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Frankie Crisp

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19 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

The only thing that’s put me off I Saw The TV Glow is it stars Justice Smith who is usually the worst part of any film he’s in that I’ve watched. 

Which is fair and true but this was far and away the best performance I've seen from him.

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4 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

I Saw the TV Glow (cinema)

I feel like a lot of people will not watch this when they hear that it's a thinly veiled allegory for being trans but I think most of us will recognise ourselves in some of the broader themes here. I thought it was beautifully made and atmospheric, unusual and unafraid of being different. Well worth the wait.

So glad you liked it! It's really stuck with me since I saw it, and as you say I think there's more to connect to on it than just a straight trans allegory (though that aspect is very central and I found it powerful even without strong gender feelings)

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A Self-Induced Hallucination is a pretty interesting watch from Jane, too. It's genuinely "just" a collection of YouTube videos on Slender Man edited together to form a narrative. Thought lost for a while after the original was taken down by Vimeo but a couple of versions have popped up since with Jane re-uploading one herself.

It helps show that she's a new generation of director that's a product of modern internet subcultures, if World's Fair didn't already..

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7 minutes ago, Dr. Alan Grant said:

Now I finally get to watch Night Of The Living Dead, which I’ve inexplicably never seen.

It's public domain, you can watch it anywhere.

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Saw this in the cinema while I was back home. Serviceable summer blockbuster fare that I haven't thought about once since but very much enjoyed while I was in the theatre. It did need that big kiss at the end, mind. 

Anyone But You

The Wife ™️chose this, presumably because she now fancies Glen Powell after seeing Twisters in the cinema (I don't blame her). It wasn't very good, but had a couple of funny moments. 


A made-for-television film from the late 1960s starring Burt Reynolds and Barbara Loden. Big bad Burt is a local cowboy hired to work on a film production in a small town. Barbara Loden is the film's editor and, obviously, cannot resist his charms. It was quite alright, though it didn't have much of a plot or a point to it. 

Over The Top

Jesus Christ, that kid is annoying, isn't he? Sly Stallone has to not only win his dickhead son's affections, but also the arm wrestling world championship in Las Vegas! It's a very silly movie and the music is a big distraction, but I like Stallone and it had some good trucking scenes in it so it held my attention well enough. 

The Iron Claw

This was a bit of a disappointment for me, to be honest. It was still good and I enjoyed watching it, but felt like it should have been a lot better. Fair play to Zac Efron for getting on the gas and looking the part, but there was something about the whole thing that just didn't click. Some quality performances and I love the 80s Texas milieu, but this was very much a 3/5 film that I was expecting to be 5/5. 


Haven't watched this in an age. It's still terrible and I still sort of love it. You have to respect the fact a big-budget film like this even managed to get made at all and it has well and truly earned its cult status. I don't agree with people who have tried to reclaim it by saying 'No, it's actually, genuinely good!', but it is a guilty pleasure (guilty mainly because of all the shots of tits and arses and fannies and that). 

LaRoy, Texas

I actually enjoyed this under-the-radar indie neo-noir a lot more than I thought I would after @Devon Malcolm tried to temper my expectations. It is obviously indebted to the Coens, but it doesn't try to outright copy their style or tone and there are some very funny bits in it. Hell of a soundtrack, too. 

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Posted (edited)

Just came out if the Lunchtime showing of Alien Romulus and I really enjoyed it. The aesthetic captured the look of the original beautifully.

It ostensibly plays out like a direct sequel to the original. It acknowledges Prometheus, but it's just a couple of throwaway lines of dialogue so if you've not seen it you won't miss anything. It feels like this is happening while Ripley is floating back to Earth in her escape pod some time between Alien and Aliens. 

It's does feel a bit like how The Force Awakens was to A New Hope, if you'll pardon the analogy, but it hits the right beats and gets the feel of an Alien movie down. Nice slow burn until it all kicks off, then everything picks right up. Worth a look if you enjoy your Alien franchise. 


The one thing I did have a little problem with was how Autistic coded Andy felt, but that may just be from how I used to refer to myself as a robot because of my experiences, although it was all explained and added a layer of intrigue when he got his update. 

I loved that Ian Holm turned up as Rook, too. Albeit as a puppet/CG thing. It was a really good callback. I was expecting Lance Henriksen, but Ian Holm made much more sense. 


Edited by Jazzy G
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Posted (edited)

A Night at The Roxbury

I've never seen it before but my expectations were low and it met those low expectations. It's dumb but it knows it's dumb and the jokes land better because of it. If you want to watch a Will Ferrell film where he's an idiot and his parents hate his guts though then watch Step Brothers because it's loads better. I've had What Is Love stuck in my head for days.

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

It's just a perfect film in my opinion. Great dynamic between Martin and Candy, big laughs and big emotions. I saw a clip of Steve Martin the other day doing an interview about his scripts he keeps and he's going through the pages of this and starts talking about John Candy but he starts crying and has to put the script back. This very well could be both stars' best film.

Guardians of The Galaxy 3

I've been putting this one off because of all the animal abuse and having now watched it, I was right to. It's two and a half hours long which is too long for most films, never mind superhero fluff. The entire film is just a huge downer with a downer story, barely any retribution and a downer ending. It suffers even moreso from now being fully implemented into the MCU so halfway into the film it has to stop to explain why Gamora doesn't know anyone anymore.
There are some ok bits but the series is diminishing returns. The Christmas special was better than this.

Our dog lucked out though because we were both so miserable about watching CGI animals getting tortured and killed we let him sleep on our bed for the night and gave him a big breakfast in the morning.

