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The Official UKFF RAW thread (part 2)...

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You have to wonder sometimes what the audience wants that go to a Raw taping. Is it to watch wrestling, watch storylines, or listen to wrestlers entrance music, as that gets the biggest reactions.

I was shocked at how Punk was bombing in that segment but I think The Gaffer made some valid points. And that’s the make up of the main audiences for WWE and AEW. And because it skews younger it’s likely that Punk isn’t so known with the younger audience and so doesn’t always gets the reaction you’d expect. And frankly so far they haven’t seen anything to get the to get behind. Hopefully this changes after Summerslam and he gets some momentum.

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4 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

I was shocked at how Punk was bombing in that segment but I think The Gaffer made some valid points. And that’s the make up of the main audiences for WWE and AEW. And because it skews younger it’s likely that Punk isn’t so known with the younger audience and so doesn’t always gets the reaction you’d expect. And frankly so far they haven’t seen anything to get the to get behind. Hopefully this changes after Summerslam and he gets some momentum.

This is his big issue in WWE. A LOT of the audience just doesn't really know him. He wasn't in the company for 12 years, and then showed up in AEW, which a lot of WWE audiences don't watch or only have some tangential knowledge of. Therefore just doing what he did 12 years ago isn't really going over as people either don't know, don't care or don't give a shit.

In AEW, the audience was 'his' people really. It was people who followed his ROH times etc, and backed him as the 'anti WWE' guy. His best feuds in that company played on those tropes somewhat (MJF/Kingston) and were great. This feud is essentially doing a similar thing, but Punk just seems flat as hell. Why wouldn't people be cheering for Drew in this whole thing? He's entertaining as hell whilst the other guy is waffling on.

He needs to do something different. I always think heel Punk is the best version, and maybe the reaction with Drew might push that a bit, but honestly he just looks 'meh'.

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I didn't think Punk bombed in that segment at all, the crowd were shit all night. It just wasn't the right spot to follow in to Summerslam with - after months of McIntyre and Punk screwing each other over and taking the piss out of each other and battering one another, let's stand in the ring and have a chat? WWE got their timing wrong and nobody came off well, and I don't think it was these guys' fault.

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I don't know about the wider audience, but I'm definitely struggling to get invested in Punk because as good as the build is, I just don't believe he's not going to fall apart when it comes time for him to have a match. Given his physical issues, this feud with Drew just feels particularly mismatched. 

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Be absolutely incredible if Punk knows his body is done and he gets absolutely destroyed by Drew. Imagine the thinnest skinned wrestler of all time admitting to himself that he can’t hack it anymore so has agreed to this massive build just to be murdered to put Drew even more over. 

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This is the first Raw I've watched in ages. Not boycotting or anything, just haven't had time to watch a three hour show, but the baby got up early so I tried.

I made it through an hour before tapoing out.

This, I'm sure, is because all I've seen since Mania is posts here and raw reports, so I'm not engaged and not following along, so a lot of it meant less to me, but it just felt pretty bad. 

The opening segment was fine, but only because of Drew. Rollins terrible fake gimmick stands out against two guys who seem real. I've seen people say "oh Shawn Michaels dressed like a dick as a referee" and well, yes, but he was HBK. I know HBK, and you, Seth,are no HBK.  You're a 13 year olds understanding of charisma. You're the wrestling equivalent of a wacky tie and rainbow suspenders in an accountancy firm. So contrived and fake. You should be feuding with Roderick Strong over the ROH title. Not the old ROH title, the current one.

Punk was...ok I guess. Still feels a bit like he's trying not to upset anyone, but i dont think the spark is quite there. I did enjoy him repeatedly calling the crowd to chant his name and them just not. That's the problem with being the voice of the voiceless Phil, they can't cheer for you.

Drew has just kept being amazing in everything I've seen him do and and should be the champion. Imagine finally facing down your internet bully, and they look like him? Desperate for him to doom Punk's womb. 

I still don't get the judgment day. Rhea's awesome, but that's it. Liv Morgan going all Robin Daggers is weird, but I have some intrigue for the match. 

The following is a legitimate question about the sequence of events. 

1) Chad Gable gets a band of misfits together, consisting of the ultimate Vince McMahon comedy faction. A fat guy, a hot girl, and an Asian. 

