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56 minutes ago, Onyx2 said:

That Street Fighter 6 logo is ghastly.


It's got a very e-sports/Crypto vibe to it.

I pre-ordered that Go Straight book about beat em ups somebody mentioned the other day. There's a nifty feature where I got to pay in 3 installments, but it should still ship and send me an email with the PDF version on Friday. I can't wait to see it.

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It was probably the most underwhelming thing about the whole tease. I just hope it's coming to XBox Series X as I'm more likely to end up owning one of those than I am a PS5 in the future. Then I'll have to hope my fightstick works with it, or pick up a fightpad for it because using the XBox pad for fighting games is dreadful.

I'm definitely going to get that Fighters collection on my PS4 in June. Cyberbots looks like a lot of fun, as does Redearth, and I know the Darkstalkers games and Pocket Fighter are good, plus using my Super Turbo Balrog online in a different environment would be interesting in the incredibly unbalanced mess that is Hyper Street Fighter 2. If that's a direct port of the arcade version the single player stuff pits you against opponents randomly selected from the previous edtions of SFII.

I know you can get Cyberbots as part of Capcom Arcade Stadium, but it'd serve me better as part of a collection with plenty other fighting games than it would on there, plus there's online. Best look up how to unlock the Akuma robot...


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My hope is that they actually commit to releasing a full game with a full complement of game modes this time. When you've got games like Dragon Ball FighterZ, The Mortal Kombat games and Injustice releasing absolutely loaded with worthwhile content on release, before you get to the meaty DLC offerings, it makes the prospect of another release like SF5 or Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite feel like waiting for a slap in the face. Jesus, even the last Power Rangers game was more worthwhile and that was a budget release!

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Yoshinori Ono is gone from Capcom now, and I think the people in charge of Street Fighter 6 are the ones who were responsible for the last few seasons of SF5 content which turned people around on the game. I don't think it's going to be the same kind of mess Street Fighter 5 was at launch. 

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It wouldn't surprise me if they redesigned the logo based on the reception it got. I guess we'll find out more in summer. 

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I know very little about the franchise but it's even more perplexing when you consider how badass the classic logo and its variants are. It reeks of boardroom decision making. If you're a Street Fighter, Halo, Final Fantasy etc then move on to the next item on the agenda. Your logo doesn't need changing. 

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On 2/21/2022 at 4:12 PM, Ironic Indie Lad said:

Did anyone play any Forbidden West?

I installed it on Friday and have had a couple of quick sessions since then. I keep falling asleep which is either a big criticism of the games story and characters OR I am absolutely fucked. 

Yeah I’m on it. I’d class the first game as one of the best games I’ve ever played. 

This is all a bit odd it’s a lot all at once, I’m finding the new skill trees hard to understand and a lot and I mean a lot of cut scene text. 

It also expects you to know slot from the first game in regards to game play. 

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it sounds daft to get hung up on the logo, but to me it really sets alarm bells ringing. I'm not the biggest Street Fighter fan, but I picked up the last game when it was free on PS+ and was amazed how riddled with microtransactions, menus, submenus, and other extraneous bullshit rather than just doing what the series does well. Changing the logo to something that looks like it belongs on knock-off MMA gear doesn't fill me with a confidence that they have a renewed vision of what the series is meant to be.


Meanwhile, I finished Beneath A Steel Sky and started on Beyond A Steel Sky. In the tradition of the first game, I got stuck for ages almost immediately because I had missed a small object you're supposed to interact with. Nothing like playing a game for over an hour and then seeing the opening credits to make you feel bloody useless at the whole enterprise. Enjoying it all the same, though, I like that it's not just a lazy retread, and some thought has gone into how the world has changed over the years, while still feeling like it does take place in the same world as the original. It looks bloody lovely, too.

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