a city, I do think there’s something here which AEW could learn from. Everything in WWE just feels fucking massive. Literally and figuratively.

The stars are SUPERSTARS. Everything feels enormous. Every show feels like the end of the Universe. You can’t move for, “Big Time” acts. And that’s just not the case in AEW. Even their Champions or major angles don’t feel as big or as hot. Since everything is, “cinema,” nowadays, it’s like WWE is the huge Summer Blockbuster, whereas AEW is the clever independent film your mate recommends.

Both have their own merits, but then simultaneously they generate very different box office. Which doesn’t matter with films so much, but in a live setting, where the fans themselves are oftentimes integral to the product, it’s vital. Frankly, I’m sick of three thousand people sitting in the dark every Wednesday Night, all shot in 2D, and not making much noise. Tony Khan needs to perhaps take inspiration here and do more to make his wrestlers box office. Get people back in the buildings to see the larger than life circus freak show.

It was nice when fans came back and everything could be shot in the arena again, with promos in front of the live crowds, but maybe we’re seeing the opposite reaction after a few years of twenty million hours of TV a week. It’s gotten old and tired. Those writing AEW need to look back at the creativity the Pandemic Era generated and see if there’s anything they can still utilise today. I mean, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that my two favourite acts in AEW right now are MxM and The Outrunners, who almost exclusively exist in vignettes.

Less fists. Less flips. More skits.

But yeah. Reed vs. Strawman, Last Monster Standing, is now my most anticipated match of the year. How much is the Netflix contract worth? Reckon they could spare a few million to build an entire film set for them to smash to pieces?

Edited by Supremo
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They should get Bronson and Braun to do the fight from the end of Blazing Saddles. Its a shame Dom Deluise is dead because Braun punching him in the stomach while shouting PISS ON YOU I WORK FOR PAUL LEVESQUE and then pushing him into a fountain would be actual cinema. 

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That video is delightful. I've always had a fondness for feuds that are just big men knocking seven bells out. Last time I saw and enjoyed Strowman he was doing that run with Roman where he'd tip over vehicles and what have you, just to beat him up. He never needs to be anything beyond that.

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19 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

Dirty Dom helpfully knocking the one item off that merch table that didn't get ruined by Strowman and Reed was splendid.

Between that bit and Gunther’s hilarious trolling of Sami Zayn, comedy-that’s-actually-funny is yet another mountain WWE have managed to climb. There were loads of genuine laughs to be had on this show.

I know it’s not for everyone, and there are people who just can’t jive with WWE’s production, but honestly, if you have ever been pre-disposed to enjoy WWE’s product then I can’t recommend their current run enough.

It’s fucking September. Traditionally the coldest period of WWE’s year. And they’re absolutely on fire, their TV shows are a joy to watch and they’re heading into the best-looking B Show in years.

It’s mad. Dom in the Shark Cage. Damien finally getting his hands on Finn. Roman and Cody doing the MegaPowers. Drew and Punk in the Cell. What is going on?! They must have something truly special for Survivor Series to so confidently run with all this for Bad Blood.

They’re actually going to do it, aren’t they? Bloodline OGs. Roman acknowledging The Intercontinental Champion for everything he’s become. Giving Sami a shirt. Silly handshake with Jimmy. We are so back.

Edited by Supremo
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