2) Gable turns heel and bullies them until they leave him

3) Gable is assassinated. 

4) Gable apologises to his oddities, but they don't take him back. 

5) Gable and the Creeds beat up Bo 

6) the Creeds take on Gables old group, and get smacked around, including by Tozawa of all people, before Gable sneaks.rhem a win with a terrible double team finisher. 

7) The Wyatt Fivs attack.

Is that right? I ask because it would've made more sense for.the Creeds to beat up Otis and Tozawa for.their first appearance, and I appreciate that may have happened and I missed it, but either way they came off terribly in this match, and then again afterwards after they were bodied, literally, by the Wyatts. A nice touch doing Brays cross body thing but....erm...maybe get someone else to do it.


This is all of Raw I remember before I turned it off, and I had the stark reminder that WWEs presentation and style just isn't for me.

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18 minutes ago, Factotum said:

An excuse if he hasn't been sleepwalking throughout his appearances

He’s involved in one of the hottest feuds in wrestling, and a hot secondary feud with Seth Rollins. You might not like what he’s doing - and that’s fair enough - but I don’t think saying he’s ‘sleepwalking’ through his appearances stands true.

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In most appearances I've seen he's had a seperated-from-the-group-on-school-tour giddiness about him. 

He's also technically been on the shelf virtually the entire calendar year. 

He's doing alright. 

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1 hour ago, Factotum said:

An excuse if he hasn't been sleepwalking throughout his appearances

What a weird observation. Like him or not, you couldn't possibly accuse him of being unmotivated or flat. In fact, I'm not sure you could ever accuse him of that, he always puts a shift in whether he's invested in what he's doing or not.

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1 hour ago, Devon Malcolm said:

What a weird observation. Like him or not, you couldn't possibly accuse him of being unmotivated or flat. In fact, I'm not sure you could ever accuse him of that, he always puts a shift in whether he's invested in what he's doing or not.

Literally the only thing I could say he failed with during this run was any of his little digs at AEW which never got a reaction. Otherwise I think considering he’s been on the shelf, he’s done alright.

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26 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

Literally the only thing I could say he failed with during this run was any of his little digs at AEW which never got a reaction.

I'm not a fan of those either, but I'm enjoying this run because of his enthusiasm and the fact that he just seems to be enjoying himself again. 

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5 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

What a weird observation. Like him or not, you couldn't possibly accuse him of being unmotivated or flat. In fact, I'm not sure you could ever accuse him of that, he always puts a shift in whether he's invested in what he's doing or not.

Don't know what you're watching but props to you if you like it. All things for everyone. Hasn't connected with me at all. Infact I don't think he's had a single good promo since coming back.

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22 hours ago, Duke said:

The following is a legitimate question about the sequence of events. 

1) Chad Gable gets a band of misfits together, consisting of the ultimate Vince McMahon comedy faction. A fat guy, a hot girl, and an Asian. 

2) Gable turns heel and bullies them until they leave him

3) Gable is assassinated. 

Everything after this point was doomed, wasn't it? There was an obvious payoff to the angle with Otis eventually standing up to Gable and that leading to a match.

Then the Wyatt Sicks had to interact with somebody on the active roster and the dynamic in the group hasn't made a lick of sense since that moment. Instead we've ended up with the usual problem of how anything with the name "Wyatt" attached to it culminates in a satisfying way within the confines of a wrestling ring, which for my money hasn't happened since the original Family beat The Shield in a 6-man tag over a decade ago. 

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That was actually a really decent episode of Raw. 

They set up quite a few new people, Odyssey Jones finally debuted 2 years after being drafted, Bronson Reed finally looks quite threatening and the fancy matching outfits of American Made.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say I actually really like the Wyatt Sicks. I could take or leave their flickering lights and dry ice, but if you just take that as their entrance and pageantry, their match was good. It's the best I've seen Lumis since his NXT days. Rowan looked good so I'm pleased for him, I think I'll forever be rooting for that bloke.

Damien Priest have really clicked since winning the title, he's definitely at that level and is getting the reactions to go with it. Rhea looked genuinely furious and had the aggression to go with it. Good stuff.

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