Edited by FLips
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Dune Part 2: An issue I have with sci-fi is that it leaves me feeling cold a lot of the time. This is one of them times. It’s still an excellent faithful adaptation but by design the characters aren’t particularly easy to take to. Austin Butler carries his ascension on with a nice turn as a horrible little bastard.

I Saw The TV Glow: There’s an audience of Buffy nerds and kids on the periphery going through some stuff that will absolutely love this and it talks right to them. A white meat baby face like me who can’t be arsed with symbolism the older I get probably isn’t the target audience. I can see why it’s gotten its rave reviews as much as I can see why people have panned it. Justice Smith is astonishingly decent in this. Never been as down on him as some but I didn’t know he could do some proper acting. 

Confess, Fletch. Look I have a lot of time on my hands, a dodgy stick and I get most of my film recommendations from this thread. Anyway, finally, a vehicle for Jon Hamm! He’s bloody great. I can’t believe it took them this long to find him a role worthy of his Mad Men talents. I bet we’ll never see another one.

Keeping Up With The Joneses: I put this on to have a shit comedy to fall a sleep to and it did the job. I didn’t expect to put it back on and finish it the next night. Better than I was expecting. Not a strong recommendation but Zach Galifinakos plays it pretty straight and Isla Fisher always fits well in these shit comedies. Jon Hamm and Gal Gadot are a fit couple. Strangely enough it’s the same director as  Confess, Fletch which I watched the night before.

Prince Of Darkness: I’ve never seen this and have always assumed it was a vampire film for some reason. I would have absolutely loved this when I was a kid, a proper classic example of a great 80’s horror. I assume this is considered a classic.

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5 minutes ago, Mr_Danger said:

Confess, Fletch. Look I have a lot of time on my hands, a dodgy stick and I get most of my film recommendations from this thread. Anyway, finally, a vehicle for Jon Hamm! He’s bloody great. I can’t believe it took them this long to find him a role worthy of his Mad Men talents. I bet we’ll never see another one.

The writer of this came out recently to complain that he had a sequel, and Jon Hamm was excited, but it went nowhere because the first one "didn't make money" (after being shoved on streaming almost immediately). Shame, because there's as much mileage in Jon Hamm doing goofy crime-solving as there is Daniel Craig as Benoit Blanc. Would happily take another one of these dropped on Netflix or Disney+ every couple of years.

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2 hours ago, Mr_Danger said:

Prince Of Darkness: I’ve never seen this and have always assumed it was a vampire film for some reason. I would have absolutely loved this when I was a kid, a proper classic example of a great 80’s horror. I assume this is considered a classic.

It is now but people only realised it is so recently. I think it's John Carpenter's best.

2 hours ago, Jesse said:

The writer of this came out recently to complain that he had a sequel, and Jon Hamm was excited, but it went nowhere because the first one "didn't make money" (after being shoved on streaming almost immediately). Shame, because there's as much mileage in Jon Hamm doing goofy crime-solving as there is Daniel Craig as Benoit Blanc. Would happily take another one of these dropped on Netflix or Disney+ every couple of years.

Agreed, it was released with absolutely no fanfare at all and deserved more than it got. Really good and funny detective film. It probably wouldn't have been a big box office hit but it deserved SOME promotion.

Anyway, some stuff I've seen.

Alien: Romulus (cinema)

I wasn't planning on seeing this but I had nothing better to do - and to my complete surprise it was superb. The bits of fan service are really shit but it plays some of the best hits and has some great sequences of its own. It's definitely Cailee Spaeny's year. Biggest surprise of 2024 so far.

Didi (cinema)

Might be of interest to @SuperBacon as I know you love a coming-of-age film but I didn't care for it. I've seen this sort of thing so many times and aside from being set in and around an Asian family, this had nothing new.

The Instigators

This sort of buddy crime comedy thing is normally a slam-dunk with me and while I quite liked it I didn't enjoy it as much as I expected. The story is a real mess but it picks up when Hong Chau joins the chase. Great cast, though.

Black Tuesday (1954) (YouTube)

Excellent prison escape noir with Edward G. Robinson's most psychotic performance. Loved this, just my sort of thing, with some really good support performances.

Murder by Numbers 

Barbet Schroeder knew how to make a trashy thriller. Actually not as trashy as he usually made but a good laugh anyway with Sandra Bullock sexually harassing Ben Chaplin and being hit on by high schooler Ryan Gosling.

Kiss of Death (1995)

Another Schroeder thriller. Features the best use of Michael Rapaport to date, David Caruso showing why he's one of the worst actors of all time, and Stanley Tucci with some hair. A really good time.

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Confess, Fletch

Showed up on our Netflix front page and I'd hear good things on here. It didn't click for us and we turned it off maybe less than an hour in. Jon Hamm was fine in the lead but I couldn't shake the Don Drapers off him, the laughs were few and far between and the plot lost us straight away. Great to see Kyle Maclachlan show up but this was no Knives Out. Jon Hamm isn't a big enough presence to carry a supporting cast this weak (outside of Maclachlan).

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Jackpot: John Cena is the kind hearted simpleton bodyguard to Awkwafina when she accidentally enters a lottery where the winner has to survive the day in a Purge like scenario where all the other lotto entrants have to hunt her down and kill her to claim the winnings. Awkwafina is at her Awkwafkna best and handles the physical side of the comedy really well I thought and John Cena is just great at being the gentle giant with a heart of gold in these comedies. I’d rate it maybe just above Vacation Friends for quality of comedy and the laughs drop off in the second half but the action is pretty decent and if you’re in to the leads you’ll get on fine with it.

Remember when we all thought The Rock was hilarious and then a few years later we thought Cena was an unfunny nerd. It’s funny how Cena has by far the better comedic chops of the two. 

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