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The Official UKFF RAW thread (part 2)...

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2 hours ago, Callum1993 said:

They need to turn her heel like they did last time around. She’s far too unlikeable to be a face. 


Letting people just speak with bullet points would help too she's a terrible actress, cant believe they've wasted so much of Brock's run on Heyman saying the same shite every time compared to when you let him loose. He was busting out great promos in the UFC and the Heyman shtick was good for a while but it's been what? 10 years or something if not more of the same shit

Get that smelly cunt peddled 

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6 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

More likely they’re scared that Ronda will be exposed as an absolute idiot on social media during the build, which she is.

Becky annihilated her in that field last time round, and she’d absolutely do it again 

That and I wouldn't put it past Rousey to juat suddenly decide to start shooting on Becky especially if in the run up Becky works her on twitter and the lunatic is unable to differentiate between wrestlers building a buzz around their Wrestlemania match and genuine aggro.

At least with an extra set of hands in there it's a little more protection as the reality is if Rousey decides just to snap Becky's arm in half then fuck off she will do.

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5 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:


I know it’s a common occurrence now days but even the crowd weren’t in the least bit interested in her there. I think her time has been and gone.

With the delivery and blatant canned crowd sound I thought I was watching a N64 No Mercy cut scene.

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6 hours ago, andrew "the ref" coyne said:

With the delivery and blatant canned crowd sound I thought I was watching a N64 No Mercy cut scene.

Makes sense, the sound effect from that chop from McIntyre was pasted directly from Raw on the SNES.

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16 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

I know it’s a common occurrence now days but even the crowd weren’t in the least bit interested in her there. I think her time has been and gone.

So much of the Rumble was just a succession of people feeling less important than they did a year or two ago. Edge mucking about in a comedy tag, trying to call back to Drew McIntyre eliminating Brock Lesnar when we'd just seen him dicking about with Madcap Moss, and most of all, Ronda Rousey just feeling not even one iota of the star she came across as in her first couple of matches. 

Compared to the buzz around her debut, there's nothing in the way of mainstream coverage of this. I'm not one to get bogged down in ratings talk or whether someone "moves the needle" or any of that, but the point of Ronda Rousey is surely to bring either credibility or mainstream media attention to the product, and at the moment I'm not convinced she provides either.

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16 hours ago, andrew "the ref" coyne said:

With the delivery and blatant canned crowd sound I thought I was watching a N64 No Mercy cut scene.

“They weren’t botched moves, the reversal system was broken”

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Having watched a few segments and highlights of two matches from YouTube, I heard the one that isn’t Graves (McAfee?) use “thinking” regarding a finish in two out of two e.g “thinking KOD/Styles Clash…” Does that happen every match? I imagine it grates if I’ve picked up on it watching just two clips.

Apropos of nothing….

Remember how Cesaro was booked in a high profile match at Mania last year, and how they made such a big deal about this being a big opportunity for him and he’d never had a singles match at WrestleMania? They made a lot of noise about the calibre of Seth as his opponent and what an accomplishment it was for Cesaro beat him, for which he earned a title shot. It speaks volumes of their inability to make things mean anything long term and preoccupation with “moments” instead of creating new stars, that less than a year later there isn’t room for Cesaro in a fucking Royal Rumble, compared to Boogs or Moss, whoever the hell they are.

Hmmm…. maybe I’ve started too big.

Remember Cesaro?

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Cesaro’s utter shite though. Always has been. His ill-fitting suit, comedy signature move and twat siren music should have been sent back to the bingo hall and seaside pier circuit years ago.

Sometimes, the reason WWE don’t do anything with you is because you’re the shit one. 

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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52 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

Cesaro’s utter shite though. Always has been. His ill-fitting suit, comedy signature move and twat siren music should have been sent back to the bingo hall and seaside pier circuit years ago.

Sometimes, the reason WWE don’t do anything with you is because you’re the shit one. 

Doesn't matter when the crowd were over for him multiple times and ready for more. 

If you don't have creative for a guy who has sections of the crowd naming themselves after, your booking is the problem. 

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1 hour ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

Cesaro’s utter shite though.

He's not though is he?

I think it's fair to say there's a middle ground where he exists between 'utter shite' and 'omg I cant believe he hasn't been world champion!!'. He's a capable wrestler with some great strength and some stuff that is over with crowds. Certainly not to the point where he needs to be pushed to the moon or anything but he's a solid enough hand to have around.

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Yeah, Cesaros not shit and never has been. I’ve seen him have blinders and pop crowds huge, both on TV and in person. People have loved or been ready to love him for ages off his ability alone, and if the company perceive there’s a lack of “connection with the audience” then that’s on them, not him. If they were capable of conquering intangibles with a guy who cut promos as bad as Benoit, there should be no issue getting Cesaro to top of the midcard and knocking on the door consistently, but with suits, twat sirens, stop start booking and generally fucking up, they seem like they can’t be bothered.

Case in point ; right when he split from Swagger & Zeb, he looked brilliant dumping Big Show to win the battle royal at Mania 30 and got a huge pop for doing so, from a crowd telling them “We love this guy and he should be a star.” So their obvious reaction was to underscore that he’s still a heel, lump him with Heyman and start him feuding with RVD. Like “We gave you Daniel Bryan on top, be grateful, fuck Cesaro and fuck you all too.”

To be fair, look how long they persisted with Roman as the hero, I’m not sure I should expect better.


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